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PATRIOT SPOOF (uncensored):


Joining the American revolution of 1776.

Benjamin Martin, a veteran of the French and Indian war is still not yet involved in the warfare against England.

Partically due to his wife being dead, and it's up to him alone to take care of his seven childrun.

Benjamin himself was found in a barn, trying to make a rocking chair, he finally seemed to have one, but it broke.

Benjamin 로스트 his temper and threw it away in anger, revealing twenty other failed tries also, but when he saw one of his small childrun watching, he calmed himself down, probably not wanting to scare anyone.

Benjamn was later shown at his wife's tombstone giving 꽃 towards it.


It was now the fairly late at night.

Everyone was asleep except for Benjamin and his eldest son Gabrial who's 18, and his 초 oldest son Thomas who's 14.

They were both anxiously for their father so they could open the mail.

"So, what came in the mail?" Benjamn asked after a brief silence.

Thomas and Gabrial ran over to the 표, 테이블 they left the mail on.

Whie running back though, Thomas tripped and fell, and a unaware Gabrial tripped over Thomas's body, Benjamin looked away from the paper he was 읽기 after hearing the noise, and they both bulted back up before his face turned to their direction, making him belief nothing happened.

Gabrial opened a letter that showed a list of new recruits.

"Hey check it out Dave Gibson joined" Gabrial said.

"Haha. Gibson.. What a stupid made up last name" Benjamin laughed.

"Also there's.. Peter Cupton.. He's seventeen, a 년 younger than I" Gabrial said seeming sad.

"We should attend the meeting.. It has been removed to-

"Charlettown! We're going to Charlettown!" Thomas cried excitedly.

"No, we're going to-

"Everyone! Were going to Charletown!" Thomas cried excitedly, running up the stairs, making everyone cheer in joy.

"Great, now we HAVE to go" Benjamin groaned annoyedly.

"Why don't I just take them" Gabrial suggested.

"Ya, why don't 당신 SHUT UP!" Benjamin cried childishly.

The 다음 morning the family arrived in Charelottown.

"Aunt Charrlete!" Most the kids cried excitedly.

"Childrun!" Aunt Charrlete cried happily.

"It's so good to see-

Suddenly there was a deafing loud noise.

Everyone looked over to see Benjamin holding a pistol in the air, with smoke coming from it, meaning it's just been fired.

"Greetings" Benjamin said, putting his pistol away.

"H Hi Ben" Charrlete said nervously.

"Why did 당신 불, 화재 your gun?" Benjamin son Nathan asked.

"It's how he introduces himself" Gabrial annoyedly answered for Benjamin.


The judge was shown pounding his small hammer to silence the room.

"Our first order of business" the judge said.

"And our last! I hope" Peter Howard said, making everyone cheer.

"Yes, bu-

Everyone was startled 의해 a sudden gunshot, everyone turned to where it came from and as 당신 could expect it was Benjamin 'introducing himself'.

"I'm here, good to see 당신 all" Benjamin greeted, as he and his family found seats.

"Uhh.. Anyway, General Lee is here to speak to us" the judge annanced.

And up stood a man with his American meltary uniform.

"You all know why I'm here.. We are at war with England" General lee told.

"Ya, but not South Carlina is NOT!" Peter argued.

"It involves us all.. We are still a nation" Lee said back.

"And what nation is that?" Wilkins asked, possibly sarcasstically.

"An AMERICAN NATION!" Peter cried angrily.

"There is no such thing.. And to speak of one is treason" Wilkins said rudely.

"YOUR A TREASON!" Peter cried out immaturally, earning a few cheers from others.

"Alright. Alright. Calm down everybody" the judge said pounding his small hammer again.

Peter gave a 'I'm watching you' motion to Wilker.

Benjamin soon stood up.

"Mister Howard, tell me.. Why should I trade one tyrant, three thousand miles away, for three thousand tyrants one mile away?" Benjamin asked sacrassically, making people laugh and Peter embarressed.

"Ahh.. 당신 must be mister Martin. I understand 당신 to be a patriot" Lee said.

"You heard wrong, I am not a patriot" Benjamin lyed.

"But your a veteran of the French and Indian war 당신 not?" Lee asked.

"No, I'm not a veteran, I just servived the war" Benjamin answered.

"I'm pretty sure that is a-

"Oh ya.. Well.. 당신 know what.. FUCK YOU!" Benjamin cried angrily.

"I have seven childrun at home, my wife is dead.. Whos to care for them if I go to war.. I will not fight, and cause I will not fight, I will not sign for others to replace me" Benjamin said, shocking everyone and angering Gaberial into leaving the room.

Soon after Gaberial is preparing to inlist without his fathers promission.

Eventually, Benjamin resisted in trying to prevent this.

Almost a 월 later.

Gabrial wrote Thomas a letter saying he's sorry about Charelstown having fallen to British hands so quickly. Also says about losing his new friend Peter Cuppin, but hopes to see them all again.

Benjamin at the meantime was shown watching tv.

(Heard from the screen, not actually shown).


(Sound of 칼, 나이프 stabing something).

(Horribly scream heard).


(Sound of flameflower being used, 더 많이 horrible screams as well).

"Wow, this movie just keeps getting stranger" Benjamin said, not overly impressed sounding.

(Shown from tv

(Two men are shown, one is holding a flameflower).

"MAN 1: I think I got it"

MAN 2: "Good show lad"

A certain amount of the blood jumps onto Man 1's face, making him freak out and run around in pointless cycles, and Man 2 watches with no tempt of helping him).

"Man, these people are idiots" Benjamin said, laughing.

(From screen, heard only)


Suddenly the films line was inturpted 의해 a loud boom like sound, several of them, each reconized as a 대포 blast.

Later that night.

A injured man came into their house, Benjamin, thinking he was threat pointed a pistol at him, telling the stranger to 'slowly turn', witch at that point he was revealed a Gabrial who Benjamin began healing, as Gaberial spoke of how he got here. He also said he couldn't stay, it wasn't safe, but after he said this a loud 대포 blast was heard, a good amount followed, than, sudden silence.

Followed 의해 더 많이 blasts and British a American soldiers appearing liturary just outside their house.

The kids watched on with unstandable amount of fear as they saw, up close, a battle between the units.

The Americans seemed to be doing a poor job, and dying easier than the British troops were.

This went on, until everything went black, as one of them fell against the screen.


Gabriel woke up in a bed, patched up.

He saw a 텔레비전 on.

"Oh not THAT movie again.


ANNOUNCER: "And now back to THE SHINING"

(Jack panickally bursts through the door).

JACK: Wendy! Do 당신 realize 다음 door, there's a naked woman, that I totally.. Wasn't.. Kissing"

WENDY: "Not now Jack, have 당신 seen Danny?"

JACK: "No, I haven't.. Red rum? (shows a glass of red liquid).*

Gabriel approched outside and saw the townsfolk treating injured soldiers of both American and British units.

Several of them threw up all over their healers.

Others had their healers throw up all over 'them'.

The lead British Leftenent (only nice British leader), approched Benjamin, nicely thanking him for treating his wounded soldiers.

