조언 on Love, Crushes, and More! Club
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Chapter 8 – Anastasia’s Editing Idea

The 다음 일 at the lunch table, 아나스타샤 asked Michael, “Did 당신 talk to him?”
    “No. 당신 have to talk to him,” he answered.
    Of course he hadn’t spoken to him. But, maybe it was better that way. 아나스타샤 queried, “But if I talk to him, wouldn’t it be weird since we don’t know each other at all?”
    Michael replied, “It might be, but at the same time, what have 당신 got to lose? If it doesn’t work out, then nothing happens and 당신 옮기기 on. If it does,...
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Hey! This chapter is a bit of a filler, so I'm sorry, but I'll post the 다음 chapter very soon after this one. :) Enjoy!

Chapter 6 – Dress Shopping

That last week of February, the area she lived in was pummeled with blizzard-like snowstorms.
    On Tuesday, her school district had a two-hour delay in the morning, and had an early dismissal, in which the students would go 집 at one-thirty rather than two-twenty. Tuesday, though, was not the worst of the snowstorms to come. On Wednesday, school was cancelled. The area had received a few good inches over night that needed...
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posted by vanillamoon08
This here is a poem I wrote about somebody in love. :) I hope 당신 enjoy it!!

“Moon To My Night”

당신 are the moon to my night
A bright shining star
Your brilliance is light
And beautiful 당신 are

당신 are the sun to my day
Like a bird 당신 fly
I cannot stay away
I wouldn’t even try

당신 are the warmth to my summer
A 꽃 that blossoms in the spring
My 심장 pounds like a drummer
When 당신 start to sing

당신 are the first 별, 스타 to my night’s eve
On my 심장 당신 leave a shining mark
From now on I will forever believe
That 당신 will always light my dark
So... I'm doing a 기사 to give 조언 to 당신 about your situation. :) I hope 당신 don't mind, I'm not sure where else to give this to you! :) (Anybody else who is in a similar situation can use my 조언 here too)

So... the guy 당신 like might like you, but none of 당신 has asked each other out yet? Hmm...this is kinda tricky, not gonna lie, but I think the first step is to be sure that he likes 당신 too, 또는 let him know that 당신 like him. If 당신 want, 당신 don't have to tell him yet, but 당신 can give hints. Like, a little flirting and invite him out to places with 당신 and your friends. Flirting...
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added by AlxanderRfan
Source: AlxanderRfan
added by awsomeness2000
Source: katelen
added by AlxanderRfan
Source: AlxanderRfan
added by AlxanderRfan
Source: AlxanderRfan
added by vanillamoon08
Source: photobucket.com
added by AlxanderRfan
Source: AlxanderRfan
added by AlxanderRfan
Source: AlxanderRfan
Yep, this pretty much is exactly what its says. I have a friend ,my best friend, who's been through so much with me, and we're still going strong. A couple of months back, we started going to the town square, which was filled with people our other 프렌즈 knew, so they all took to us really quickly. So he starts dating one 또는 two girls, but they don't last, and he starts dating a girl, who i just think is nice enough, funny, mellow, cool, what have you. So they date,and he has had sooo many relationships, but this is 의해 far his strongest yet, and i'm jsut happy for him at this point. But, suddenly,...
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Hey guys!!! :D This is my true story about me a little while back. :) All the names are switched in here, but everything 당신 read actually happened. :) I hope 당신 enjoy this, and please comment, telling me what 당신 think. Thank you!!! :)

Chapter 1 – The Boy in the Hall

Anastasia Diaz walked through the halls of her high school, headed toward her locker. She passed 의해 so many guys each day, but none of them seemed to appeal to her anymore. They were nothing like her celebrity crush, Robin Rivers, and even though she knew well that there was a slim chance of her ever meeting Robin, she could...
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added by AlxanderRfan
Source: AlxanderRfan
added by AlxanderRfan
Source: AlxanderRfan
posted by PonygirlCurtis7
here are some tips i have found in numerous places, videos, books, etc. and some from experience.

1: smile
you have to smile. its tells the guys that youre interested and 당신 want to talk to him

2: make eye-contact
eye-contact is very important. like #1, it tells him youre interested

3: ask him advice
guys 사랑 it when 당신 ask them 조언 and confide in them. they 사랑 that 당신 value their opinion

4: touch your neck, lips, ear, etc.
while youre talkin to him 당신 should touch your neck 또는 당신 lips 또는 ear 또는 somethin (dont ask me why, i found this in a video XD. but if u understand why, good for you!)...
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added by vanillamoon08
added by AlxanderRfan
Source: AlxanderRfan