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posted by LouellaMorticia
Fester was Morticia's uncle.

Though Uncle Fester is a regular on the TV series, Charles Addams' prototype for Fester in the New Yorker 만화 was almost exclusively solitary, never shown indoors with the other family (except once as a painted portrait), and only once outdoors with the children (going fishing with dynamite).

With the start of the TV series, The New Yorker magazine stopped running any Addams-Family-themed 만화 from Charles Addams until just prior to his death in 1988, although a few familiar characters were allowed solitary appearances (the prototypes for Pugsley, Cousin...
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Playing on the mainstage of the Phoenix College campus in downtown Phoenix, Arizona; Dr. Christina Marin has cast a group of willing subjects to play in "The Addams Family: The Musical." Featured in the cast are two local actors: Hector Coris as Gomez and Jeffrey Middleton as Uncle Fester! Come see the fun as we open Thursday, April 16, 7:30pm and run the following performances: Friday, April 16, 11am, Friday, April 17 & 24, 7:30pm, Saturday, April 18 & 25, 7:30pm, Sunday, April 26, 2:00pm...
If we start to sell out, 더 많이 performances will be added! Let's pack the house with 프렌즈 and fans!
Tickets can be purchased via the Phoenix College website:link
posted by LouellaMorticia
 Lisa Loring
Lisa Loring
Okay, so this is what I've found out with my 'obsession' with the Addams family of the like of Wednesday and Pugsley since their ages are very different in different versions:

..::The Addams Family 1964 - 1966::..

This is first series with two young children.
Wednesday - Lisa Loring 6 - 8 years old
Pugsley - Kenneth Weatherwax 9 - 10 years old

..::Halloween With The New Addams Family 1977::..

Somehow Gomez and Morticia apparently have produced two 더 많이 children that look exactly like their last named Wednesday and Pugsley aswell! They also wear the same thing!
Wednesday - Lisa Loring 19 years old
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posted by Coffeeuser
Gomez and Morticia loved to spend time together. Whether they were on a picnic, 또는 relaxing in the Play Room; the happy couple relished every moment of their relationship. Sometimes Gomez would get overly horny at inopportune times, for which Morticia would have to calm him down. But she treasured the attention like nothing else, and Gomez knew this. Both of them were always extremely open about their obsession with each other, but whenever they alone, things really got going.

One evening, the couple decided to retire to their room early – after 키싱 the children goodnight and telling them...
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