Before long British Dagloons also rode into the small village, lead 의해 the ruthless and cold hearted Conoral William Tavington.

Tavington, mistaking the black townfolks for slaves promised them freedom if they fight with their side, they said they aren't slaves but he forced them to fight among the British anyway.

He also arrested Gaberial for carrying a letter, and claiming it made him a spy.

Benjamin ran up, begging not to do this.

"Oh.. I get it, he's your son.. Well, prehaps 당신 should of taught him something of loyality" Tavington said.

"Please, Conoral.. 의해 the rules of war-

"Rules of war, would like a lesson ser? (points gun at Benjamin) on the rules of war" Tavington said coldly.

For whatever reason this caused Benjamin to laugh.

"What?" Tavington asked confusedly.

"Your gun.. It's a German Luger.. Those weren't made till would war two" Benjamin said laughing.

"It's a fanfiction spoof, why do 당신 care!?" Tavington cried.

"Besides there was already 영화 from 1980's involved" Tavington asked.

"How do 당신 know?" Benjamin asked.

"I watched them myself.. I had lots to do, before the "writer" needed me" Tavington said.

"True" Benjamin said admittedly.

Feeling defeated, Benjamin backed off, making Tavington grin ruthlessly.

"Oh, and stay bye bye to your house.. Cause we are gonna burn it" Tavington said coldly, witch Benjamin gave no response towards, and it even shocked a few of the British regulars.

"Sir?. What of the US wounded?" redcoat Leftenent asked.

"Kill them" Tavington ordered, much to the shock of the leftenent and most of his men.

Gabriel began getting tied up.

Thomas, realizing his father wasn't going to prevent this, tempted to save Gaberial, pushing away the British troops and tried saving his brother, only for Tavington to cruelly shoot him the the back with his gun.

Benjamin and his family ran up to the dying Thomas.

"THOMAS, WHAT THE HELL!.. THIS IS A FIFTY DOLLAR SWEATER ND YOUR FUCKIN BLEEDING ON IT!" Benjamin cried out angrily, as if that was all he cared about.

However Benjamin felt understandable amounts of huge sadness after Thomas slowly dyed not long after Benjmin screamed at him.

At the mean time, the British regulars were forced to burn the house and kill the wounded, despite the Leftenent's clear doudt and sadness about having to do such a thing.

Once the British left, Benjamin was now angry, as he ran into his burning 집 and quickly grabbed dozens of rifles, pistols, and a Tomahawk.

He came back, gave rifles to Nathan and Smaual and three ran into the forest.


Benjamin and his two sons ran deep into the forest.

Finally they stopped.

"Alright, here's a good spot.. Lesson, when the Britsh arrive.. I'll 불, 화재 first, I want 당신 to start with the officials and work your way down. Can 당신 당신 tell the difference?"

"Yes father" the other two both answered.

"What have I told 당신 boys about shooting?" Benjamin asked.

"Aim small miss small"

"Aim small miss small.. Boys.. Smaual.. Steady"

The British troops soon arrived.

Before long, Benjamin fired his 소총 and killed one of the officials.

All the red coats were clearly confused of were it came from.

Nathan and Smaual fired both their rifles killing two officals, one being the Leftenant from before.

Benjamin breifly revealed himself as he ran across from two trees, firing his pistol in the prograss.

The bullet hit a British soldiers forehead, but instead of dying he screamed and ran all over the place in panic.

The guy's screams were still heard in the background as Nathan and Smaual killed a few 더 많이 soldiers, but the British turned to them, but Benjamin screamed making them turn to him, and Nathan and Smeaul again killed two others.

The screaming guy mistakingly banged into a thick 나무, 트리 and layed dead on the ground.

At this point Benjamin took out his tomahawk and ran down into the open, one British solder would of killed him but Gaberiel pushed him away, angering the soldier into beating the still handcuffed Gaberial.

Screaming like a wildman, Benjamin leaped into the air, like in Assasin's creed, but only a low jump, and ripped a nearby redcoat liturary in half.

Benjamin screamed at and pointed at anouther redcoat who was near the other guy ripped in half, Benjamin successed in scaring him, but as he was running away, he was killed 의해 one of Nathan's and Smeuel's bullets.

Seemingly the only one left was the one holding Gaberial at 칼, 나이프 point, Benjamin ran up, but from behind the wagon appeared many 더 많이 red coats.

Benjamin quickly but brutally started killing the British units with badass melee moves.

One was pushed to the ground and Benjamin stabbed his tomahawk against him a few times.

The battle was quickly coming to an end as Benjamin acted liked a one man killing machine.

Benjamin eventually killed them all, and ended the battle 의해 throwing his 자귀, 도끼 against the face of the redcoat holding Gaberial at 칼, 나이프 point, saving his oldest sons life.

Nathan and Smeaul, realizing the battle is over, ran down to untie Gaberial.

A somehow alive, British soldier tried running but Benjamin ran after him, and killed him 의해 throwing his tomahawk into his back.

However, Benjamin wasn't done with him, dead 또는 not.

All of Benjamins anger finally made him snapp and he began ripping the corp into pieces, causing blood to spread all over him, as he did the motion fast as possible, screaming as if mental.

However Benjamin as he remembered the others and saw them looking at him in fear, Bejamin began walking back to them.

But half way, he ran back to the body, ripping up th rest of it, screaming mentally again.

"Father, cut it out! There's not even anything left to stab!" Gaberial cried out.

"THERE'S ALWAYS SOMETHING!" Benjamin screamed.

But after a near hour, Benjamin stopped as he realized there was liturary just a pool of blood left.

Benjamin walked back to others, one anger making him seem like a ghost disappearing.



Tavington learned from a servival of the massacre that Benjamin acted like a ghost, and the witness didn't even see him, and then he seemed to have vanished after everyone was slaughtered.

Meanwhile, Benjamin, Gaberial, Nathan and Smeaul were finally returning home, or, to aunt Charlottes 집 actually.

"When's father coming home?" one of the children asked sadly.

Aunt 샬럿, 샬 롯 responded with "I don't kn- (gunshot is heard from downstairs), oh, there he is"

Soon after his arrival, Benjamin tucked Nathan and Smeaul to bed. Nathan felt strangely glad that he killed those Brits.

"Dose that make me a bad person?" Nathan asked nervously.

"No of corse not.. 당신 did what 당신 had to do. Besides, this story is set in the colonial period, and we are in the middle of American revultion. And as such, even though many are probably as friendly as that Leftenant, the British 'regulars' are still the enamy, and we don't always have time to sympathy them.. Besides most of them were just 랜덤 background characters, half didn't even move. The other half just blinked" Benjamin answered.

Soon Benjamin went to Smeauls bedroom as well, but Smeaul couldn't even look at him, witch understandably hurt Benjamin emtionally.

Abit later.

After tucking all his childrun to bed, Benjamin felt lots of sadness over all that happened.

샬럿, 샬 롯 tried insisting that he's done nothing to be ashamed of, but Benjamin replies that having done 'nothing' is what he's ashamed of.

Soon Gaberial greeted the two, saying that it's his duty to return to the military.

"No.. Your duty is here, with your family" Benjamin said.

Gaberial didn't respond, and began walking away.

