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posted by HAWK2567
I got to have a
Shoulder to rest
My head when
I am tired
I got to grieve
The loss of my sister
That past away
I got to say thanks
To my 프렌즈 for
Supporting me all through the years
I got to cry some times alone
I got to understand
That haven waits for us
And that there is a
Place for us in heaven
I got to help those in need now
They helped me before
I got to understand that God
Will answer my prayers
When I pray to him
I got to have some sunshine
Warming my skin
I like to feel the heat on my skin
It is summer anyway
We had
So many days
With out the sun
That rain
On and off
It was horrible
Because the sky was
Always grey
I didn't go out
During the rainy days
I decided to catch up
With my sleep
Because I was
Very tired
And I woke up
Every single day
At noon
Then I watch a little bit
Of television
Then when it was 5:00pm
I went back to sleep
I took couple days of
Tomorrow I will go back to
Work for my Father
Now I miss work
That is the truth
I will write some poems
To my Father
posted by HAWK2567
My life is much
Better because you
Gave another chance
To make it right again
당신 made my 일 today
당신 brought me some flowers
Because 당신 wanted
To bring the spring
In my house
Also I put the 꽃 inside
The vase
It is now a show of 색깔
If I had a million dollars
I would buy us a house that
We bought could live
But I am sorry
I don't have that kind of money
It is much cheaper to rent
And it make sense to rent
An apartment
We are going to travel soon
To bit farewell to winter
Rio de Janeiro
posted by HAWK2567
Un soire
That I go to 침대 early
Because it is now my
침대 time
AIso I am glad that
I have no sleep problems
I sleep all through the night
And I am sleeping
Every night without getting up
In the middle of the night
I am very happy about that
Also I am getting my 8 hours of sleep
Every night
That also makes me happy
I am no longer waking up tired
In the mornings
I am waking up feeling refreshed
And that is a bonus for me
I am now going for walks
In the park
While I am walking
I hear the birds 노래 for me
I must say that their song
Is very beautiful
posted by HAWK2567
Show me the place
Where 당신 are going
To burry me the 일 I die
I hope I don't die young
Because I am planning to live
A long time
Here on earth
Also I don't want to think about
So please don't mention anything
About death to me
Because I just don't want to think about death
I need first to live my life to the fullest
Also I know that I will only live once
Father I will not overdose on medication
Because that is a wrong thing todo
Also Father I 사랑 my life
Very much
That 당신 gave to me
posted by HAWK2567
That beautiful starry night
During the Summer night
I enjoy very much
I look up in the sky
And I see all the
Stars shining in the sky
The stars takes my
Breath away
Leaving me breathless
Also it was my father
That made the sky
With his holy hands
Before he made the human beings
Also he is the one that also made
The stars in the sky
In the Summer nights
I go late to bed
When the clock tells me that
IT is midnight
And the 다음 day
I wake up at 3 pm
Feeling refreshed
I also go for walk in the park
During the afternoon
Tell me if 당신 really 사랑 God
Because it was God
That created 당신 in
His image
당신 are also beautiful
In God's eyes
God is always there for you
Don't forget to pray
For God before 당신 go to sleep
God is waiting for your prayer
Every night
Also 당신 are lucky
That 당신 have God in your life
He is the one that
Keeps 당신 alive
Every single day
Here on earth
This 일 is going to end soon
Now that the sun went down
Now 당신 finally saw the
Beautiful sunset
And now the night
posted by HAWK2567
I am serious
Don't make a fool
Of yourself
When 당신 are talking to me
We are all
Brothers in heaven
Yes my Father
Made all of us
The earth is our
Temporally home
For now
When we die
We will go to heaven
And that will be our final home
We don't know for sure
When we are going to die
Only our Father knows when
We are going to die
I hope we still have our lives to live
For now
We don't want to die young
That is what we hope
We hope we are going to live for a long time
Yes we 사랑 living here om earth
Our father placed us here
After he made us
With his holy hands
posted by HAWK2567
Plus ou moins
I have a nasty cold
That doesn't want to go away
I am also all congested
There is a lot of flam
Coming out
From my mouth
I am trying to clear my through
Yes I already had my breakfast
Early in the morning
Raising bran, boiled eggs
And a banana
Now I am going to sleep
All day
At noon I got up
I made myself a hot toddy
Tea, lemon, and honey
And I went back to sleep
I was also sweating like crazy
Yes I am also very tired
I am also feeling lousy
That is the honest truth
I am not fabricating lies
I am telling 당신 how it is
posted by HAWK2567
Foi Deus
That made us
With his holy hands
Many years ago
Foi Deus
That placed us here
On earth to live
For a long time
We just 사랑 to live
On earth
Meu Deus
Also 당신 have the power
In your hands to heal the sick
Yes the sick people
Have been calling for you
Please go and heal them
Because 당신 have the power to heal
I am sure
Meu Deus
The sick is always praying for you
Every single night
Before they go to sleep
Yes they sleep all through the night
Without waking up
And they are getting a good night sleep
Yes sick people
The night is long
And it was made for 당신 to sleep
AIso sick people I hope 당신 all have a good night sleep
Sick people the night ended now
And meu Deus
Brought the new 일 for 당신 sick people
당신 can choose if 당신 are going to sleep in
This morning
That is your choice
Meu Deus doesn't care if 당신 sick people
Sleep in this morning
And wake up at noon
Also meu Deus
Hopes 당신 will feel
Refreshed when 당신 wake up
posted by HAWK2567
My free mind is allowed to think
For myself and nobody else
My free mind sends me messages
That I can chose to share with my friends
또는 keep it to myself
And I understand that I have to make the choice
It is not easy for me to make the choice
Also I am think about me first
Because I come first
Before anybody else
No I am not selfish
That I think about me first
Yes I need to improve my life
People I don't think like you
I need to work hard to please other people
Before pleasing me
People 당신 might not have any feelings for me
That is ok
Because I don't give a damn about that
And that is the honest truth
Yes people I have feelings
And I don't want to get hurt 의해 you
Please people have some
Respect for me
Because that is what I need badly
Can 당신 please give me that to me?
