
월트 디즈니 캐릭터 답변

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 Showing 월트 디즈니 캐릭터 questions (1 - 31 of 31)
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Answer: Well I think that there is two characters that I se...
Answer: Hmm... I think mine is Abu from "Aladdin" He is suc...
Answer: 퀸 Athena 퀸 Athena is a character first s...
Answer: Hmm, I'm not sure, I'm not that good at 글쓰기 in...
Answer: Oh, I 사랑 Simba as well :D He's a really cool Char...
Answer: Absolute 가장 좋아하는 디즈니 Character: Ariel from "The...
Answer: I can't remember my first 디즈니 movie. The Lion Ki...
Answer: Hand drawn 애니메이션 all the way!
Answer: Cinderella. No 질문 about it.
Answer: Simba and Mufasa (I can't decide between the two >_...
Answer: My all-time 가장 좋아하는 디즈니 Scene from ANY 디즈니 F...
Answer: A great 질문 - and a difficult one to answer! I...
아직 이 질문에 아무도 답변하지 않았습니다
Answer: There is a third Lion King movie, if that's what yo...
Answer: Male Names: Jake (Always loved this name, very coo...
Answer: Mickey and Minnie 쥐, 마우스 <333 They're one of the mos...
Answer: In all honesty I do hope that Mickey is never repla...
Answer: I like him. :) Not sure if I 사랑 him, but he's pro...
Answer: Hi there, sorry but this 질문 has already been...
Answer: My favourite is definitely The Lion King and my lea...
Answer: 1. Ursula/Vanessa:The release of The Little Mermaid...
아직 이 질문에 아무도 답변하지 않았습니다
아직 이 질문에 아무도 답변하지 않았습니다
아직 이 질문에 아무도 답변하지 않았습니다
Answer: Goof Troop is one of my favorites and I dislike man...
Answer: My favourite is *probably* Up, but I'm also a sucke...
Answer: (Not entirely sure about the order but whatevs, her...
Answer: 10. 라푼젤 9.Angels in the Outfield 8. Pooh's He...
Answer: Daaayyyuuummm, OP, this is especially tough for me...
Answer: She doesn't look like any official DP, but she remi...
Answer: Probably, the Renaissance, because back then 디즈니...