Atticus Mitchell Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 55

kaitylovesboys said …
사랑 him 게시됨 over a year ago
taini said …
are 당신 going to watch his new movie when it comes out? The Colony. a spoiler...sort of. 당신 might not like it...for a reason you'll see in the movie. 게시됨 over a year ago
kaitylovesboys commented…
i havent but it looks boring over a year ago
pipperjane said …
have 당신 seen radio rebel he is so hot and can so sing 0.0 게시됨 over a year ago
kaitylovesboys commented…
ya he can over a year ago
lexialexis10 said …
he is hot and he is my 가장 좋아하는 actor!!!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
katetoddfan commented…
Mine is Kate Todd but from the boys it's him over a year ago
kaitylovesboys commented…
supes agree he is super duper sexy over a year ago
nooco101 said …
i 사랑 atti 게시됨 over a year ago
ihartatticus commented…
oh yeah well he shows up in my dreams LOL no but he did last night over a year ago
atticusiloveyou said …
atticus if u were wondering i think u should keep dating kate todd so i can check out munro chambers so then when u and kate break up we might go out but u and munro r neck and neck on the hottness level ;) 게시됨 over a year ago
big smile
august1095 said …
I u want then friend me and I'll give it to u, but if I aren't my friend then I guess u will miss out 게시됨 over a year ago
august1095 said …
I have His number and he is so kind and very nice to me!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
omgzz can u give it 2 me!?!? over a year ago
typopper12 commented…
im his girlfriend over a year ago
august1095 commented…
no your not, he is single so dont lie over a year ago
pandaky said …
Luv u 게시됨 over a year ago
nooco101 commented…
atticus is ssssooooooooo hot over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
True over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
Welcome over a year ago
atticusiloveyou said …
Atticus mitchell is so frikin hot but im not a crazed 팬 i rlly like him for who he is 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
Me too can we be bfs over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
ya sure :) over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
Teamposey u know wht she ment dont act like u didint over a year ago
katykaty12 said …
im sorry atticus mithell for saying f***k 게시됨 over a year ago
therealvanessa said …
Me and Atticus 사랑 doing my babysitter is a vampire it's so fun 게시됨 over a year ago
therealvanessa commented…
i 사랑 him i can't belive that 나귀, 엉덩이 hole kate todd dates him over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
i actually think kate todd is awesome over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
ya she is cool over a year ago
leyz_21 said …
I 사랑 the way u smile, i 사랑 the way u sing. ilove the way u laugh,,i 사랑 the way u are... 게시됨 over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
Omgzz i do to but lay off 저기요 is my husband over a year ago
heartuatticus said …
i dont 사랑 him for his looks i 사랑 him for who he is...and thats all that matters... He is a really great singer, actor, an more. He seems like a great guy to hang out with an all 게시됨 over a year ago
ihartatticus commented…
i agree hes an awesome guy he seems like he would be a really great best friend over a year ago
heartuatticus commented…
Yupp LOL over a year ago
typopper12 said …
he is my brother 게시됨 over a year ago
heartuatticus commented…
thats cool over a year ago
typopper12 commented…
thxs over a year ago
typopper12 commented…
yes he is a sweet person even to me over a year ago
ihartatticus said …
how come nobody ever post on this wall
anyways i 사랑 당신 atticus i'm your biggest 팬 nobody can ever 상단, 맨 위로 me but i'm not crazed!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
heartuatticus commented…
저기요 my name is Lexie. I am 13 bout to be 14. I live in Tennessee. My 가장 좋아하는 actor an all is atticus... He has a cool name, he's cute, great singer, he seems like a awsome guy to hang out with. I hope one 일 I will get to meet him 또는 atleast talk to him. over a year ago
ihartatticus commented…
me too over a year ago
