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Agnosticism Have 당신 felt 더 많이 judged 의해 Atheists 또는 Theists?

28 fans picked:
I've felt 더 많이 judged 의해 Theists.
I don't feel judged 의해 eiether.
I feel equally judged 의해 both.
I've felt 더 많이 judged 의해 Atheists.
 Cinders posted over a year ago
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Cinders picked I've felt 더 많이 judged 의해 Atheists.:
From theists, I often get confusion - many don't understand the difference between atheists and agnostics. But once explained, they're very understanding.

Atheists, in my experience, get more frustrated with you when they find out you're agnostic, and not an atheist, like they expect you to be. I've heard more comments about how agnostics are just indecisive atheists than anything else.

Again, this is not ALWAYS - many Atheists are very understanding and cool, and many are even a member of this spot. Some people here are Agnostic Atheists, and that's cool. I'm just saying, in my personal experience, this is the case. Certainly not across the board.
posted over a year ago.
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sesshykiralover picked I feel equally judged 의해 both.:

Atheists, that I've encountered, are pretty cool. That is, until they realize I am agnostic, not an atheist. By then, there's usually a bitter fight about agnosticism isn't just about idiots who are afraid to admit there is no god and/or idiots who are indecisive! It's insulting...but the only atheist I feel doesn't judge me, is my aunt.

Theists...oh, my! I, shamefully, feel so insignificant around them. At school, after someone brought up religion, I actually lost friends because of my beliefs. Most of my family, judge me and make sure to awkwardly bring up religion, just because of my religion. And, ugh, the outside world...don't get me started.

I don't know, maybe these are just my experiences. But, I only feel accepted by those who share my beliefs and satanists. Many of those, that I know, who are Satanists, I get along with, because their religion is as misunderstood as mine.
posted over a year ago.
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glelsey picked I feel equally judged 의해 both.:
I think it depends on exactly who I am dealing with at the time.

The most common thing I've dealt with is people from one side assuming that I am the other. By that, I mean atheists assume I believe and theists assume I disbelieve. It's like they have this idea that there is no in-between.

When I say that though, I don't mean that this is the case with everyone. I've also met theists and atheists who seem to have a better understanding of agnosticism.

I have known quite a few atheists to be "offended" by the idea of agnosticism though, and definitely know more argumentative atheists than I do theists. I don't think I've been judged more by atheists than theists as such, but from my experience they do tend to be the ones that get angrier about it. Theists that I know of are not annoyed by the word "agnostic", but some of them are still prone to the assumption that being agnostic means that you disbelieve.

I don't think I've ever lost any friends over being agnostic, thankfully!
posted over a year ago.
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RiverClan4Life picked I've felt 더 많이 judged 의해 Theists.:
My mom is theist and she's ashamed of my religion. She wants me to be Catholic.(eeeww) She thinks I don't believe in anything. I'venever been judgedby atheists.
posted over a year ago.
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FlightofFantasy picked I've felt 더 많이 judged 의해 Atheists.:
I'm an agnostic Wiccan, and while I'm more judged by theists for being Wiccan (except for other Neopagans, of course), I'm more judged by atheists for being agnostic. It's annoying to be judged by either one, of course, but in general I've found atheists to be much more rude and in-your-face than theists, at least in my experience.
posted over a year ago.
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ElsaFrozen picked I've felt 더 많이 judged 의해 Theists.:
Muslims, Orthodox, Jews, Buddhists, Hinduists and Shinto-Hinduists are a easier on me, they actually get me. But the other Christians especially the numero uno idiotas (Catholics) are just so judgmental of the fact that I am Agnostic.
posted over a year ago.
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ChiliPepperLuv picked I don't feel judged 의해 eiether.:
That's probably because I never talk about religion in public. My belief system is kinda complicated. I have beliefs that typical Christians don't have. For example, I don't think the Bible is inerrant, I don't believe in rapture, and I don't believe in a Second Coming. I believe that mankind and God will come together and bring Heaven to Earth. However, I have some elements that are Christianity as well. I believe in salvation through faith. I believe in the Holy Trinity. Like I said, it's complicated.
posted over a year ago.
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missdoney picked I've felt 더 많이 judged 의해 Theists.:
I have christan friends that don't accept my beliefs and impouse me to be christan (what is sad because I don't impose them to believe what I believe), but my atheits, pagans and agnostics friends accept me and respect my beliefs.
posted over a year ago.