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On the Indochine's latest opus, Alice et June, 당신 sign a song "Pink Water"…

Brian : I am an Indochine's 팬 since I'm 9 years old. In France, they are still very 인기 even with the years they don't age (laughs). I concocted this song in the bathroom of a palace in Bangkok. One evening I held a retreat in the toilet, I shouldn't smoke in the room because my girlfriend was expecting our child. After a few cigarettes, I found inspiration (laughs). So, now, as Chris Martin, I know the joys of fatherhood (laughs).

Brian Molko, 기타 베이스 magazine March-April 2006

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posted by LeggoMyGreggo
Αγάπη – "Every 당신 Every Me"

Sucker 사랑 is heaven sent. 당신 pucker up, our passion is spent.
My hearts a tart, your body's rent. My body's broken, yours is bent.
Every me and every you.

Λόγω των αναφορών που γίνονται το τραγούδι έχει συνδεθεί με την εξάρτηση από τα ναρκωτικά. Είναι όμως, απλώς ένα εξαίρετο τραγούδι αγάπης. Αγάπης που βιώνεται σε ακραίες συνθήκες. Ο ένας από τους δυο γίνεται αντικείμενο εκμετάλλευσης,...
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