People on the 디즈니 Princess Spot are cruel to Ariel. They keep calling her selfish, when all she is doing is chasing a dream and trying to end prejudice between the merpeople and humans. Its seriously pissing me off. Selfish is a very bad thing to be, and Ariel is far from selfish, maybe a little impulsive at times, but like 당신 all are saying she was the first to chase after her dream - they are also saying she hates her family.
게시됨 over a year ago
I can relate, I am the youngest of six sisters (counting me) and I am the curious trouble maker of all my sisters. I 사랑 ariel and her daughter melody.
게시됨 over a year ago
I 사랑 u ariel!!!!!!! Im 13years and I still frek. Collect and 사랑 u!!!!! I always wait in line at 디즈니 land to get adograph!!!!!! U rock!!!! I want to be "under the seaN with u!!!!!
게시됨 over a year ago