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added by shahrnaz
Jason: Yeah man, this is where Connect 3... connected!

Caitlyn: Her mom is a great person. What's your mom like?
Barron: Uhh, she's like a mom.

Mitchie: [in canoe] I don't think we're doing this right.
Shane: What, 당신 don't like going in circles?

Shane: I learned my lesson! I showered in cold water! I looked at a tree! It’s been three hours, I need hair product.

Brown: I hate when I have to be uncool.

Jason: Guess who?
Shane: You're in the room, I can see you.
Jason: I can see 당신 too man!

Mitchie: Um... You're dreaming. You're a rock princess.

Shane: Than my usual stupid cookie cutter pop 별, 스타 stuff? Sorry to disappoint.

Shane: Hey, being a jerk is part of the rock 별, 스타 image.

Jason: Oh and can 당신 make me a bird house?
added by Annaoth
Source: http://www.starpulse.com/Movies/Camp_Rock/Pictures/
added by harshitagupta
added by KayleighK1
added by KayleighK1
Source: KayleighK1
added by kellyclarkson12
added by nick_jonaslover
added by kellyclarkson12
added by rossas
Source: 캠프 락
added by liridonarama96
added by orppersephone
added by kellyclarkson12
added by ForeverEternity
added by kellyclarkson12
added by addie119avatar
Source: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://lh3.google.com/_ZmYDDcY6gGU/SBkMvqWMI-I/AAAAAAAAApA/7I
added by lostingreys
Source: Tiger Beat
added by Annaoth
Source: http://www.starpulse.com/Movies/Camp_Rock/Pictures/
added by LucyNarnia101
added by popalj