"Don't 당신 walk away from me boy!" Benjamin yelled sternly.

"I'M NOT A CHILD!" Gaberial screamed.

"YOUR MY CHILD!" Benjamin screamed back.

This caused a silence, but Gaberial still started leaving.

"Gaberial, please.. Thomas is dead.. How many 더 많이 have to die before this all over" Benjamin said upsettly.

Gaberial paused, but once again, containued on his way.

"I'm losing my family" Benjamin said sadly to Charlotte.


Gaberial containued riding his horse, he saw a man speeding out of house, obviously having robbed it, as seeing Gaberial only made him speed up.

Gaberial wondered into the empty house, seeing everything thrown all over the place, Gaberial wondered upstairs, hearing music.

And from the 상단, 맨 위로 floor he saw a nearby field battle.

The British and American units playing their flutes and drums as they marched towards each other.

The Americans began firing their mullets (rifles) at the approching red coats.

For reasons I myself never understand the British gave the whole, not caring faces, as their men began dying wait 다음 to them (liturary).

Gaberial briefly looked away from the conflict only to see his father at the doorway, carrying a mullet in his hands, along with his tomahawk and pistol both tucked away.

All Gaberial had was his mullet, but it was all he needed.

"I am not coming back" Gaberial said to Benjamin.

"No, I didn't think 당신 would" Benjamin said as he and Gaberial watched to battle.

Benjamin went on about saying how General Gates is a damn fool.

Back with battle, the American finished firing from their side of the feild.

Now, it was the English's turn, and they began slaughtering the American units, who were better for showing fear of seeing people die all around them.

The Bitish also began using their cannons, witch tossed great amounts of the Americans in the air like paper in the wind (or whatever).

"My leg!" Many of the soldiers cried as background sounds.

One 대포 blast was actually able to fully decapitate a young member of the US troops. I guess he Headed to the wrong spot, (nervous giggle).

(Benjamin and Gaberial look at me with unimpressed faces.)

Fine I'll leave the jokes to the characters.

(GABERIAL: "Probably be best")

The British cannons containued firing, and slaughtering the American troops.

"This battle was over before it began" Benjamin said sadly, as he and Gaberial left the house, as they did, Tavington and his Dragoons rode into the battle, cutting through the retreating Amercians, winning the 일 for the English soldiers.


Benjamin and Gaberial arrived at a still in US hands, campsite, were servivals the field battle were getting open surgeries preformed.

Ben and Gaberial saw Lee when they entered one of the tents.

"Alright then" Benjamin said, firing his pistol in the air.

Even though this caused all the other Troops to briefly 오리 down from fear, Lee didn't even flinch, just calmly looked over.

"Oh, hi Ben" Lee said, as if use to it from him, in fact, he probably was.

"Afternoon" Benjamin said happily.

"I am in no mood for lecture" Lee groaned.

"Were's your general Gates?" Benjamin asked, putting his flintlock in its holder.

"Last anyone saw, running off crying like a girl.. I'm in charge now, I think" Lee replied.

"What are my orders?" Benjamin asked, making Lee smile abit.

"We are a breath away from losing this war, Benjamin" Lee said, patting Ben's back at least twice.

Lee said the only way to win, is 의해 Marisas.

"But their not soldiers, they're farmers" Benjamin said.

"Your be in charge, as coronal. Your be for it" Lee said.

"As long my son gose as my 초 in command" Benjamin said.

"Next to Jean Villenuve, fine" Lee said.

"But he's French" Benjamin groaned.

"And" Villenuve said revealing himself.

"And I 사랑 French soldiers" Benjamin said nervously.

"Ser, I've been a official here for years, I'll be off with the regulars" Gaberial insisted.

"Your my son.. I 사랑 my son, and wish to keep it that way" Ben said.

"Fine.. Let's 스플릿, 분할 up and get recuits" Gaberial said, Ben nodded in agreement.


Gaberial arrived at a church, just outside were a couple men hung and obviously were dead for quite some time.

Gaberial arrived inside the church itself, he tired asking for everyone's attention, but nobody heard him over their singing.

"EXCUSE ME!" Gaberial cried as loud as he could, still nobody heard him.

Gaberial prepared to 불, 화재 his 소총 into the air to get everyone to be aware of him.

However as he tried to do so, the gun wasn't seeming to be working, the trigger was jammed 또는 something.

"Not again" Gaberial groaned.

But as he was trying to unjam it, it fired with him fully trying to have it do so.

Worse still, a man screamed horribly as the bullet was, unintentionally, lanced into his belly.

"OH MY GOD! I AM SO SORRY!" Gaberial cried out, as several woman screamed in the background.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! 당신 KILLED THAT MAN!" the priest Reverand screamed, as everyone started speaking at once, out of panick.

"I'm sorry I-

"THIS IS A HOUSE OF GOD!" Reverant cried out angrily.

"I'm just looking for Marlisa recruits, whos with me?" Gaberial cried nervously.

"Anf bring 더 많이 suffering to this town!?" Dan Scott cried, getting agreement from a lot of them.

Eventually this lead to bunch of men including Dan and even Reverant, standing up to show that they will 가입하기 in the war.


Benjamin and Jean arrived at bar.

"Are 당신 sure this is the right place to recruit for Marlisa?" Jean asked.

Benjamin shrugged.

"God save king George!" Benjamin cried, making everyone turn to the two, with angry faces.

Ben and Jean ran to the door as various objects were thrown at them.

"I think we went to the right place" Benjamin said breathlessly, from the other side of the building.

After salving the 'issue' Benjamin and Jean set up a recruiting table.

One of the first ones was a tall guy with black hair, and black fasical hair as well. He has no real name, so I'll him... Dave.

Anouther one was Rollin, after Benjamin said he can rob from whatever red 코트 he kills, he signed his name.

A old guy, gave them his slave Occum.

And eventually the last one was John Billings.

"There's a rumor going on, of twenty red coats got killed 의해 a ghost 또는 some damn thing" John said, seeming to know it was Ben's doing.

"Aren't 당신 a little old to be believing in ghost stories" Benjamin said, grinning.

John laughed.



All the recruits meet up in a swamp like area.

The men Benjamin and Jean found, we're laughing the ones Gaberial brought, due to them being from the church as stuff.

Gaberial found his father making bullets and John Billings sitting not overly far away from him.

"These men.. They aren't the sort we need" Gaberial said admittedly.

"They are exactly the sort we need.. They fought this sort of war before" Benjamin replied.

"What about me? Am I that sort?" John asked.

"Hell no, your the sort that gives that sort, a bad name" Benjamin teased, making John laughed.


A unit of British soldiers were marching in the rain, with a wagon with them.

In matter of moments, Benjamin's Merlisa troops managed to kill everyone of them.

The 일 after that, British trooper were once again had bunch of units soldiers together, along with a wagon, but in the cornfeilds this time.

The US Melissa units gave a serprise attack, popping out the feilds quickly gunning down, screaming "Guess who motherFuckers!" to the, 카트 off guard, British soldiers.

Within moments they quickly started getting gunned down, before even getting a change to return fire.

Cause of this, the red coats ended up 연기 like frightened little childrun. All running in panicked cycles and screaming in fear, as if it was actually going to salve the situration.

