보보이보이 Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 22

mat25 said …
check this 포럼 > link 게시됨 over a year ago
MirandaAlivia commented…
LOL!! It's 보보이보이 포럼 but the cover picture is K-On! 아니메 over a year ago
mat25 commented…
wanna 가입하기 over a year ago
mat25 said …
recently i have calculate the strength of yaya punching power, 의해 using one her powerstyle 옮기기 yaya powerful 펀치 was about 5ton that equivalent to 5,000kg meaning that her 펀치 was about the mass of five small car 게시됨 over a year ago
makemesmile1000 commented…
Awesome! How did 당신 calculate that? over a year ago
mat25 commented…
의해 estimate impact power of her 펀치 over a year ago
amirul5 commented…
yes over a year ago
kolonel_nazmi98 said …
Hi everyone!! do 당신 all 팬 of boboiboy?? 게시됨 over a year ago
MirandaAlivia commented…
Yes, of course!! over a year ago
kerida123 commented…
Yes!!! ;) over a year ago
Meirin10 commented…
of course over a year ago
pbbb said …
so who is the strongest now? 게시됨 over a year ago
makemesmile1000 commented…
Who knows?! Thanks to the Shadow Dragon in Season 2 Finale episode, many 팬 believe that Fang is the strongest. But still, I believe he's as strong as BoBoiBoy. over a year ago
mat25 commented…
it to early to say that fang and 보보이보이 are the most powerful character in the series because never see yet the real power of ying,yaya and gopal and judging from what ejojo say 보보이보이 was at his 초 form meaning that are not his ultimate form over a year ago
makemesmile1000 commented…
^True. over a year ago
MirandaAlivia said …
Why is this club so deserted??? It's not exciting .... 게시됨 over a year ago
makemesmile1000 commented…
Well, probably because nobody knows what to post. over a year ago
991998 said …
hi everyone. 게시됨 over a year ago
MirandaAlivia commented…
Hi!!! over a year ago
makemesmile1000 said …
Will Ejo Jo and the Ata Ta Tiga aliens come invading the Earth? 게시됨 over a year ago
Yamamaya_Niko commented…
hmm... i don't quite sure, but i think so.. over a year ago
dadadas commented…
Boboi boys lame over a year ago
makemesmile1000 commented…
It doesn't suck either. over a year ago
halilintar2345 said …
nero_drei,how to change profil picture 게시됨 over a year ago
nero_drei commented…
ok, first, 당신 go to view the photo, after click it, click 'manage this picture to icon' on picture 당신 want then finish, 당신 have new 프로필 picture. over a year ago
halilintar2345 said …
fang's full name is fang yamakura 게시됨 over a year ago
nero_drei commented…
huh? over a year ago
NuttY_GOD321 commented…
That Means He's From Japan? over a year ago
MirandaAlivia commented…
Are 당신 sure? over a year ago
Yamamaya_Niko said …
TERBAIK BOBOI BOY!!!!!! 당신 are really awesome!! 게시됨 over a year ago
nero_drei commented…
I agree~ over a year ago
Yamamaya_Niko commented…
RIGHT!!!! over a year ago
moshi-moshi commented…
yes .!! i really agree . over a year ago
nero_drei said …
who 당신 think will be the winner of football competition 다음 episode? 게시됨 over a year ago
halilintar2345 commented…
i hope it's boboiboy! over a year ago
nero_drei commented…
Well, I likes Fang but in this competition, 보보이보이 must win...:p over a year ago
Yamamaya_Niko commented…
i voted boboi boy to win the football over a year ago
halilintar2345 said …
hey,i've add a picture of 보보이보이 in uniform[school] 게시됨 over a year ago
halilintar2345 said …
oi!![sorry for being rude]boboiboy season 2 is now on youtube!but,only episode 1&2 only 게시됨 over a year ago
Conan8585 commented…
당신 Can Watch All 보보이보이 Episode In HQ At Tonton.com over a year ago
halilintar2345 said …
hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!have any of 당신 know,boboiboy season 2 is here every sunday 7pm at tv3 only at tv3!i've just watch it!episode 2 best ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!watch it!yeah awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
maevez143 commented…
oh!!!!I wanna see it!!!! over a year ago
halilintar2345 commented…
it's awesome! over a year ago
halilintar2345 said …
yeah awesome!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
halilintar2345 said …
soounnjeb,you are also a 팬 of boboi?!!that's soooooooooooo awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
soounnjeb said …
보보이보이 is the best!!!!!!!! I REALLY like him! 게시됨 over a year ago
halilintar2345 commented…
me too he is soooooooooooooo awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!which do 당신 like first,second and third 보보이보이 halilintar.taufan,gempa which? over a year ago
halilintar2345 said …
yaya is the strongest!ying is the fastest! gopal is the funniest! 보보이보이 is the coolest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
halilintar2345 said …
i have a 질문 that i published,please answer it .name the powers of 보보이보이 taufan.pleassssssssssssssssssssse answer it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
soounnjeb commented…
I khow what it is, but I don't know what it is in english... sorry, I am boboiboy's 팬 too, can I be your friend? over a year ago
halilintar2345 commented…
sure 당신 can. over a year ago
halilintar2345 commented…
please reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 over a year ago
halilintar2345 commented…
really?! over a year ago
big smile
halilintar2345 said …
me too!i also watch 보보이보이 every day,here is my 보보이보이 character countdown:1.boboiboy 2.boboiboy halilintar 3.boboiboy petir 4.boboiboy taufan 5.boboiboy gempa 6.boboiboy angin 7.boboiboy tanah 8.yaya 9.ying 10.gopal 게시됨 over a year ago
soounnjeb commented…
from 1 to 7, I agree, but from 8 to 10, I will make it like this: 8,gopal 9, ying 10,yaya over a year ago
halilintar2345 commented…
oh really?! over a year ago
covanguyen2 said …
i watch 보보이보이 like everyday , my 가장 좋아하는 it 보보이보이 Halilintar ! He is so awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
pEnELoPe3six commented…
OWYEAAH!! my fave is 보보이보이 Taufan \m/ over a year ago
Yamamaya_Niko commented…
i like Boboi Boy Taufan Too!!! he's gorgeous!!!! over a year ago
halilintar2345 commented…
me too!he is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo adorable and sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
nero_drei commented…
oh? I like gempa.. over a year ago
pEnELoPe3six said …
FIRST POST IN THIS CLUB! actually, before I searched "Boboiboy" I am expecting a lot of fans. I never thought that I'll be the 12th 팬 here. Make this club active! btw, I will be watching 보보이보이 in 디즈니 Channel ^^ 게시됨 over a year ago
maevez143 commented…
yeah!! thanks 4 liking the Boboiboy!!! over a year ago
pEnELoPe3six commented…
umm..wait....you made this club? over a year ago
halilintar2345 commented…
i fell i'm going to die watching 보보이보이 everyday!!!!!!!!!he's so awesome!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago