Critical Analysis of Twilight Club
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added by LeggoMyGreggo
I like this guy. His reviews of the Twilight 영화 are nice and balanced, and honest without being scathing. Enjoy!
뉴 문
critical analysis
에드워드 컬렌
벨라 스완
added by nuxi
Source: Reasoning With 뱀파이어 Tumblr
OK, I know 당신 guys are thinking: "What?! How dare you! Bella and Edward's 사랑 is the best and most romantic 사랑 of all times!111Elevntyone!!!1" And then, you're going to say I'm just some guy who hasn't read the books. I'm not. I'm a teenage girl, and I have read all the books. Even Bree Tanner and that bit of Midnight Sun on Meyer's website.

I'll just discuss the reasons why it's not true love.

Physical Attraction
...And 더 많이 of it.
Picture this. Our great female lead is in an average high-school cafetaria, surrounded 의해 average, high school kids. It's noisy and loud, and she wishes she was...
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As someone who liked 뱀파이어 before the fad started I'm one of the many people who dislikes the Twilight vampires. And thinks they should be reclassified as pixies. 또는 that at least Zombie Bram Stoker should go have a serious talk with Stephenie Meyer about vampires... What do 당신 mean Bram Stoker hasn't risen as a zombie in protest to the Twilight vampires? Why don't 당신 go prove it? I'll wait...


...They didn't come back, so I'm assuming Zombie Bram ate their brains. We'll have to carry on without them. Anyway, I must admit Meyerpires are an interpretation of the vampire myth I just don't...
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added by rachaelwsz
added by rachaelwsz
Source: Lelia @ Deviantart
added by tellymaster
Source: 구글
posted by Aquilia
O Tempora o Mores
Oh the times, oh the customs

This 기사 is an appeal to all Twilight 팬 out there, I invite 당신 all to think over your good and bad actions here on 팬팝 and contemplate them.

I have seen and compared examples of the appearances of the fandoms Harry Potter and respectively Twilight when criticism appear in each other’s sites on 팬팝 and I am astounded 의해 the comparatively aggressive tone the Twilight 팬 carried when they respond to the said criticism.

Compare the responses of: link

And: link ;

Notes are to be made that both internet addresses were found 의해 searching...
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For people who were expecting this 기사 to be earlier, really sorry about that! But I've been getting ready for school(WAH!), get the point.
So, this article(as 당신 can obviously see from the title) is about Stephanie Meyer. Oh yes, I'm pretty sure you've heard of her. The author of the Twilight Saga and the Host, she's pretty much one of the most 인기 writers at this point. Why?
I really don't know.
The list of reasons

1)Her writing
Okay, even back when I was a mega 팬 of twilight(bows head in shame), I never liked the writing. Its just..not good. Hard to explain really. Now reading...
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After 읽기 the post "Bella as a heroine should be illegal" 의해 bendaimmortal, it got me thinking. Obviously, no-one would consider Bella 백조 a heroine. If 당신 do, 당신 have got a really great deal of imagination, 또는 a warped sense of the world. Because, and I'm sure most Twilight 팬 would agree, the girl didn't do anything at all. Save being overly dramatic and being the damsel in distress.

What about the Cullens then? What about Carlisle, Alice, Esme, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett? What about He-Who-Sparkles-In-Broad-Daylight? Would they be considered heroes/heroines?