One was shot in the face and the soldier beside him, pointed at him and screamed in fear.

Eventually, the last one left, tired getting away, but John fired his pistol at him, successfully killing him.


My dear Anne.

Our forces containue to grow.

As long as we containue to fight, others will come to our stand.

I long to see you.

Pray for me, but above all, pray for our cause.

Forever yours.


A few days later, the British were once again, traveling in a group, carrying a wagon along with them.

And British no idea wear it came from.

Suddenly, Reverant and the other church members started gunning down a couple of them, making thr British panick like small kids for whatever reason.

As the British did this, it sound liked the characters of spongebob. (the famish "my leg" line, mixed in with whines of pain, and panick sounds).

The servivers of the red coats, started retreating, but were serprise attacked 의해 Benjamin and them.

They tired surrendering but Benjamin still melee killed them with his tomahawk, as if barelly even trying.

Gaberial and Reverand tried telling them to stop, as the British were tempting to surrender.

But Dave ignored him, and killed the last member, even though he was just trying to surrender.


"Perhaps.. We may never know" Jean said ruthlessly.

"This is murder" Reverand cried.

"Ya, well, when their red coats.. They earned it" John said, just as ruthlessly.

"We are better men than that" Gaberial insisted.

"What do 당신 know about war" Dave said rudely.

"I know the difference between fight for your country an-

"YOU GUYS DEFEND THE CHURCH!" Dave screamed angrily.

"I don't like being interu-

"ENOUGH!" Benjamin cried.

"Can I least finish my sen-

"In future cases, full quarter. Would be British wounded, and any that surrender" Benjamin said.

"Ya that seems fai-

"British gave no such qauter, when they burned a ship carrying my wife and daughter.. I watched from six feet away, as they were burned ALIVE!" Jean cried angrily.

"You have my sympathy, but my orders still" Ben replied.

"Damn your sympathy.. Who are 당신 to give such a order.. I know what 당신 and your countrymen did to mind on fort merchful" Jean said angrily.

"We're Merlisa. This not regular army.. Any man here is free to come and go as he pleases, but once your here.. 당신 WILL follow my order 또는 I will 당신 shot" Benjamin said, eying Jean at the last line.

"In the meantime" Benjamin containued. "We need to keep our guard on, not let anything distract us from what is 더 많이 im- (amazed 의해 something off view), OH MY GOD! A 불, 화재 HYDRANT!"

With that, Benjamin ran up to a conviently placed in a forest, 불, 화재 hydrent, hopping and clapping his hands with a stupid sounding laugh as if mentally retarded.

Gaberial rolled his eyes annoyedly.

John and Rollin found two large 개 still guarding the red coats wagon.

"Just shoot it, just shoot the damn thing" John said.

Rollin got ready to do so, but Benjamin appeared telling him not to, grabbed a chicken John was eating, and used it to lead the 개 away from the wagon.

Inside the wagon, they found British letters, along with funitures inside the wagon.

"I say we kep the funiture, eat the 개 and use the letters to our advantage" John said.

"Eat the dogs!" Reverant said in serprise.

"Dog is a fine meal" Benjamin said, teasing him for his serprised reaction.

"Good heavens" Reverand said, in disbelieve.

John and Benjamin laughed at how much Reverand was falling for it.


That night all the men were gathered around the swamp area, somewhat of a party going on.

everyone was givin rifles, including Occum.

"I don't know about the rest of you. But I don't like the idea of giving muskets to skaves" Dan said rudely, making a few laugh.

"Your since of freedom, is as pale as your skin" Jean said, angered 의해 the racistic jokes.

Dan rolled his eyes.

Occum sat beside Gaberial, reasonably feeling offended.

"Don't lesson to them.. When this is over everything will change" Gaberial said.

"What will change?" Occum groaned.


In the middle of a British fort.

General Cornwillis was preparing for a fancy party.

Complaining about his 개 and stuff being lost.

And anger at Tavingtons none ability to stop the Malisa.

"It's their leader.. The ghost" Tavington responded.

Cornwallis told Tavington the ghost was his own fault, witch isn't far from the truth.


Things only got worse for the British as unknown to them, Ben and them secretly set bombs on a ship carrying 더 많이 of Cornwallis's belongings.

Shocking everyone, except oe lady, mistaking to explosion as splended fireworks, embarressing the woman's husband.


Gaberial, with Peters permission, got to sleep with Anne at her house.

But do to their bundling bag tradition, it was liturary impossible for him to leave the bed.

"(Bundling bag traditions are a great one, (more sarcasstically), best of all, I'm claustrophobic, and am not even aloud to pee in this thing, and my blatter is shortening everyday.. THIS IS A GREAT NIGHT"

"Here have some tea" Anne said, giving him some.

"Lovely" Gaberial said, unknown to him Anne was getting him back for the ink moment, 의해 giving him inked tea.

Anne laughed.

"What?" Gaberial asked confused.

"See for yourself" Anne said holding a hand mirror, Gaberial saw the ink in his mough.

"FU- (instantly skips to the 다음 scene before he finishes).


"Thanks again for letting him sleep over" Benjamin said to Peter.

The two saw Anne and Gaberial 키싱 behind them.

"Oh look, Gaberial knows tongue smoothes" Benamin said slyly.

Peter didn't respond.

"Gaberial! Time to go!" Brnjamin called to his son, making Gaberial and Anne stop kissing, Anne unknowingly revealed the ink went on her teeth.

Gaberial confused and slightly creeped out Benjamin, as he grinned at him, still with ink filled teeth.


A bunch of British soldier were walking with a wagon, down a road.

They ran into Benjamin, porposely blocking their path.

"This road is closed, this path now belongs to the US army" Benjamin said.

The British Sgt 스플릿, 분할 up his units making them twice as big.

Benjamin whistled and all his men revealed themselves, pointing their rifles.

"THAT'S RIGHT BITCHES!" Gaberial cried out, annoyingly.

Unknown to Benjamin's men, Tavington's Dragoons were soon to come as well.

"Sgt there's no need for 당신 and your men to die, lead the wagon and leave" Benjamin said.

"WE WILL KILL YOU!" Gaberial cried annoyedly.

"Stand down!" Dan said off view.

"YA! STAND DOWN, CATS!" Gaberial cried annoyedly.

"Would 당신 shut the fuck up already!" Benjamin cried annoyedly to Gaberial, making him stop talking that way as he groaned "fine" sadly.

"Seriously, just stand down" Dan said off view.

"This is the kings highway, (his men pull the blanket off the wagon, revealing even 더 많이 men), I advise 당신 and your men to stand down!" the Sgt cried sternly.

"There are troopes coming out of the wagon, father" Gaberial said.

"Really? I didn't notice" Benjamin sarcastically replied.

After a long stare down between the units, Benjamin saw Tavingtons men riding towards them in a serprise attack, forcing Benjamin to order his men to fire, killing the Sgt and a good number of the British regulars.

But straight after this, the Merlisa were forced to retreat, as the rest of the regulars fired at them.

"Oh my god! There shooting at us!" Gaberial cried our, even though it was ridculously obvious.

