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초 chapeter...enjoy!

I could hear people talking outside in the hallway. The voices sounded confused and angry. I strained to hear harder. “Mr. Cullen, I don’t care whether Ms. 백조 is your girlfriend 또는 not,” Mr. Greene was saying in a stern voice. “You don’t start fights with anyone at this school. Especially the new ones who don’t know the rules yet!” he said fuming. I heard Mr. Blair across the other side of the tiny office saying similar things to someone else, I tried to hear, but in my attempts, my eyes opened, and I saw Charlie sitting 의해 the door with an upset look on his face. When he was that my eyes were open, he pretty much flew to the side of my cot, grabbed my hands and held them too tight. “Bella!” he said, the relief was strong in his voice. “How’s your head? Does it hurt? 당신 have to go and get some stitches, but other than that, there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong.” I heard the emotion he tried so hard to contain burning with every word he said. All of a sudden the door opened and Mr. Greene, Mr. Blair, Angela, Alice, Edward, Jacob and Quil came through the door. Alice and Angela went straight to my other side and each found a part of me to hug. “Oh my god, Bella, we were so scared!” Angela was crying, and hugging my neck too tight. “When we brought 당신 here and 당신 didn’t open your eyes, we thought something happened!” 당신 could see the relief on her face too. Alice seemed just as relieved. “We’re so glad your okay, Bella.” She said, in a reassured yet subdued tone. I glanced at her, then at Edward, Jacob and Quil. When I caught eyes with Edward, I remembered what Alice had told me. I took a long deep breath, which came out as a sob. Edward’s eyes widened in sadness and shook is head at me. I knew he would tell me later. But the 질문 was: would I listen? I turned my gaze away from him, and looked at Jacob and Quil, standing awkward and out of place 의해 the door with Mr. Blair. “Ms. Swan,” Mr. Blair said in a deep, gravelly voice, “I hope 당신 are okay.” He looked at me with deep, dark eyes. Edward and Alice’s teeth clenched together simultaneously, but only the 늑대인간 and I could hear it, the 늑대 glared at Alice and Edward with malevolent stares, as Mr. Greene, Charlie and Mr. Blair were talking about how to get me to the hospital, and get my truck back safely home. The adults took their conversation outside, leaving me alone in the tiny, cramped, Nurses office, with two vampires, two 늑대인간 and one human. Out of all of them, the human is the one I needed right now. I turned my head marginally to the side, to look at Angela, whose head was resting lightly on the 베개 의해 my head. “Angela?” I asked, my voice croaking a little from disuse. Everyone moved closer around the 침대 at the sound of my voice. Angela sighed in reprieve at the sound of my voice and said “Yes, Bella?” I looked into her dark eyes and asked the one thing I could get the truth from in this room, without someone blaming someone else. “What happened after I hit my head?” I tried to say it as loudly as I could, but that made me even 더 많이 tired, ugh, I have a concussion, meaning Charlie will have to wake me up every two hours…again. Great. “Well,” Angela started looking around the room at the surrounding people. “What happened was¬¬¬¬¬--" Jacob and Edward started at the same time. “I said ‘Angela’!” putting as much venom as I could into the sentence, even though I was tired, it came out fiercer than I’d planed. Everyone looked at me, astonished. “Um, well, 당신 were on the floor, and everyone crowded around you, making sure 당신 were okay,” she stated quickly glancing around the room at the different faces all watching my response. “Alice went and got the nurse, and Edward went to where 당신 were, he was panicking, afraid 당신 were badly hurt. But when he touched your forehead, he froze, and Jacob said something, I didn’t hear what. Edward and Jacob were both on their feet then, looking as though they wanted to rip each others throats out.” She laughed nervously. “They started shouting things at each other, like ‘leech’ and ‘dog’ which I frankly don’t get, but then, Mr. Greene and Mr. Blair separated them, and 당신 were brought here.” She finished with a shrug. I nodded slowly. Looking around the room again, I saw them all look at Angela with anxiety on their expressions. I sat up, wincing as it hurt my head. Edward’s hand was on my shoulder, trying to push be back down on the pillow. “Bella, love, lie down, you’ll get dizzy.” He said in his most soothing tone. I ignored him and shrugged off his hand and tried to stand up. I grabbed Angela for support, and she helped me to my feet. “Dad?” I called as loudly as I could. Charlie hurried in the room, with Mr.’s. Greene and Blair on his heels. “My head hurts,” I said lamely. “Can we go to the hospital now?” he nodded and relieved Angela from her duty of holding me up and helped me to the door. “Wait,” I said as we were at the door. “What about my truck?” Charlie looked over our shoulders, so did I, as Edward said, “I’ll take it 집 for you, Bella.” He said in a helpful tone, but the sadness still plain on his face. “You go get Carlisle to look at your head, and get better okay?” I nodded unconcerned 의해 the throbbing in my head. I had an idea.
