Book to Screen Adaptations Wall

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Purple-Enderman said …
Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy 게시됨 over a year ago
Shepard14 said …
One of the worse Book to movie adaptations would have to be The Last of the Mohicans.... so upset with that one LOL 게시됨 over a year ago
fansfunsz said …
i 사랑 it 게시됨 over a year ago
blackpanther666 said …
Definitely won't 가입하기 this club... The only books, made into movies, that I like are LOTR and Fear and Loathing. Nothing else does it for me, 책 just rule over movies. 게시됨 over a year ago
smileymom33 commented…
I agree 책 are better...however I can't help watching something I read just to say "wait thats not right" 또는 "what thats not suppose to happen" over a year ago
blackpanther666 commented…
Lol, I guess 당신 actually make a very good point there. XD. Maybe I end up doing that far 더 많이 often than I would think. over a year ago
Dellycup said …
What do 당신 think of the 2008 TV miniseries of Sense and Sensibility? A guest reviewer on my blog controversially believes that it rivals Jane Austens novel.
link 게시됨 over a year ago
Dellycup said …
I've just started a blog that focuses entirely on film adaptations of 인기 books... there are so many, I will certainly be kept busy. link 게시됨 over a year ago
serajkhan said …
a book is the simble of education 게시됨 over a year ago
JackieSparrow said …
I think Lord of the Rings was the BEST EVER. Yeah, they DID leave a bit out and they changed it a TINY bit but they had a HUGE job with high expectations... it's also just... awesome!! Good acting, good musical score, good script........ =) 게시됨 over a year ago
shihtzuoscar commented…
Yeah, it was real good! They picked all the right actors to play the characters. It also had great 음악 over a year ago
totaldramafan96 commented…
Lord of the rings <3 over a year ago
mariameid commented…
lord of the rings is my life over a year ago
LinaHarrow said …
Yay book to screen adaptions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I 사랑 them so much!
게시됨 over a year ago
sexxiemogirl said …
i hope the Hunger Games will be good :) 게시됨 over a year ago
LinaHarrow commented…
Me too. So far I'm really not liking the cast. :/ over a year ago