The two units contained firing at each other, but they got separated, and many of the Merlisa got separated.

Many of Benjamin's men started getting killed, one of them taking a bullet to private, he held it in pain, as he fell sideways crying in pain.

Gaberial fired a bullet but it accidantly hit Dan, making a nervous Gaberial pick up the speed on his horse, so nobody would know.

Dan fell down to the ground nearly dead, Occum however managed to get him safety.

Half of the Merisa units were taken hostage 의해 the Dragoons and red coats, Benjamin, Gaberial and the others were retreating, Tavington managed to shoot and kill one of them.


"I did the count.. Twenty two dead, eighteen wounded, twenty are missing" Gaberial said sadly.

"I'm finished" Rollins said angrily leaving.

"He won't be the first to leave" Dave groaned.

"Trust me, my men will come" Jean insisted.

"The hell with you, and the hell with the French army" Dave groaned.

"Don't need them, we got Benjamin Martin, know he did to the French" anouther man added, making several people laugh cruelly, including Dave.

Gaberial approched Benjamin bagging to be told what happened at fort murceal and why everyone knows him for it.

Benjamin gave in a told about the horrible events that happened back then, and became saddened 의해 the memories of it.

Gaberial suddenly remembered about Thomas and said their will be a time for revenge but not now.

"Oh god, Thomas.. How I miss him" Benjamin said sadly.

"I still remember the funeral" Gaberial said.

Benjamin nodded.

"Ya.. I think he might be dead" Gaberial said.

Benjamin layed their annoyed, before sarcassitically asking "is that what 당신 think?"

"Ya, I'm quite sure of it" Gaberial replied.

Suddenly everyone saw Occum carrying a injured Dan, saying the red coats got eighteen of their men taken hostage and in need of rescue.


6:45 pm, British fortress.

Billings, Reverend and a bunch others of Benjamin team were taken hostage.

Reverend had them giving their final prayers.

Suddenly they saw Benjamin himself riding towards the fortress with a white flag.

He was greeted 의해 Cornwallis.

Eventually Benjamin asked for releasing of his men, but Cornwallis denied them as soldiers.

Benjamin went literary crazy, "THEY'RE MY MEN! (pulling out gun) AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

This caused everyone to begin speaking in panic.

Cornwallis told him to remove the gun, and even tried taking it from him. They started wrestling for it, joining witch a bullet was mistakingly fired.

"Oh my god! He's dead!" Somebody cried out from off view.

"It was mostly 'your' fault" Benjamin groaned to Cornwallis, who didn't reply.

"Seriously though.. Release my men, 또는 18 of your officials will have to die.

"My officials?"

"What officials?"

"You said 당신 have 18 of my officials?"

"Your a crazy man. 당신 need to get that head looked after General" Benjamin replied.

"But 당신 sai-

"Oh ya.. Those officials.. I'll lead 당신 to their position" Benjamin said, leading Cornwallis to his window.

Cornwallis saw, what appeared to be captured red coats.

"What are there names?" Cornwallis asked.

"They refused to give their names, but their ranks are nine Sgts, 12 captains, and one very fat coronal who called me a.. uhhhh... Cheek, fella" Benjamin told Cornwallis.

"Well.. Coronal, 당신 like to play risk don't you?" Cornwallis replied.

"Do 당신 want to join?' Benjamin asked, playing Risk board game, with Cornwallis's lapdod, Charles O, Hera, who was trying 'unsuccessfully' to roll the dice, without it hitting the ground, 또는 pieces.

"Fine, I will release your men" Cornwallis replied.

"Hold on.. I win, 당신 lose, haw haw" Benjamin said to Charles, who in a childish temper tantrum, threw away the board across the room, and sat their angry.

7:05 pm.

Tavington arrived at the British fortress and saw a glimpse of Benjamin, he also was confused when the prisoners were released.

"Who is that man, I recognize him?" Tavington asked.

"He's the commander of the Merslia.. Your ghost" Charles replied.

Tavington 로스트 it and pulled out his sword, but Charles ordered Tavington not to harm Benjamin, 또는 their officials will be lost.

Tavington put away his sword, but teased Benjamin about remembering shooting Thomas and cruelly said he enjoyed it, in order to anger Benjamin.

Benjamin walked wait up to him saying "I do not like you.. I never will like you, I have 더 많이 respect for the shit I invaded my toliet with, than I for you. I'm serprised anybody likes 당신 for all 당신 do, your cruel, ugly, annoying-

9:36 pm

"stupid and rule breaking..

(Gaberial and few others are shown yarning and looking bored and tired).

"And before this war is over I will rip out your eyes, jab them down your throat and have 당신 watch as I slowly rip each body part off and cut them into bite sized pieces-

12:16 am

"And when it's finally all done, I will cut off your head and place it over my fireplace, as a constant reminder of what a cold hearted FUCK! looks like.. and this WILL happen, I will hunt 당신 down and-

4:20 am

"And than.. And only than, would I be able to 옮기기 on!"

Finally finished, Benjamin was intensely catching his breath.

"Why wait?" Tavington challanged.

"Soon" Benjamin 'promised'.

After Benjamin and them left, Cornwallis realized he was made a fool of, as he 'captured officals' were no 더 많이 than scarecrows with British uniforms on.

Cornwallis very angered 의해 what Benjamin did to him.

"Quite aggressive for a farmer with a pitchfork, wouldn't 당신 say?" Tavington said, somewhat teasingly.

Cornwallis told Tavington to destory Benjamin in way possible, so Tavington started playing dirty.

And asked Wilker were Benjamin would keep his chuldren, and Wilker revealed the location of Charalete's plantation.


Tavington and his Dragoons rode to Charletes house, searching it for the childrun.

Unfortantly for Tavington they sneaked into the basement.

Although he nearly saw William, he saw no signs of life and left the building.

샬럿, 샬 롯 and children witnessed the Dragoons interrogation one of the neighbors, a chubby looking black guy, who was either too frightened 또는 to honorable to respond.

Suddenly a gun shot was heard, the poor man was shoot, but it wasn't shown, just the gun shot was heard.

Distant voices, from off view.

TAVINGTON: "What the fuck was that!?"

BORDON: "He wasn't talking"

TAVINGTON: Ya, but that dosen't mean 당신 kill him, whats wrong with you!"

WILKENS: "You gave him the node"

TAVINGTON: "Ya, a 펀치 him in the face nod.. But 예수님 Bordon, 당신 have trigger happy issues"

(The voices began being spoken at once, and no longer hearable).

Suddenly Gaberial appeared with Dan and Dave, secretly sneaking 샬럿, 샬 롯 and them away.

Tavington and the Dragoons set flame to Charlotte's home.

All the children gasped in fear.

"I think the house is burning" Gaberial said stupidly.

Suddenly Benjamin and the rest of the Merlisa's arrived, driving the Dragoons as far as possible.

"They will not stop hunting us, will they?" 샬럿, 샬 롯 asked sadly.

"Your be 안전한, 안전 we're taking you, father says its the only safespot away from the red coats" Gaberial.

"Were is father?" Susan asked, pleasently serprising Gaberial, as it was the first time she spoke since their mom died, was all the way back in 1772 when she was first born.

