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Was I the only one that thought the opening song of the results show was, well...lame? I'm watching rockers like David Cook, Carly, Amanda and Micheal Johns 노래 the lyrics, "Twiddle Dee Dee, Twiddle Dee Dum", (which they pulled off with as much sincerity as possible, I guess.) But I couldn't help thinking, don't they think this is a little "twiddle dee dumb", too? I mean, I'm trying to imagine their faces when they were handed the lyrics for their Big Opening Number. After belting out some of the greatest 음악 ever written all season long, I wonder if they were just as thrilled (as Amanda looked) with that song.
Anyway, we'll be seeing the show in Greensboro this summer. But, kinda hoping that tune has dropped off the list of "must haves"
(By the way DC..I'll be the one in the front row with my 5 년 old. Wave at her if 당신 can! 또는 I might come with my 6 foot tall/newly divorced friend...DON'T wave at her...she's gettin' around a lot lately!)
God bless y'all.
added by lydiascats
added by judesmommy
Source: 여우
added by pinkpanda202
Source: ew.com/ew
added by judesmommy
Source: photobucket.com
added by judesmommy
Source: photobucket.com
added by levinstein
added by levinstein
added by levinstein
아메리칸 아이돌
season 13
jessica meuse
added by levinstein
added by levinstein
added by levinstein
Dear State Representative, American Idol Staff, Producers, Contributors, Partners, Beneficiaries & Affiliates,
For the first time, I'm appalled 의해 American Idol! I, nor my entire family, will ever watch 또는 donate to American Idol again! 당신 may say, "So what, who cares?" Well, maybe one viewer's opinion is not enough, but what about an entire state and many of its officials in outrage? That state is KENTUCKY. I'm sure 당신 remember us; the poor, hopeless, uneducated, illiterate, desperate, backwoods, toothless, barefoot and pregnant, trailer trash, Appalachian Hillbillies of Eastern Kentucky??...
continue reading...
added by levinstein
아메리칸 아이돌
season 15
la'porsha renae
added by levinstein
added by levinstein
added by levinstein
added by levinstein
added by judesmommy
Source: AmericanIdol.com/ 여우