Bride Wars Club
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added by flowerdrop
Source: made 의해 me - flowerdrop
added by flowerdrop
Source: made 의해 me - flowerdrop
added by flowerdrop
Source: made 의해 me - flowerdrop
added by flowerdrop
Source: made 의해 me - flowerdrop
added by flowerdrop
Source: made 의해 me - flowerdrop
added by lovehousemd_frv
added by lovehousemd_frv
added by lovehousemd_frv
added by flowerdrop
Source: made 의해 me - flowerdrop
posted by mommaof2boys
 Anna Hathaway
Anna Hathaway
the girls make up, and Emma is the made of honor.

Emma ends up dancing with Liv's brother, and eventully they get married to...

For the last scene 당신 see Liv sitting at a table, and Emma walks in....

Liv asks for the details of Emma's honeymoon but ends up saying, "No, 당신 married my brother, and that's just creepy!"

When Liv offers Emma some wine Emma declines, saying she's not drinking acohol. When asked why, she declairs that she is pregnant! Liv says she's not drinking achol, because she's pregnant too!

They are both set to give birth on the same day!!!
 the ending
the ending
added by mommaof2boys
added by flowerdrop
Source: made 의해 me - flowerdrop
added by flowerdrop
Source: made 의해 me - flowerdrop
added by PaulaDM
credit: mrshow1
bride wars
앤 해서웨이
added by flowerdrop
Source: made 의해 me - flowerdrop
added by alguna
added by flowerdrop
Source: made 의해 me - flowerdrop
added by IsisRain
Source: 여우
added by flowerdrop
Source: made 의해 me - flowerdrop