"Why did he leave?" Susan asked.

"Well.. Susan.. He didn't want those men to catch you, so he sent them away.. He will be back though" Gaberial replied.

"I don't care I, I hate him" Susan said.

"Oh, sweetie, 당신 don't hate him" Gaberial softly.

"I do, I hate him, and I hope he never comes back" Susan replied, and ran off, shocking everyone, partically Gaberial.


"I think she hates him" Gaberial replied.

"What was your first hint?" 샬럿, 샬 롯 asked sarcastically.


The British Dragoons found a bunch of people to interrogate, including Rollis.

They wanted Rollis to reveal Benjamin and them in exchange for his servival.

Rollis refused telling Tavington to do his worse, witch Tabington 'promised' to do.

Gaberial was telling a happy Benjamin all about hearing Susan talking, but, to spare his feelings, he told him that she can't wait to see him and 'dosen't' hate him.

Suddenly one of Benjamins soldiers said that the dragoons had a list of their names and were destorying their homes to get to them.

John Billings quickly got on his horse and rode to, what was left of his house.

Unfortantly his entire family were murdered, having the poor guy lose everything.

Reverand tried reasoning with him, but John was too angry and upset.

Finally he turned his gun on himself.

Jean tried stopping him, but he already killed himself.

However, he somehow servived and was screaming horribly.

He fired it again, but again servived.

"Oh god! Why I can't I just die!" Billings screamed, firing 더 많이 bullets on his head, showing to have like dozens of bullets all over his face, not making it seem even human more.

Billings fired against his neck, but still was unfortantly servived.

Finally, in a final tempt, he pushed himself of a huge cliff.


"You think he's dead?" Dave asked, nobody partically.

"We should may as well, hope so" Dan replied.

"All of you, return to your family's.. Anyone who dosen't return, will not thought a coward" Benjamin said.

"At first" Gaberial replied.

Benjamin glared at him annoyedly.

I'll skip to the wedding..

Everyone was having a great time.

Benjamin gave Anne his wife's old necklace, than Gaberial took her to dance with her.

"By the way, I got married" Gaberial said.

"Ya.. I was there" Benjamin groaned.

"Ya, I think Anne is pretty too" Gaberial said happily.

"Yes bu-

"Ya.. Monkeys are great" Gaberial said happily.

Benjamin rolled eyes.

Eventually Benjamin found Charlotte, and they ended up kissing.

Tomarrow afternoon, Tavington's dragoons broght all the townsfolks into the town church, including Anne and her family.

Nobody said anything, although one guy rated out Peter, and even after this, Tavington trapped them in the church, and forced Wilkins to burn it with them inside, despite hisclear regret he forced himself to do it, and lessened, in horror, to the screams of them trying to get out as despitely as possible.


Benjamin's team found the burned down church.

And even though nobody new the 'truth' yet, Reverand was near tears, as I'm sure any priest would in his position.

Before long everyone realized the truth.

Benjamin and Reverand lead a bunch of troops who 카트 up with the dragoons, quickly prompting a battle.

"WILLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!" Gaberial screamed dramatically, as he was riding over.

"What dose that mean?" Reverand asked.

"I don't know, but it feels like I said it before!" Gaberial replied.

The intense battle containued.

Tavington, personally killed a good number of soldiers with his sword and pistol.

Before long Reverand, Gaberial, Tavington, 마리화나 담배, 폭격기 and Wilkins were the only ones left.

Gaberial brutally killed killed 마리화나 담배, 폭격기 and than got involved in a face to face battle with Wilkins.

Reverand and Tavington were both reloading at the same time, basically having a cowboy showdown.

Gaberial reached for his knife, and intensely stabbed it into Wilkins.

Twvington shot first, killing Reverand before he could hit him.

But unfortantly for Tavington grabbed the 소총 and shot and seemingly killed Tavington.

Gaberial took his 칼, 나이프 out of Wilkins preparing to finish off Tavington, but Tavington managed to stabe his sword through Gaberials body, having him fall to the ground, crying that he sees his blood. And it's AWSOME!


Benjamin and the rest of them discovered the battle's aftermath.

Benjamin saw Gaberial's, seemingly, dead body.

And quickly crying, though 의해 doing so he released what sounded like the most blood curling screams imaginable, mixed in with the way Joe Swanson cried in "Ready, Willing, Disabled".

This scared a few, but most were giving prayer motions, at the tragedy.

"I can't believe he's dead" Benjamin said tearfully.

"I'm not dead" Gaberial said suddenly.

"Wait! I must burn the body!" Benjamin said suddenly.

"Burn the body!?" Gaberial cried.

"Yes! Burn the body!" Dave cried.

"(holds up lighter, as if almost praising it) Burn the body!" Benjamin cried out damatically.

everyone began repeating this, as if they were cavemen, first discovering something.

"Wait! WAIT!" Gaberial cried, but Benjamin set the body, he and others STILL thought was dead, on fire, strangely lighting up, as it oil was spilled over it.

Despite Gaberial releasing screams of a deranged woman in a horror movie, they still acted as if this was happening to a copse, and we're all silently praying.

"I can still hear his sweet little voice" Benjamin said sadly.


Benjamin was deeply depressed 의해 Gaberial's death.

And despite how hard Lee tried to convince him to stay the cause, Benjamin 로스트 his faith in fighting, and quit.

Lee told the remainders of Benjamin's team the bad news.

"Oh fuck!" Dave cried.

"Ya, tell me about it" Lee said sadly.

"fuck!... fuck, shit... shit... fuck, shit.

(screaming)... FUUUUCK!!... SHHHHHHIT!!... FUCK, SHIT!... FUCK!... FUCKIN SHIT!... SHIT!... Fu- SHHHIT!
(one 시간 later).

"SHIT!... FUCK, SHIT!... FUCKIN SHIT!... FUCK, SHIT!... FUCK!... Okay I'm done"

Benjamin was preparing to leave, but had 초 thoughts when he saw a old american flag, Gaberial found from before.

The american regulars and Melisa troops were marching together, barely any faith shown in them without 'the ghost'.

However Benjamin shown started riding towards them, carrying the American 'stars and stripes'.

All the men started cheering happily, knowing Benjamin was here to stay.

The American general started complaining about how they were going to lose, partically with mostly Merlisa.

But Benjamin had an idea, on how to use, Cornwallis's hate for Merlisa.


The American regulars and Merlisa troopers, joined together, were marching towards the battlefield with Lee, Jean and Benjamin as the leaders.

The red coats were marched on the other side.

Cornwallis was shocked to see Merlisa formed in the front of the USA army.

"How old we're your daughters?" Benjamin asked.

"Emily, 10, and Meria, 12, they had green eyes" Jean replied.

"They sounded lovely"

"Yes... They were"

"It's October now" Dan said.

"So?" Occum asked.

"It's 더 많이 than six months. Your a freeman" Dan said.

"I'm here on my own accord" Occum said.

"I'm honered to have 당신 with us.. Honered" Dan said warmly.

