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added by sapherequeen
added by sapherequeen
added by Johnny1982
added by sapherequeen
added by Aquabubblez13
Source: Laurie Sachs 사진
added by sapherequeen
added by sapherequeen
added by PrincessGurl
added by sapherequeen
added by suman
posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Use this dice to play: link

Your name is (NAME) and 당신 are the 18-year-old mother of two daughters and a high school dropout. 당신 had your first daughter when 당신 were 15 and your ex-boyfriend, (HIS NAME), refused to take any responsibility for her. He was later shipped off to military school 의해 his parents and no one has heard from him since. Your 초 daughter's father, (HIS NAME), was much nicer to 당신 and wanted to help out, but was killed in a drunk driving accident. 당신 had your 초 daughter not long after 당신 turned 17.

What are your daughters' names? Roll the dice
1 또는 2: First &...
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added by Johnny1982
added by Johnny1982
added by Johnny1982
added by Johnny1982
added by Johnny1982
added by sapherequeen
added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: Squidoo
posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Your name is (1)______ ______ ______ (first, middle(s) and last, doesn’t have to be real), 당신 are twenty-five years old and 당신 work as a (choose from options below): 2
(A) illustrator / cartoonist / artist
(B) teacher / professor
(C) accountant / banker
(D) author / novelist
(E) musician / singer
(F) hospital intern / medical student
[Feel free to elaborate on the career 당신 choose, ie: what subject 당신 teach, instrument 당신 play, field of medicine 당신 study, etc]

You are at the hospital one afternoon visiting your good friend who just gave birth to her first child. After meeting the adorable little...
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added by MJ_Fan_4Life007