He would tell me why they were leaving, and why they would be gone for so long. The trip to the hospital was a quiet one.
Except for the occasional “Are 당신 okay honey?” it was completely silent. When we got to the hospital, Carlisle was with another patient, but the nurse told us he wouldn’t be long. I sat down in the waiting room, while Charlie stayed at the counter filling out the paper work. “Ah, Charlie,” I heard Carlisle’s voice say, in a warm cheery, manner. “I heard the chief was in and looking for me. What can I do for you?” I heard the papers shuffle and the pen Charlie was using fall to the ground.
“Uh, it’s not me that needs attending to.” Charlie said in a gruff voice. “Bella hit her head on the corner of a chair at school this morning and they school nurse thinks she needs stitches, so I brought her here to you, so 당신 can check. She’s in the waiting room over there.” I heard Charlie grab the paper and walk towards where I was sitting quietly.
“Well, we did hit our head didn’t we?” Carlisle asked a slight hint of amusement in his voice. “Well, follow me Bella, so we can get 당신 cleaned up and stitched up.” He held out his hand to help me up, I took it gratefully, as I had already fallen over once today, and these weren’t the highest chairs around. “I’ll be just out here Bells,” Charlie said wistfully, trying to fill out the paper work as quickly as he could.
Charlie hates hospitals.
Carlisle led me towards an empty room, already stacked with the cleaning supplies for my head and needle and thread. I paused in the doorway and stared at Carlisle. He smiled at me sheepishly. “Um, Edward called.”
I sighed and sat down on the bed. Carlisle went to work at once cleaning the wound, the prepping it for sewing it up. “So,” I asked trying to sound as off hand as I could. “Are 당신 gonna tell me why your leaving again?” He paused in the act of numbing my forehead, and looked me in the eyes. I just sat there staring right back, I could feel the tears welling up inside my eye lids, and he just nodded. “Well, someone really should.” He said rather to himself than to me. “Our 프렌즈 in Denali, they’ve had some trouble up there from a bunch of new vampires, stationed very near to them, in their remote little town.” He looked at me evenly before getting back to work. “They have been feeding off people in town, making our presence known to the world. But there is not enough of the Denali tribe to get rid of them. So, being the kind creatures we are, we offered to help. So in a week, my family and the Quileute’s will be heading to—” I stiffened and gasped, “The Quileute’s?!” I was beyond angry now. Why had no one told me? Carlisle looked down, knowing that he had said to much, pretending to pay a lot of attention to the needle and tread he was about to use on my head. “How long have 당신 known about this?” I said trying to control my voice as much as possible. “How long have 당신 known that 당신 are gonna have to leave?”
He didn’t answer straight away. He concentrated on the syringe he put to my forehead, to numb it for the sewing part. He sighed and said “We’ve known we would have to leave again for a couple of months.” He admitted sadly.
“How many months?” I whispered but the agony still clear as a 벨 in my subdued voice. He looked at me, and saw the tears running down my face and said, “5 months.”
I looked down, at a loss of what to say. Edward and the rest of the Cullen’s have known that they would be leaving gain for the past 5 months. They had only been back 7 months. “We will be coming back though,” Carlisle said quickly, trying to stop the tears that were running silently down my face. “You wont be able to get rid of us that quickly.” He added jokingly. I didn’t say anything. I just let him work on my head, until Charlie came in and said that as soon as Carlisle was done we were set to go home. Carlisle finished up and offered me his hand again, this time I ignored it and got to my feet on my own. Carlisle walked us to the door, with Charlie thanking him just behind me. “Bella?” I turned and saw that both Charlie and Carlisle had paused. “Don’t 당신 have something to say to Carlisle?” He asked me with deliberate intent clear in his gruff voice. I looked from Charlie’s face to Carlisle’s apologetic expression, then I dropped my gaze and said in a clear, quiet voice, “Thank you, Dr. Cullen.” And turned and headed to the exit. I heard Charlie splutter behind me. Usually I always called Carlisle, Carlisle, but because I didn’t today, made Charlie’s radar go up. “Is she okay?” I heard him whisper to Carlisle, before I headed out the door, trying to get away from what I didn’t want to hear, however being human means being slow, so I heard Carlisle reply, “I hope so. I really do hope so.”

