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added by Ieva0311
데미 로바토
added by Ieva0311
added by Gretulee
posted by nevenkastar
날짜 of Birth
10 March 1992, Los Angeles, California, USA

Birth Name
Emily Jordan Osment

5' 2½" (1.59 m)

Mini Biography
Emily Jordan Osment was born in Los Angeles on March 10th, 1992. She is the younger sister of The Sixth Sense star, Haley Joel Osment, who is considered to be one of the greatest child actors ever. Her father is also an actor of some renown. Following in their footsteps, Emily started her 연기 career performing in several commercials, including a radio spot with Dick 봉고차, 반 Dyke, before making her film debut in "The Secret Life of Girls." The same 년 she landed a role...
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added by Ieva0311
added by rusher29
added by nevenkastar
added by nevenkastar
added by nevenkastar
added by rusher29
added by rusher29
added by rusher29
added by rusher29
added by rusher29
added by rusher29
added by Ieva0311