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Boone Carlyle did 당신 cry when Boone died?

80 fans picked:
yes :(
 MFC_34 posted over a year ago
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rose2 picked nope:
not really,i mean it was sad but i didn't cry even though i cry really really easily,i just felt sorry for shannon
posted over a year ago.
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blackdoggy1 picked yes :(:
Like a baby...which hardly ever happens when I'm watching TV. IT WAS HORRIBLE!
posted over a year ago.
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courtney7488 picked yes :(:
His death was so painful. Plus, it was the first Lost death.
posted over a year ago.
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similzy picked yes :(:
yes:( it was so unexpected!i never thought he would die! and the first time i cried while watching season 1!
posted over a year ago.
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sahour95 picked yes :(:
i craied like a baby .. it was sooooo saaaad .
posted over a year ago.
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enya_kh_97 picked yes :(:
I cried really hard! It was so sad!!! I MISS U BOONE!
posted over a year ago.
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TheBreedfan1 picked yes :(:
Totally know what u mean enya_kh_97
posted over a year ago.
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CLAIRE004 picked yes :(:
i ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥BOONE♥♥♥♥
posted over a year ago.
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Karen48 picked yes :(:
I fluded the whole house...
posted over a year ago.
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edwestwickfan2 picked yes :(:
i cried too. i was like nooooo. he was hot too.
posted over a year ago.
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sarahemily2828 picked yes :(:
Ohhh it was saaad! I cried so much :(
posted over a year ago.
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baby_cullens picked yes :(:
Seriously, do you really need to ask if i cried?
It was horrible and very painful... I hated... :'(
posted over a year ago.
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brittany1994 picked yes :(:
I cried :( he was the character I loved to see
posted over a year ago.
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Aila_Cullen picked yes :(:
He was my fav since scene with pens in 1st episode. Yesterday I was watching 1st series of Lost and I couldn't look at the screen when he died. :( I was crying so badly!
posted over a year ago.
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IdolMinako picked yes :(:
The whole time! It killed me to know that he was going to die. :(
posted over a year ago.
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joejonasislove picked yes :(:
it was so sad :(
posted over a year ago.
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tellymaster picked yes :(:
Yes I cried! I love Boone! It was so sad. ='(
posted over a year ago.
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MikuChan picked yes :(:
Of course!Q__Q And when additionally emotional music's used(like everytime someone dies,but okay XD) I just can't control it..but hey,what's so bad about crying?=D It was just horrible to see him dying..
posted over a year ago.
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halo_monty picked yes :(:
Even though my friend already spoiled it for me (Friend: "OMG, did you know Boone dies a painful death?" Me: "Gee, thanks."), I was still surprised! Why did he have to die like that?! :(
posted over a year ago.
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PiratePrincess picked yes :(:
That was a terrible deatH. When I watch TV I only cry when animals die..but not this time.. :'(
posted over a year ago.
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julesie12 picked yes :(:
I was re-watching the whole series, and when I came to the part where he died I cried so hysterically. It was about midnight, and I probably woke everyone up with my weeping, but I don't care, Boone deserves to be grieved over! )*:
posted over a year ago.