"So whats happening, am I have 더 많이 character highlight now? I mean with Gaberial dead, th-

ME: "your still a background Dave, and this is the last chapter of the story, but, we're still see what the readers think"

Benjamin and Jean soon ordered for everyone to begin firing at the red coats, and so they did.

Many of red coats started getting gunned down, but still kept calm faces, unbelievably.

However when it was the British's turn to 불, 화재 back, the US troopers were less able to do so, and we're 더 많이 scared.

Plus the red coats were using cannon's as well, making the US, liturary, flying all over.

One guy had a 대포 ball smash off his leg with a crack sound, making him scream horribly, but at the same time Dave got a bullet in the hand, they both were screaming, as if somekind of shouting compitation between them.

Dave, while screaming showed his bleeding hand at the other guy on the ground, as if pointing out the injury.

The other guy did the same, screaming and 연기 as if pointing out his injury, but almost angry sounding, as if saying it's 'its better'.

This went on for quite some time between the two.

The two forces containued shooting at each other.

Eventually Tavington and hi replacement Dragoons, rode down to the battle dispite the order of it, never givin.

After a thick fight, the US eventually retreated, due to being outnumbered.

Cornwallis sent the entire battalion after them, despite being seemingly victorious.

Cornwallis's and Tavington's troopes, chased the retreaters, only to realize, it was 'planned on'.

The entire rest of the US regulars were there waiting for them.

And started firing their rifles and cannons.

The red coats were being blown to pieces, same with the Dragoons, Tavington, was soon 의해 himself again.

However, just as victory was closest, the red coats revealed to have thousands more, they started firing their rifles and brutally killing the US.

Then the units ran at each other, and it turned to hand to hand combat for most.

Dave grabbed a guy and smashed his face against a nearby 나무, 트리 killing him, and causing Dave to flex his mussles and scream excitedly, like a steriotypical jock.

Jean stabbed his sword through a red coats stomach and it appeared out his back.

Dave grabbed a red 코트 의해 the neck and repeatly stabbed him with a knife.

Benjamin had his pistol out, and shot a nearby red coat.

Occum shot a red 코트 with his rifle.

Dan did the same, than stabbed his 총검, 대검 into one.

Jean touched his sword with a red coats bayonet, but than kicked the red coat, and stabbed and killed him.

A few of the US regulars were shot dead 의해 red coats, but one stabbed his 총검, 대검 into a good many British troops.

Dave stabbed his 칼, 나이프 into anouther red coat, screaming gibberous while doing so.

Eventually however, the US regulars were still outnumbered and started retreating.

Benjamin grabbed the US flag and waved it, to ensure there was no man retreating, this successed in doing so, witch Cornwallis probably never seen before.

Benjamin saw Tavingtom, and after failing to simply shoot him, they came into a epic face to face battle, Tavington with his sword, and Benjamin with his tomahawk and knife.

Evetually however Tavington stabbed Benjamin in the back, literary.

And as he stood down there, he saw the US were winning.

Tavington mocked Benjamin about not being the better man, but Benjamin stabbed him in the neck with a blade, after saying his sons were better men.

Cornwallis eventually surrwandered the feild, winning the US the day.

Eventually the French finally arrived and Cornwallis FULLY surrendered, and war was finally over.


Benjamin, 샬럿, 샬 롯 and the children saw that a lot of Occum and Dan were leading a lot of the team in rebuilding Benjamin's old house.

Dave was shown over a old table.

"How 당신 holding up Dave?" Dan asked.

"I'm great. I'm loving this, I never been so happy. This is so much (pounds 표, 테이블 agressively) FUN!" Dave replied.


Wind@ Tell me if 당신 want 더 많이 from the series.. Remember the list of episodes I gave you.
Too anyone else.. If 당신 want the same list. Let me know. :)
Hello everyone, and I was thinking. I did a 상단, 맨 위로 Ten Hated MLP characters, and a 상단, 맨 위로 Ten Hated Video Game Characters list, so now, I am thinking of doing a 상단, 맨 위로 Ten Hated Cartoon Characters list. Now, if 당신 like a character that is on this list, remember, this is my list, so my opinion. With that, lets start

10: Eddy's Brother from Ed Edd n Eddy - Now, this show knew how to end the series very well. Sadly, this character is just a jerk. Eddy's Brother was also depicted as being a legend who everyone feared and worshipped. However, what he really is is a total jerk who finds joy in torturing his...
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Today we'll be reviewing the Total Drama Island Fanfic known as The Death of Nick.... And I feel ashamed to share the same name as a character from this fanfiction.
Now, before we start, I have to say that I enjoyed Total Drama Island. It was a very good show with a great plot, a wonderful cast of characters, and had most of the time spot on humor. But the fanfiction..... Oh boy. So, this story starts off on a positive note. We see the OC character, Nick, get murdered 의해 Trent...... Wait, what? Yeah, this is how the fanfic starts. Not even a 초 in this story and already were getting a murder...
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(Nick 답변 door)
Nick: Oh my God, how many times are 당신 going to knock on this door. Do 당신 want me to shoot 당신 in the face
Joe: Hey, I am tired of 당신 slamming the door in my face. 당신 know what. I think Dante won't mind if I kill someone
Nick: Wait what
(Joe pulls out a spiked mace and slams it on the ground)
Nick: Oh shit (Slams door)
Cody: Huh. Who was that
Nick: Cody, where's Alice and Cory
Cody: Cory went to a football game and Alice is at the gun store buying 더 많이 ammo
Nick: Then it's just us. Go grab the 기타 Axe and Kodama
Cody: Wait, wh-
(Joe breaks door down)
Cody: I'll go get them (Runs...
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Nick: Okay, Alice, just aim and-
Alice: (Fires all the targets with pistol)
Nick: Holy shit, that was awesome, Alice
Alice: Thanks
Nick: Now, lets try with moving targets

Cody: (Playing XBox with Cory)
Cory: Why do 당신 suck at this game
Cody: 당신 shut your mouth. I'm great (Cody's AI dies)
Cory: Great, huh
Cody: Shut it
Nick: Hey, were back
Cody: Where were 당신 two. Robbing old people like the good old fucking days
Nick: No, I was teaching Alice how to use a gun. She even hit all the moving targets without missing once
Cody: Wait, moving targets
Nick: 당신 know, the neighborhood cats. She shot everyone of...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Hello everyone, and welcome to Boss Bits. Today, we'll be talking about the the sequel to one of the first FPS ever. That game would be Return To 성 Wolfenstien. Wolfenstien is a game where 당신 play as the American soldier, B.J. Blaskowitz as he fights Nazis, Zombies, Screwed up-abominable monsters, Robots, and a whole mish mash of crap I can't even identify. This game was... Okay, but its nothing like the original. How, Well... The bosses of course

Boss: Olaric
This thing pretty much comes after one of the antagonist, Helga, robs a crypt holding an ancient artifact which brings this abomination...
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빠른, 스위프트 Justice: Ace Attorney

Case 2-3

The Masked Turnabout

???- Ha. There here. just as planned
Howard- Hey, Leroy. What's that over there
Leroy- Some 거리 performer, I guess
Howard- What's he running from
Leroy- ...I think he's running after something
Howard- Your right. He looks like he's running at...
*Slice* *Slice* *Slice*
???- The plan may be a little different. But, it will still work

Swift Justice Law Office
June 14th 12:00 p.m.

