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added by Supriyaminz
added by jezly
Source: basa
added by warhan6
added by warhan6
added by MoonlightSeeker
added by warhan6
added by calebfanatic
added by Twilightzook
added by AItmiknan
added by lourene123
posted by berlinintherain
 "Girl, did 당신 당신 just touch my FOOD??"
"Girl, did you you just touch my FOOD??"
I'm always disappointed when I find a Boys Over 꽃 club that doesn't have a corner for my 가장 좋아하는 character. Now, don't get me wrong, Lee Min-ho's facial structure is enough to warrant its own club, and I adore Kim Hyun-joong both as Ji-Hoo and as a member of SS501 (Let Me Be The One is gorgeous). Even so, I didn't get nearly as much of a kick out of anyone as I did from Ming - that one Chinese friend of Ji-hoo's from episodes 14 and 15 who is most likely not entirely straight and barrels into his total of about five 분 on the show with hilarity and adorable-ness. Bonus: His facial...
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added by peacepuppy5
Source: bing.com
added by Twilightzook
added by TenshiRinji
꽃보다 남자
added by Twilightzook
added by Twilightzook
added by dorizam
added by Twilightzook
added by warhan6