Is that too much to ask
posted by HAWK2567
What was I made for?
I was made to be God's poet
Every day
글쓰기 some poetry
With my poems
I hope to send
I message to the world
That is in trouble
I hope the God's people
Gets my message
That I am trying so hard
To send to them
I seem so many poverty in
The streets of Toronto
The poor people
During the summer
Sleeps in the 거리 of Toronto
Also they are always starving
Because nobody else feeds than
Besides me and God
We can't afford to let the poor starve
So we feed the poor every single
Also we give them a drink with their meal
Because they are dehydrated
When the summer is over
We will bring the poor to
The shelters for the
Fall and Winter
Because we can't afford
To let the poor die of frostbite
In that cold weather
That would not be a good thing
posted by HAWK2567
Some kind of ghosts
Are living in my dreams
But I don’t know if it is the ghost of the past, the ghost of the present, 또는 The ghost of future
Also they have a scary face
And that is all I know
Because I already seen their faces
And it gives me nightmares
That frightens me
Now I am having a problem
Going back to sleep
I hate having night mares
Every single night
I have no Idea why
This is happening to me
Every single night
I not like having the nightmares
I keep having
Every single night
I am getting fed up with it
That is the honest truth
posted by HAWK2567
I am still the one
Who prays for you
First thing in the mornings
And in my prayer I ask you
To get rid of my winter blues
I am still the one
That woke up tired today
Yes today we are having a blizzard
I am not going anywhere today
I am going now to my living room
I will turn my computer on
And due some work for my father
For a couple hours
All the poems I write are
It is interesting how it comes out
All my poems
That was written with different feelings
That comes straight from my heart
Yes I been 글쓰기 poems for 30 years
I started to write poems 30 years ago
My first poems that I wrote were not that
Yes I needed to practice 글쓰기 poems
Now after 30 years
My poems are better
I write about all different subjects
Also I stop 글쓰기 dark poetry
Because it was very depressing for me
posted by HAWK2567
What I got to do
For my Father
To accept me
The way I am
I am praying every
Single night for my Father
Before I go to sleep
I never miss a night praying
For my Father
Also I never let my Father down
When I make a promise I keep
I never brake it
Because that might make
My father upset
And I am not planning
To make my Father upset
Because that would be
A wrong thing to do
My Father did a lot of good things
For me
Now it is pay back time
I need to work together
To bring peace
Into so many people's lives
Because it is peace that is missing
In so many people's lives
Also the poor people are suffering
Every single day
We hate...
continue reading...
posted by HAWK2567
What a shame
Marie died
Of frost bite
At the bus shelter
At Coxwell Ave and Danforth Ave
She never asked for help
The temperature was -21
I don't know how could
Somebody survive in this cold
The warming centers are all the time closed
In Toronto
So the homeless have no where
To go
Some people offered coffee
And others things
She pronounced dead
On the arrival to hospital
Now Marie must be resting in heaven
With her loved ones
If she has some
I don't don't have to worry anymore
About Marie
당신 needed me when you
Were always sick
And I was always there
당신 needed me as your friend
And I am your friend
당신 needed me to wipe the tears
From your eyes
And I did it
당신 needed me to give support
In your life
당신 needed me to give advices
To you
당신 needed me to pray with you
당신 needed me to feed you
당신 needed me to worship God
With you
당신 also need to be feed 의해 me
Also 당신 can't walk anymore
I take 당신 in a wheelchair
Around the block
I am the one who gives 당신 샤워
And changes
당신 diaper
posted by HAWK2567
No body told me
That I have to stay hydrated
During the Summer
Yes I am drinking lots of water
To stay hydrated
No body told me
That I need also to wear
A hat on my head
So I don't get any heat stroke
I am doing that
Nobody told me
That I need to wear some sun screen
So I won't get burned
From the sun
Nobody told me
That is going to rain later on
Today in the afternoon
And it rain very hard
And I got caught in the rain
That is horrible
But the lawn needs the rain badly
Because it was yellow
Now I finally left the park
And I walked back home
When I came back home
I Had an afternoon nap
Because I was tired from my walk
And I woke up at 6:00pm
A better place for 당신 and for me
We will discover it today
My friend
Because I want 당신 to
Know that I had kept
The promise that I
Had made to you
And I will be your
Best friend always
No matter what happens tomorrow
I will always be
There for you
So lets go
And find a better place
For 당신 and me
That we can live in harmony
We walked to the end of the road
And there we saw a man
That saw us also
And he had invited us
For the hot air balloon ride
Because that hot air balloon
Belonged to him
The man filled the propane burners
Of the hot air balloon
And waited for the hot air balloon
To warm up
For about 30 minutes
continue reading...
posted by HAWK2567
Get over it
That is what people
Tell me to do
They tell me
I have a good
Life that I don't have to do
Anything for it
Everything is given to me
Get over it
당신 cried too much already
People say
I am a cry baby
I don't like when the
People tell me that
Makes me angry
I have my happy and sad days
Also I have days that I feel
Like crying
I stay all 일 in my room
With the door shut
Because I don't want people
Seeing me crying
Because that will make them
Some people will tell me how
I should live my life
일 to day