이상한 나라의 앨리스 (2010) Club
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added by Alice12Mirana
added by Lesly1133
Source: entertainmentwallpaper.com
added by sukritikandpal
added by Lesly1133
Source: entertainmentwallpaper.com
added by Juliana_House
Source: Google, Amazon, 디즈니
added by Juliana_House
Source: Mad Hatter's 페이스북 page
added by Lesly1133
Source: entertainmentwallpaper.com
 Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Copy Combo Pack out June 1st
Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Copy Combo Pack out June 1st
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to watch the Behind the scenes clip.

(About the behind the scenes clip)

Let me be clear: I really enjoyed Tim Burton's take on "Alice in Wonderland." The story delivered a worthwhile continuation of Disney's original animated film while sticking to the twistedly whimsical spirit Lewis Carroll's classic book. A lot of folks felt the same way.

Then the movie ended. Like many, I was shaken 의해 the... interesting creative choice made in the final 분 when Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter performs a CGI-assisted dance -- the Futterwacken -- to a techno beat. In the below clip from the Blu-ray/DVD's...
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added by peteandco
added by PoisonRose
Source: art 의해 Massimiliano Narciso
added by peteandco
Source: costumer guide to movie costumes
added by Juliana_House
Source: 디즈니
added by PoisonRose
Source: art 의해 Massimiliano Narciso
Q: Your upcoming Alice looks like it might be a 더 많이 adult interpretation, considering she's meant to be 19...

A: With Alice, the imagery has been around for so long, it's so iconic. The problem with the 책 is that they're episodic and kind of 랜덤 events that the 영화 have always suffered from the idea of a passive little girl going, "Oh, that's weird. Oh, I'm shrinking! Oh, I'm growing! I say!" So the goal was to try and take that imagery and be true to it but make it a new movie. So she's older, which puts in context. That's what's always been missing.

I think, with all these stories,...
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added by shenelopefan
added by PoisonRose
Source: art 의해 Massimiliano Narciso
added by PoisonRose
Source: art 의해 Massimiliano Narciso
added by peteandco
Source: costumer guide to movie costumes