When we got home, I told Charlie that I was tired and that I was going to and get some sleep, which wasn’t a lie at all. As I headed up the stairs I saw a flash of white scaling up the 벽 of the garage, up near my bedroom at super speed. I paused, thinking about what to do next, then I turned around and went to the lounge room, where Charlie was setting up a movie to watch.
“I thought 당신 were going to bed?” he said surprised to find me in the room I rarely went into.
“I was,” I started trying to figure out an excuse as to why I was down hear, when inspiration hit. “But, I don’t really want to be alone right now dad. So is it okay if I sit here with 당신 for a while?” I asked uncertainly. Charlie looked stunned. I had never wanted to sit in the lounge room and watch a movie with him before. The most time I spent with him in the week was when we ate dinner.
“Uh, sure thing kiddo.” He said moving over to let me sit down 다음 to him. As I sat down, I put my arm around him and hugged him, in a way that I hadn’t hugged him before.
Again this seemed to shock him. I felt like a little girl again, when I used to hug him when I had a bad dream and he would chase away the nightmares. That’s what I really needed: Someone to chase this nightmare away. He hugged me back, awkwardly, but lovingly. This was a nightmare. My boyfriend, 사랑 of my life, meaning of my existence, and his family were leaving me again, for god knows how long. Not only that, they were taking my best friend, my sun, the one who didn’t treat me special 또는 differently, and his 프렌즈 were going to risk their lives with the Cullen’s on this adventure.
I nearly died when they left last time, but then I had Jacob. He helped me in so many ways, I would always be eternally grateful towards him for that. Yet, now, they were both going. What would I do without them? I didn’t want to hear they ‘how’s’ and ‘whys’ of the situation, I didn’t t want there to be a situation at all. So I hugged myself closer to m y dad, and let the nightmare end and the dream begin while fresh tears dripped down my cold, hollow cheeks.

I was groggy. It wasn’t late, I could see the sun still, but I couldn’t feel my dad 다음 to me anymore. I opened my eyes, and looked around the room. How had I got into my room? I felt something cold on my forehead, and I sat up so fast im surprised Edward didn’t fall to the ground 또는 myself for that matter.
“Sorry,” he whispered. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” I stared at him, with the tears not yet dried on my face. His face was tortured; I could see that he didn’t want to hurt me, any 더 많이 than I wanted to hurt him. I cleared my throat quietly and moved into a slightly 더 많이 dignified sitting position on my 침대 and looked him dead on. He didn’t make any 옮기기 to grab me when I moved out of his arms to sit across from him. He wouldn’t stop me if I wanted to go.
“When do 당신 leave?” I asked trying to mask the pain coursing through the words I said. Edward could hear it, even though I barely could. Plus it didn’t help that my voice broke twice. “We go in a week.” He was trying to hold my gaze as I looked down to stop the tears from falling stopping my talking, and I wasn’t going to cry until I got some answers.
“Your coming back?” I asked, still looking at my quilt, even though I knew the answer, I’d heard it from Alice and Carlisle, yet I needed to hear it from Edward as well. “Of course, Bella! How could I not?!” I heard the anguish in his voice and knew that he meant it, but it didn’t help the pain that he was still leaving me, to go help a vampire who had a crush on him since 1937.
“If it were up to me, I wouldn’t go. I would stay here with you, to protect 당신 and keep 당신 safe. But it’s not up to me, and I have to go. We owe the Denali’s a favor and this is the one time where they’ve used it…and it applies to all of us.” He added bitterly. I looked up now, and saw that he wasn’t happy about the fact that he would be with Tanya instead of me. That made me almost want to smile. Almost. He sighed in relief when he caught my gaze and I didn’t turn away.
“A-and Jacob and the pack has to go with you?” I asked timidly. I hadn’t spoken to Jake in about 6 weeks. Since Edward made La Push a danger zone, and I couldn’t get away enough, but I still cared about him and his pack brothers. Edward nodded stiffly, “The Quileute’s owe us too, so the Denali’s aren’t the only ones using I.O.U.’s lately. Jacob and I have both tried to stay behind to protect you, but the others all think 당신 can take care of yourself for a couple of months…”he shook his head bitterly. “Frankly, I’m thinking about taking 당신 with us, but that would just cause trouble.”
I nodded staring out of the window. My eyes were swimming in moisture again, so I kept staring away when I asked, “You’ll be careful right?” this time my voice broke 3 times. He grabbed my face in his hands, and made me face him, the tears rolling down my face again. He pulled my face towards his and kissed me, it wasn’t as guarded as usual. His fingers knotted in my hair and his lips were urgent as they crushed mine. When I started to get dizzy he pulled me away from his face and held me close, tucking my head under his chest, while he whispered softly, “I’ll be back as soon as I can. I will be careful, so I can see 당신 again. This wont be the last time 당신 see me Bella. I will be back to protect you, hold 당신 and 사랑 you.” He said that so passionately it was hard to keep a steady rhythm beating of my heart. He started humming my lullaby and held me closer as unconsciousness came and I dreamed unhappy dreams, where I wandered the forest alone.
"im sorry " bella whispered to the 늑대
"its ok bella" i said to her the 늑대 turned to me and thought hardhly jake is right its wrong
"alright" i said to my self then turned to bella"lets get back"
"but jake"- she started to say
"sam has him in hand hes gone"
"edward im so sorry i was so stupid"
"you did nothing wrong" it was true she did nothing me i am going to do something.
"i have such a big morth why would i i shouldnt of let him get to me like that what was i thinking?" she seamed to be beyond words.
"dont worrie" i strocked my face " we need to get back to the reseption before someone notices...
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hi! This is in rosalies POV when bella just found out that she is pregnant and asks rosalie for help. Sorry if its too long. Plus give me your opinion. Thanks.

