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Webkinz 질문

Guess what? Yep, 당신 guessed it---another webkinz contest! Augest 14- Augest 30! Win A Tour Van!

Guess what? Yep, 당신 guessed it---another webkinz contest! Augest 14- Augest 30! Win A Tour 봉고차, 반 buy guessing what webkinz I may have (my 아이디 is Racooniepass!) 당신 have to guess (in comments) what webkinz I may have, then guess the name! WHAT?! I have to guess to the name too?! Yes, but don't worry! As 당신 코멘트 an 랜덤 name, ill be helping along the way AND giving out clues! If 당신 win, add me so I can mail it to 당신 through kinz post!!! Remember, Augest 14- Augest 30! If at least "3" people need extra guessing time, I will go another three days! Have fun! ---Squatling
Sorry, but as no one posted, a new person will have to come up with a different 날짜 for this* THIS ONE HAS ENDED!
Squatling posted over a year ago
 Squatling posted over a year ago
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