ihartatticus commented…
i ment im not like his personal stalker and i dont track where he lives and all his personal info the only thing i looked up was what show he was on before and who hes dating over a year ago
jujuatom said …
Ok, I am going to 업로드 some pictures of Atticus:D 게시됨 over a year ago
sbbbbbbbbbb commented…
사랑 ur 아이콘 over a year ago
tucker97 said …
Atticus is a really funny person and also really talented :) 게시됨 over a year ago
MBAV101 commented…
back off he is my man over a year ago
typopper12 commented…
no hes dating a blonde as i know over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
i dont wanna let u down hard but he is mine over a year ago
UandIx216 said …
Atticus (Beautiful) Dean Mitchell!! No one can compare. 게시됨 over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
Ikr!!!!!! over a year ago
august1095 commented…
Atticus is my cousin so yea that's how I know him. Girls u don't have to believe but it's true an I can ask him to marry I 또는 something. over a year ago
bunnychez2222 said …
I had a dream me and Atticus got married and had 6 kids!! He waz so freakin hoxy!! ( Hot and Sexy combined!!) 게시됨 over a year ago
bunnychez2222 commented…
Atticus Mitchell if ur readng this, " I luv u! Pls MARRY me!! I'm so lonley!!" over a year ago
Kianamitchell34 said …
Atticus will be my future husband!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
bunnychez2222 commented…
No way! We're gonna get married and live happily ever after riding in a convertible!! over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
Convertables suck and they r ugly over a year ago
MickenzieLove said …
I 사랑 him he is sooooooooooooooooo cute:):) would u 날짜 a 16 년 old Haha:):):) 게시됨 over a year ago
iloveatty commented…
he is actually 18 years old over a year ago
iloveAtticusm commented…
whenever i see him i hear wedding bells! over a year ago
bunnychez2222 commented…
No he's 16! Imma gonna 날짜 him he's sooo hot!!! over a year ago
typopper12 commented…
shut UP no one is gonna 날짜 him any way he has 2 choose not u over a year ago
loveatticus said …
He is sooo cuite 게시됨 over a year ago
iloveAtticusm commented…
no hes not he is SEXY! over a year ago
bunnychez2222 commented…
Yeah ikr!! over a year ago
taini said …
cameron kennedy said on a video about my babysitter's a vampire that atticus thinks he's to cool for facebook, twitter and i the only one who thinks that's funny? 게시됨 over a year ago
attcam12 said …
who ever likes atticus go on atticus vs camron 게시됨 over a year ago
bunnychez2222 commented…
TEAM ATTICUS!! over a year ago
della541 said …
IM HIS BIGGEST 팬 I KNOW EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
attcam12 commented…
no i am over a year ago
loveatticus commented…
WE all are over a year ago
bunnychez2222 commented…
no i no everything there iz 2 no!! over a year ago
baileym said …
He is so hot!! I 사랑 him so much!!! He is so sexy!! I am so sorry i make a lot of Canadian jokes but not any more!!! I 사랑 him 게시됨 over a year ago
bunnychez2222 commented…
ikr over a year ago
Mrsattymitchell said …
iloveAtticusm commented…
i have seen him in a picture at the 바닷가, 비치 shirtless! :) over a year ago
bunnychez2222 commented…
really so cool over a year ago
AttyLove said …
@ kittydoo2 u r soo right 게시됨 over a year ago
shadowstar8473 said …
My friend thinks he's the freaky one from "My babysitters a vampire" I think SHE'S freaky...
I 사랑 ATTICUS MITCHELL!!! 게시됨 over a year ago
bunnychez2222 commented…
Atticus Mitchell is my future bf over a year ago
kittydoo2 said …
dear crazy girls,
yes, atticus is extremely hot!! but why r u fighting over him when he doesn't even know you? You're crazy!! 게시됨 over a year ago
heartuatticus commented…
I know right. Its just not worth it cause he's so far away from everyone, and he's a star. So they have like 1 out of a Billion chances... But we all still 사랑 him anyway! :) over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
저기요 heartuatticus u dont know where we live , if u think u do yozpur a dodo brain over a year ago
attcam12 said …
I 사랑 MY BABY SITTERS A VAMPIRE! 게시됨 over a year ago
AttyLove said …
