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added by jellybeans4life
added by jellybeans4life
added by jellybeans4life
added by jellybeans4life
added by BonalDea
added by jellybeans4life
added by jellybeans4life
added by jellybeans4life
added by jellybeans4life
added by jellybeans4life
i stumbled upon all about steve. i'm a 팬 of sandra bullock and my name is steve so when saw this at blockbuster on vacation i had to rent it. my wife did not seem interested so i watched it alone. amazing! a razzie award? bullock was so convincing as a freak that as hot as she is 당신 could still find yourself annoyed with her. i think she did her best 연기 ever.

my wife and i stumbled on nacho in a tiny old theatre in high springs when it was first released. we busted up the whole time while everyone around us thought we must be crazy. come to find out - horrible reviews, from a movie that i was now calling my 가장 좋아하는 all time movie.

now it could be that this movie outranks nacho. i did't think it was possible and i still can't confirm, but this was the first time i ever watched a movie through twice in one sitting. i guess this movie was just made for me.
added by jellybeans4life
added by jellybeans4life