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CeCe's POV

I leaned against Ty and picked up another photo. "We have to keep this one," I commented. He peered over my shoulder.

"Oh, no!" He shouted. I pouted. I liked it. It was of Me and Ty and we were ten and twelve. It was at Rocky's Birthday, and Ty and me were digging into the cake as Rocky was behind us, mad that we were eating the cake without her.

Flash Back:

"Hey cece." A twelve 년 old Ty whispered. I looked up at hi, taking my eyes off of Rocky opening presents.

"What." I snapped, wanting to get back to watching my best friend opening her present. I got her a makeup set and she still...
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CeCe's POV

I leaned against Ty and picked up another photo. "We have to keep this one," I commented. He peered over my shoulder.

"Oh, no!" He shouted. I pouted. I liked it. It was of Me and Ty and we were ten and twelve. It was at Rocky's Birthday, and Ty and me were digging into the cake as Rocky was behind us, mad that we were eating the cake without her.

Flash Back:

"Hey cece." A twelve 년 old Ty whispered. I looked up at hi, taking my eyes off of Rocky opening presents.

"What." I snapped, wanting to get back to watching my best friend opening her present. I got her a makeup set and she still...
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Rocky's POV

I put the video on 페이스북 and it got tons of comments. And tons of people apologized to CeCe. And Ty officially hates Tinka. And I'm saying that because he's told us how many time and he never lets us forget it, well me and mom actually.

"Rocky?" Deuce called, I peeked out of my room.


"Are 당신 ready yet." Why does he keep asking that? I'll come out when I'm ready. Actually all I need to do is put my shoes on, but he doesn't need to know that.

"Ok." And he didn't bother me and I kept commenting on 사진 and taking quizzes. And then I got a message.

Deuce: I know you're done!...
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Ty's POV

I woke up and as soon as I turned my head my neck hurt. I was about to get up, when I realized Cece was in my arms. We were on the couch. We must of fell asleep. She had her head on my chest and was curled into a ball. While I was leaning against the couch. Great I fell asleep sitting up.

"CeCe." I whispered into her ear. She moved slightly, but was still asleep. "Cece!" I said louder. This time she woke up blinking rapidly and stretched her arms, almost whacking me in the face.

"Morning." She greeted as she yawned.

"Morning." I replied as she sat up. I looked down at my phone. "It's eight...
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Ty's POV

CeCe has been in her room for the past two days. And she'll only talk to rocky 또는 Me. I've never seen her like this. But I know she has to get out of her 침대 and stick up for herself. And what perfect 일 than today at practice for the show.

"I don't want to go!" Cece pouted as we got near the studio. I frowned. She has to get over this.

"It'll be alright. I'll be right here." I encouraged her as we walked into the building.

"We will too." Deuce spoke up as we walked into the room. A lot of the dancers laughed at her. Great so Tinka had to spread it around not just to everyone in school,...
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posted by nevenkastar
And 당신 know I can climb ladders really fast too!" Chad says boastfully.

"That's great Chad!" I say offhandedly. As I start to walk away he follows me like a little 강아지 dog.

One of the other dancers here in 'Shake it up!' got injured. So we got a temporary dancer to replace him. At first I thought "Ooh cute dancer' I show a little interest and then 다음 thing I know he knows where I live. And so the stalking began. Damn 당신 George! Why did 당신 have to get hit 의해 a hot dog cart?

"So Cece 당신 wanna go out tomorrow night?" He asks eagerly.

I smiled and coughed out an exasperated laugh "Wow, you're...
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Ty's POV

I woke up and as soon as I turned my head my neck hurt. I was about to get up, when I realized Cece was in my arms. We were on the couch. We must of fell asleep. She had her head on my chest and was curled into a ball. While I was leaning against the couch. Great I fell asleep sitting up.

"CeCe." I whispered into her ear. She moved slightly, but was still asleep. "Cece!" I said louder. This time she woke up blinking rapidly and stretched her arms, almost whacking me in the face.

"Morning." She greeted as she yawned.