Atty is so friqqin hot! 게시됨 over a year ago
attcam12 said …
I THINK HESCUTE 게시됨 over a year ago
cameronissexey said …
i 사랑 him
게시됨 over a year ago
MarinaG1611 said …
he's so cute i 사랑 him so much 게시됨 over a year ago
atticus4ever said …
i wish we could be 2gether forever 게시됨 over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
Uhhh he is 16 u look like your like 7 over a year ago
MarinaG1611 said …
I 사랑 ATTICUS MITCHELL 게시됨 over a year ago
cameronissexey said …
i 사랑 him 게시됨 over a year ago
Rainbow03333 said …
저기요 babe are we still up for friday???? 게시됨 over a year ago
AshleyDenali said …
LOL Atticus is such a cutie(: 게시됨 over a year ago
cameronissexey said …
AshleyDenali commented…
but Atticus is the best :)) over a year ago
ilovebenny1998 said …
Hi sexy. Remember u can alwas call 또는 text me. I would put my # but I don't trust u no who. 사랑 u 게시됨 over a year ago
cameronissexey commented…
fuck of 암캐, 암 캐 burn in hell u fucking 암캐, 암 캐 fuck u fuck u 암캐, 암 캐 over a year ago
cameronissexey commented…
i hope u die in your sleep i am not the girl u want to mess with back of u fucking 암캐, 암 캐 over a year ago
atticusish0t13 commented…
do u guys no each other over a year ago
ilovebenny1998 said …
저기요 atticus! Its matthew knights sister! These bitches don't even know u and they say they 사랑 u. I have nown u for ur whole life. In my opinion I would make the best girlfriend for u. 의해 the wayway cameronissexy is a whore. U don't deserve her. Talk to matt hewill tell u tht I have always loved u. Bye sexy 게시됨 over a year ago
cameronissexey commented…
F*** U over a year ago
cameronissexey commented…
fuck of 암캐, 암 캐 burn in hell u fucking 암캐, 암 캐 fuck u fuck u 암캐, 암 캐 over a year ago
therealvanessa commented…
Plz stop figthing over him he is tooken 의해 Kate Todd over a year ago
flecherisrrred said …
hi 게시됨 over a year ago
atticusish0t13 said …
i cant st0p thinking ov him g00d!i will sing 당신 belong with me, hopfuly 사랑 story,love u lik a l0ve song 또는 spiderwebs 게시됨 over a year ago
atticusish0t13 said …
everytime i c him on tv 0r comp i 키스 him all over 게시됨 over a year ago
atticusish0t13 said …
hopefuly i g0 2 canada 게시됨 over a year ago
babysittrvamp13 commented…
I've been to ontario Canada where they shoot in that area and it is so awesome. over a year ago
atticusish0t13 commented…
ur luky over a year ago
cameronissexey commented…
thay r so nice and cameron and atticus r hotter in pirson not mathew whell a little bit :\ over a year ago
attykinzluvr said …
omfg he is just too fucking sexy I wanna marry him sooo bad 게시됨 over a year ago
atticusish0t13 commented…
i knoww over a year ago
AnnaRae commented…
Agreed over a year ago
atticusiloveyou commented…
Umm cameronisssexy plz dont say a bad word at me im just a little girl but i disagree with those words u said to matt knight sis over a year ago
atticusish0t13 said …
i wonder how old he is probably 13? 게시됨 over a year ago
AttysBaby24 commented…
he turned 16 three days 이전 over a year ago
attykinzluvr commented…
umm he turned 16,get with it over a year ago
cameronissexey commented…
he is 16 over a year ago
atticusish0t13 said …
he is the hottest guy in the planet 게시됨 over a year ago
AttysBaby24 commented…
so true <3 over a year ago
attykinzluvr commented…
soooooo fucking true,im gunna track him down one 일 over a year ago
cameronissexey commented…
u can over a year ago
atticusish0t13 commented…
soo true over a year ago
AttysBaby24 said …
Do ya'll know he was in a band?! 게시됨 over a year ago
atticusish0t13 commented…
he woulduv ben h0t over a year ago
AttysBaby24 commented…
i know over a year ago
AttysBaby24 said …
Atticus rocks my socks!! 게시됨 over a year ago
AttysBaby24 said …
사랑 Atticus. He's my life right now!! 게시됨 over a year ago
Atticusluvrr123 commented…
I luv him too!hes sooo hotts:) over a year ago
attykinzluvr commented…
got that right im soo in 사랑 hes all i think about over a year ago
atticusish0t13 commented…
i know how u feel over a year ago
atticusish0t13 commented…
execatly over a year ago
NJbabe said …
가입하기 my fansite for matthew Knight. 게시됨 over a year ago
atticusish0t13 commented…
no id rather be here over a year ago