I say that the Cullens...
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I saw a review of the new Twilight movie, and in a generally negative review one thing said in defence of the movie was that Bella doesn't dress like a skank (paraphrased) and she just looks like a normal girl, which was called a good message as they felt it's healthier for girls to see Bella/Kristin Stewart on screen than someone like Angelina Jolie. That on 상단, 맨 위로 of the fact that I keep hearing people say in defence of Twilight 'well at least it sends tweens a good message concerning not having sex too soon' since Edward refuses for a long time, and pretty much all they seem to do is touch...
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I have read all 책 and seen the movies.
Most importantly, the fact that it’s 판타지 doesn’t excuse the themes and messages in the book. Fiction is merely a vehicle humans developed to communicate important lessons, values and philosophies. I am not claiming any of the implications I discuss were intentional on SMeyer’s part. Whether 또는 not the author 또는 readers are aware of it, though, the Twilight series communicates dangerous messages about what is acceptable 또는 admirable 또는 desirable.
Also, I highly recommend link. It’s long, but fascinating and deeper than the 책 themselves....
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I’ve read many lists pointing out Twilight “Plot Holes”, but 더 많이 often than not, the lists aren’t very valid at all. Half of them are usually just complaints, pointing out something they don’t like about Twilight (Example:” Why would 뱀파이어 go to high school?”, 또는 “Why does Bella have so many friends?”). The rest are just factually incorrect, 또는 can be logically theorized. These are usually followed 의해 “Stephenie Meyer obviously ditched history class”, 또는 “Hasn’t Stephenie ever heard of logic?”, 또는 my personal favorite, “I would know, I had a lesson about it...
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The Harry Potter vs Twilight war is a huge phenomenon in the literary world. We have 기사 floating around in the Internet (even in CAT) where both camps vehemently defend their fandoms. I am a huge Harry Potter fan, but today, I am not going to take sides. How it started, and how it evolved in a full-scale clash between 팬 of both series is something I would cover in this article.

It started off with a few websites claiming Twilight is the new Harry Potter. Harry Potter fans, of course, would not take it sitting down, and they wrote 기사 with reasons why Harry Potter is better than...
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posted by Saritaswims
Well i read twilight saga and i got confused I was thinking of either smashing my head with the book 또는 the 벽 i mean come on who the f*** makes 뱀파이어 sparkle! i mean unless 당신 want to give the image that there gay but there daring the oppisite sex.

Moving on anyway i have to compare Harry Potter Series vs. Twilight Saga Harry potter wins major. becuase twilight is just SO predictiable i mean common harry potter makes 당신 want to stay at the end of your chair becuase its awesome

any way twilight is an OK book and the twilight movie i have to say it suks. the 책 are alright im just hoping that MIdnight sun is a million times better and also i know your gonna ask what team are 당신 on im just gonna say I really dont care its not real so why even bother but if i was a Twihard i would choose Team Buffy becuase i want those cullens except ALICE<CARSILE<AND ESME to be killed for good i mean where ta hell id buffy when 당신 nees her

i hope 당신 see my point PEACE
Some of these are intended to be jokey, some are intended to be serious, none are intended to offend :)

1. It helps focus 'recreational hate' into one convenient area. What I consider to be recreational hate is hate that has no real purpose, like an annoying unintentional hobby. Like it's useful hate to hate injustice 또는 animal cruelty, it's recreational hate to hate Paris Hilton 또는 the fact that Sienna Miller is considered a style 아이콘 despite the fact that I've never seen her in an outfit that didn't look like she was talked into wearing it 의해 a stylist who secretly hates her guts. Thing...
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Credit to _lina_ and cinders, because they did it first. 더 많이 credit to link because that's where this is from. _lina_ used the same one.


Number 1: Someone tells 당신 또는 he admits that he has hit women in the past. He has talked about his killing sprees, he has killed another woman (Yes, she is a vampire. Who cares?) in front of her. Check!

Number 2: He refers to all women he has dated in the past with derogatory terms. He may also refer to his mother using such terms as well. Not sure about checking this one 또는 not. He says she is the first one he dated, but then he talks of Tanya,...
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I don't like Twilight. I find the characters shallow; the plot boring and cliche; and the hidden messages frightening. But in the hands of another author - someone who wouldn't let their religious upbringing, their misogynistic views, and their twisted romantic ideals colour the story - it could have been really fantastic.

First off, the grammar would have to be fixed. The purple prose minimised and the 사무용 겉옷, 전반적인 글쓰기 polished up.

Next the characters would have to be made realistic, their actions have an effect on the plot, and their history an effect on them.

Take Rosalie, for example. If Rosalie's...
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added by EllentheStrange