"Morning." I replied as she sat up. I looked down at my phone. "It's eight...
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Cece's POV

I looked at my phone. It was two in the morning. I sighed. Rocky was snoring on the floor in her sleeping bag. I crawled out of my sleeping bag. And tiptoed out of my room and quietly walked through the hallway and sat down on the couch. And I started to type up a message on my phone.

Ty, u up?~CeCe

Soon my phone beeped.

Yeah, couldn't sleep-Mr. Ladies' man

I laughed at his signature. What a dweeb. Before 당신 know it, he'll start 노래 with Tinka and Gunther's parents. Oh that brings back memories.

Me neither ~CeCe

Aren't u & rocky having a sleepover-Mr. Ladies' man

Yeah she fell...
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Ty's POV

CeCe has been in her room for the past two days. And she'll only talk to rocky 또는 Me. I've never seen her like this. But I know she has to get out of her 침대 and stick up for herself. And what perfect 일 than today at practice for the show.

"I don't want to go!" Cece pouted as we got near the studio. I frowned. She has to get over this.

"It'll be alright. I'll be right here." I encouraged her as we walked into the building.

"We will too." Deuce spoke up as we walked into the room. A lot of the dancers laughed at her. Great so Tinka had to spread it around not just to everyone in school,...
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디즈니 Channel's Bella Thorne and Zendaya from Shake it Up! have a new 음악 video coming out on Friday, June 17th for the song “Watch Me”. It will make its big debut on 디즈니 Channel and then be released to iTunes, Amazon.com, etc. on Tuesday, June 21st.
Also set to release on July 12 is the Shake It Up: Break It Down CD + DVD Combo Pack. This will include "Watch Me" and will also feature the show's theme song, "Shake it Up" 의해 Selena Gomez. 당신 will be able to rock out with the instruction of the show’s choreographer Rosero McCoy as she teaches 당신 the moves in 5 dance 비디오 too!
Watch for it.
posted by Jackson-Bieber
I've Been Getting Soome Messages From People Wondering What Bella's 팬 Mail Address Is, Well I Finally Found It And It's 게시됨 Below.

Fanmail Address
Bella Thorne
C/O The 디즈니 Channel
500 S. Buena Vista St.
Burbank, CA 91521

Fanmail Address
Bella Thorne
C/O The 디즈니 Channel
500 S. Buena Vista St.
Burbank, CA 91521

Fanmail Address
Bella Thorne
C/O The 디즈니 Channel
500 S. Buena Vista St.
Burbank, CA 91521

Fanmail Address
Bella Thorne
C/O The 디즈니 Channel
500 S. Buena Vista St.
Burbank, CA 91521

Fanmail Address
Bella Thorne
C/O The 디즈니 Channel
500 S. Buena Vista St.
Burbank, CA 91521
Cece's POV

I looked at my phone. It was two in the morning. I sighed. Rocky was snoring on the floor in her sleeping bag. I crawled out of my sleeping bag. And tiptoed out of my room and quietly walked through the hallway and sat down on the couch. And I started to type up a message on my phone.

Ty, u up?~CeCe

Soon my phone beeped.

Yeah, couldn't sleep-Mr. Ladies' man

I laughed at his signature. What a dweeb. Before 당신 know it, he'll start 노래 with Tinka and Gunther's parents. Oh that brings back memories.

Me neither ~CeCe

Aren't u & rocky having a sleepover-Mr. Ladies' man

Yeah she fell...
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Rocky's POV

I put the video on 페이스북 and it got tons of comments. And tons of people apologized to CeCe. And Ty officially hates Tinka. And I'm saying that because he's told us how many time and he never lets us forget it, well me and mom actually.

"Rocky?" Deuce called, I peeked out of my room.


"Are 당신 ready yet." Why does he keep asking that? I'll come out when I'm ready. Actually all I need to do is put my shoes on, but he doesn't need to know that.

"Ok." And he didn't bother me and I kept commenting on 사진 and taking quizzes. And then I got a message.

Deuce: I know you're done!...
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I'm on the phone with Cece. I miss her so much! College is torture without her! I'd do anything to hold her in my arms.

