Anne Frank Club
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 Her diary, how sad it is.
Her diary, how sad it is.
Hi guys, 12 years 이전 I reread her diary and I was really touch 의해 the story and her life throughout World War II. Here are my thoughts on the book.

The Story-Line

Although that this is her diary, I 사랑 how she expressed herself in details, rather than the straightforward and short that I usually write about the day!
However, the last ending was really sad, especially when they told that they were send to a Concentration Camp and due to the condition there. I cried my 심장 out and if I ever go to the Concentration Camp, especially in Poland where they still stand today. I'll like a big baby!...
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A biography on Anne Frank

BookWriter (MH)


On June 12, 1929, Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany. Her older sister, Margot Frank, was born on February 16, 1926. These two Jewish sisters had many differences. Margot was shy, to herself, mellow, quiet, caring, and intelligent. She was also very mature. Anne, on the other hand, was talkative, adventurous, lively, curious, misunderstood, and was very outgoing.
Through Anne’s eyes, Margot was smarter, quieter, prettier, and 더 많이 grown-up than herself. The two sisters didn’t often get along, were not close friends,...
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A biography on Anne Frank

BookWriter (MH)


On June 12, 1929, Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany. Her older sister, Margot Frank, was born on February 16, 1926. These two Jewish sisters had many differences. Margot was shy, to herself, mellow, quiet, caring, and intelligent. She was also very mature. Anne, on the other hand, was talkative, adventurous, lively, curious, misunderstood, and was very outgoing.
Through Anne’s eyes, Margot was smarter, quieter, prettier, and 더 많이 grown-up than herself. The two sisters didn’t often get along, were not close friends,...
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posted by Little_Cullen
"Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart"


"Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart" - Anne Frank. This is a perfect example of what a positive person Anne was. Unfortunately, due to the rising popularity of Adolf Hitler and his ideas of how the world should be, on the morning of June 6th, 1942, the Frank family were forced to go into hiding in a Secret Annexe, Anne taking with her few possessions, one of them a diary she had received for her thirteenth birthday. Over the 다음 few years, while Anne was stuck in the Annexe, unable...
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