Lilly: Swift. How are 당신 doing today?
Swift: As always, Lilly, I'm fine
Lilly: Sorry. I'm just wondering when were going to get to the 다음 step of my training
Swift: Just...
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posted by windwakerguy430
(This is an experimental 기사 for something else, depending on if it gets the right attention. If 당신 like it, great, but do not expect much from it)

*McKenzie ran through the woods in a panic, shoving branches and leaves out of his way through the darkness, barely able to see through the light of the moon. His car was parked just outside of the town, same as it was for the past week he was here. All he could hear was the shouting of… something behind him, chasing him, getting closer and closer. Carrying the 소총 in his right hand, a 소총 with only one bullet in it. Whatever it was that...
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Ho ho ho, everybody. Merry Christmas. It’s the final 일 of the 25 Days of 크리스마스 and boy, did I save a big stinker for last. Considered one of the worst games of all time on a technical level, Ride to Hell: Retribution was dead on arrival. No game in the modern age had got as much attention for being as much of a broken mess as Ride to Hell… except maybe Fallout 76. Published 의해 Deep Silver and developed 의해 Eutechnyx (Yeah, try pronouncing that one), Ride to Hell had bigger ambitions than what we got. It was planned to be an open world sandbox game set in the 70s, playing as a bigger...
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Okay so a quick show of hands, who here remembers Afro Samurai? Very few of you, I’m sure. Afro Samurai is a thing… and it definitely happened. Okay, I rag on it, but there was definitely effort put into this bizarre idea. A black swordsman travels across a land of feudal Japan. A feudal 일본 containing cell phones and robots and Kanye West bears. But effort was put into this, 또는 at least money. Afro Samurai was voiced 의해 Samuel L. Jackson, 음악 was done 의해 RZA of the Wu-Tang Clan, and the 아니메 itself was animated 의해 Studio Gonzo and won awards for it’s animation. So naturally, with...
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I never watched the original Charlie’s Angels. I remember I watched the movie, Full Throttle, which probably explains my deep seeded hatred for the series. And hey, with a new movie out that 당신 wouldn’t know was out unless I told 당신 (And no, 당신 didn’t watch. If 당신 tell me otherwise, you’re lying), now is a great time to play Charlie’s 천사 on the Gamecube. Published 의해 the kings of 랜덤 publishing, Ubisoft, Charlie’s 천사 is considered to be the worst license game out there, nothing else compared. I don’t have much say in the matter before I play it, but… yeah, I can...
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Life is Strange is not a good game…. Alright, I got people triggered, now let me explain. Life is Strange is not a bad game. But I never was invested in a bland character like Max 또는 anything she did in the game. The games attempts at being “relatable” to the teen demographic just came off as annoying. Never have I hated a word 더 많이 than relatable (Except gamer). Just using that to justify a badly written character 또는 story is just... unbearable. I liked the story around Life is Strange, but other than that, there was just nothing keeping me invested. But someone, somewhere, took...
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So remember when Castlevania was a 더 많이 linear platformer adventure game? Yeah, there was a weird point where Konami decided to make a change to the formula of Castlevania, and weather it was going to be permanent 또는 this was just a little experiment, the point is, Symphony of the Night changed the franchise for a good while into a massive explorative game, hence why they call these kinds of games Metroidvania. So, in short, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is a damn good game.
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So, uh, have I ever mentioned that I like the No 더 많이 히어로즈 franchise? Because, uh… I really like it. I like it a whole lot. I know the franchise isn’t the best thing ever, but that won’t stop me from talking about it. So let’s talk about it some more.
No 더 많이 히어로즈 2: Desperate Struggle is a game set three years after the first game and takes things in a different approach than the first one. Travis Touchdown comes back to the world of the assassin ranked fights in order to become Number 1 again, but this time, things are different. After the Rank 1 assassin kills his best friend,...
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Well shoot, from one game franchise with a protagonist change to the other. I had always heard about how amazing the Metal Gear Solid franchise was, and I always wanted to give it a try. And Metal Gear Solid 2, the franchise that used to be hated 의해 many, was the first one I played. Remember back when everyone hated Metal Gear Solid 2, but it’s a classic? Well, I always enjoyed Metal Gear Solid 2, as proven 의해 being on this list.
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty follows the story of not Solid Snake but rather angsty twink Raiden as he goes on a mission at an Oil Tanker in the middle...
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So Resident Evil 4 was a pretty fun game, right. And then they made Resident Evil 5, which was not as fun. And then Resident Evil 6, which was just flat out terrible. And then so on and so on from there. Many game publishers thought that horror games were a dead genre and thought no one was interested in them anymore. And then Amnesia, as overrated as I think if is as a horror game, brought back the trend of horror games into the public. And eventually, Resident Evil VII was announced, bringing it back to the horror it needed. And it’s on this list, so 당신 know what I think.
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So remember when I talked about how I had a few Xbox games when I got Halo 2? Well, actually, 당신 don’t cause I never said- Anyway, I had very few, but they were all decent games. And one of them was the exclusive game known as Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge. When I saw this game, I didn’t know how I would enjoy a game where 당신 only sit in a plane, but once I actually got to playing it, I soon started to enjoy myself.
Crimson Skies is a game that is all about flying in a plane in the classic retro era of the 1940’s as Nathan Dra- Nathan Zachary as he goes on a quest to find...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog

 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!

Song: link

SeanTheHedgehog & Cosmic_Fusions Present

A My Little 조랑말 팬 Fiction

Starring Tom Foolery & Nikki West in...

Ring Of Fire

Also Starring Komano from SeanTheHedgehog

STH's Larry Wilcox as 프레드 Greenley

And introducing SeanTheHedgehog's newest OC, Hunter

Also starring Amethyst 별, 스타 as Melanie Lockmann
Goldengrape as Edward Calabrese
Comet Tail as Carlos Licciardi
Royal Riff as Benny Mulloch

Based off of the 1961 film of the same title

The song fades away as we focus on a gas station....
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posted by windwakerguy430
On rail shooters, one of the most basic kinds of shooters that can be a ton of fun if made 의해 the right kind of people. Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles and House of the Dead are pretty good examples of games that are very fun on-rail shooters. And with that out of the way, today, we will be looking at an on-rail shooter today, known as Attack on the 영화 3D, a game that I only got from a dollar store in southeast Ohio. I bought this game without any knowledge of what it was when I bought it as a kid. So, what is it? Oh wait! It’s a game with very low scores? Oh wait! It’s considered...
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 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. Pingas!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. Pingas!

A not so long time 이전 in a world ruled 의해 ponies

Theme song: link


Episode XI

Return To Ponyville

Discord has taken over the Prisoner Of War camp where I was sent, with 무지개, 레인 보우 Dash, Princess Celestia, and many other ponies.

However, the Nazi Forces were planning on making a 우주 station, called the Death Egg, and they needed 더 많이 money to finishbuilding this death defying 우주 station.

To make 더 많이 money, they ordered Discord to sell me, and the other prisoners to a gangster called Japa the Nese, and let Discord keep half...
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