"Good Morning. What time is where 당신 are?" Cece asks happily. She's probably happy we get to talk. We never get to talk because I m always so busy with studys.

"It's twelve am." I say sadly.

"I miss 당신 더 많이 than anything." She says also sadly. I miss my family and all, but Cece... I miss Cece so much!

"From here 당신 feel 당신 so far!"

"I wait for the phone to ring every day! I'm so glad we can finally talk!"

"It's gettin lonely Cece. I feel like I'm living upside...
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"Call me back, Grandma," CeCe giggled. She clicked the phone off before groaning loudly. What had she been thinking? She grabbed her 가장 좋아하는 bag before storming out of the door. She and Rocky did everything together. At high school, they already made their cliques and she and Rocky had always just moved from group to group. They made so many 프렌즈 because she and Rocky were just so energetic, with each other. But without the Rocky, CeCe was lonely, friendless, and now she had an 사과, 애플 when she just wanted a pear.

"Yo CeCe, what's up girl?"

CeCe looked up from her spot sulking on the stairs...
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posted by tacogirl22
Omg we all know that we 사랑 bellathorne! There are haters out there who hate her.they think she cant sing, but she can! All I'm saying is that the people out there need to cut the slack and give her a chance.there are people out there right now 또는 프렌즈 who hate you, but dont want to tell.there are people who like 당신 the way 당신 are!dont change yourself just be you!!!!!
Be you! be you!i mean people are preety and handsome.if some comes to act like a twoface 당신 should just talk to them about it.who cares who 당신 are.
CeCe's POV

"Boring, borer, even 더 많이 boring, duller than boring…." I said, flipping through 랜덤 channels. I was positively bored. Stupid summer breaks. It's been only one week into the summer. How can I already be bored. I mean I have the show, but still that isn't a 24 시간 thing. Only like 5 to 8 hours. And Rocky's to busy creating a "fool proof plan" to get a boyfriend. Why can't she just see what's right in front of her. I tell you.

"Hey, do 당신 have any food?" I looked at Ty as he barged through the door.

"Oh sure, 당신 can come right on in. It's not like 당신 need to knock 또는 anything."...
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posted by nevenkastar

I'm on the phone with Cece. I miss her so much! College is torture without her! I'd do anything to hold her in my arms.

"Good Morning. What time is where 당신 are?" Cece asks happily. She's probably happy we get to talk. We never get to talk because I m always so busy with studys.

"It's twelve am." I say sadly.

"I miss 당신 더 많이 than anything." She says also sadly. I miss my family and all, but Cece... I miss Cece so much!

"From here 당신 feel 당신 so far!"

"I wait for the phone to ring every day! I'm so glad we can finally talk!"

"It's gettin lonely Cece. I feel like I'm living upside...
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CeCe's POV

"Boring, borer, even 더 많이 boring, duller than boring…." I said, flipping through 랜덤 channels. I was positively bored. Stupid summer breaks. It's been only one week into the summer. How can I already be bored. I mean I have the show, but still that isn't a 24 시간 thing. Only like 5 to 8 hours. And Rocky's to busy creating a "fool proof plan" to get a boyfriend. Why can't she just see what's right in front of her. I tell you.

"Hey, do 당신 have any food?" I looked at Ty as he barged through the door.

"Oh sure, 당신 can come right on in. It's not like 당신 need to knock 또는 anything."...
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CeCe's POV

"Mom!" I squeaked as she held her flashlight up to Ty's face.

"Relax, I just need to know what his intentions are with my daughter." She spoke sweetly to me. And then she flashed the light back into Ty's eyes. "Now, again what are your intentions with my daughter."

"Ummm…" He looked at me and swallowed. I laughed and then covered my mouth. Ty looked so scared, I mean I know I shouldn't be laughing at him, but he's too funny. "To 날짜 her?" He seems un sure. And just date. What about the future. Oh god now I sound like my mom.

"Kissing?" My mom ordered.

"Yeah." He mumbled.

"What about...
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