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Book, The Future Of Spacetime, Contains Racially Offensive Cartoon From Stephen Hawking

By WNNWs News

Stephen Hawking has been linked to a racially offensive "cartoon" that depicts a black 농구 player being electrocuted to death 의해 lightning, to illustrate how the future of time travel is not black "but "blindingly white", in the book, The Future of Spacetime. The book is a collection of essays presented originally in 2000 at the Kipfest celebration of physicist Kip Thorne's 60th birthday.

According to sources linked to an investigation about the origins of the illustration and whose...
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posted by africagirl
A white man once said, "Colored people are not allowed here."
The black man turned around and stood up.
Then he said, "Listen sir....
When I was born I was BLACK.
...When I grew up I was BLACK.
When I'm sick I'm BLACK.
When I go in the sun I'm BLACK.
When I'm cold I'm BLACK.
When I die I'll be BLACK.

But 당신 sir,

When you're born you're pink.
When 당신 grow up you're white.
When you're sick, you're green.
When 당신 go in the sun 당신 turn red.
When you're cold 당신 turn blue.
And when 당신 die 당신 turn purple.
And 당신 have the nerve to call me colored?"

The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away....