It was afternoon, and i was sitting peacefully on the sofa 다음 to Emmett, his arm round me as I was in my own little world. A world where I wasn't a vampire and I had raised beautiful children with dark curly hair and cute little dimples. A world where I had a the most handsome husband who every morning greeted me with a 키스 and loved me no matter what. I sighed as I thought of this. All I had was Emmett, and I was greatful for that....
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posted by teamedward_2010
I do not own twilight so please don't sue!

End of Chapter 6

"Yes and not to scare 당신 but if they know I'm here, they may know about Nessie too." I felt bad for now risking their family. "You are not risking our daughters life 당신 had no idea that they were still alive, this is not your fault!" Edward said to me I knew he was telling the truth thanks to my talent. "I'm still sorry." I whispered but I knew they could all hear me. "Don't be 당신 had no way of knowing." Bella said pulling me up off the 침상, 소파 and into a hug. She and Edward were great parents and I could see that they did not hate...
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posted by Tenkic
"C'mon Edward. Just turn it off for one 분 and fight fair."
―Emmett to Edward Cullen, on Edward's ability to read minds.[src]

Emmett Cullen, born Emmett Dale McCarty in 1915, is a vampire and member of the Olympic Coven. He is the husband of Rosalie Hale and the adoptive son of Carlisle and Esme Cullen. Emmett is the adoptive brother of Alice and Edward Cullen, as well as the adoptive brother of Jasper Hale. He is the adoptive brother-in-law of Bella Cullen and the uncle of Renesmee Cullen.

After being mauled 의해 a 곰 in 1935, Emmett was rescued 의해 Rosalie Hale, and given a 초 chance...
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posted by twilight-7
Charlie and Tess were still watching the film, some romantic comedy with Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo about a ghost and how she wasn’t dead but in a coma and they needed to save her and such, completely unaware of what had just happened. As Edward and I walked into the living-room, Charlie turned away from the screen. The worry was still in his eyes and I knew I wouldn’t see it leave for quite some time.
“What was that about?” he asked me. Tess turned around when he spoke and she smiled up at me. I saw no concern in her eyes.
“There’s something we need to tell you, Charlie,”...
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LOL,I read this in one 기사 :
"Winning the 13th Cycle of America's 다음 상단, 맨 위로 Model didn't really change Nicole 여우 all that much, because she still remains as awkward as ever. Especially when stumbling upon stars like Robert Pattinson. Caught backstage, Hollywood hotshot a few steps away, what would Bloody Eyeball do?

The CW 출처 cites a news 신고 from E! Online with this answer: she just bowed her head and walked away. Well, we couldn't possibly expect the dorky redhead to squeal in delight.

Petite model Nicole 여우 had just made an appearance at Regis & Kelly when she went behind the...
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New Moon came out the 20th. Since then, I've seen it 5 times. Each time, I noticed a few things I didn't catch the first time.

I'll start off with the things that were the same everytime I watched it.

-Taylor's Acting: I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he did a terrible job. Not necessarily as Jacob, but as an actor. I may sound harsh, but he went over the 상단, 맨 위로 in many scenes. I'm not saying Kristen 또는 Rob's 연기 was extraordinary, but Taylor's was extremely blatant and noticeable. Scene in particular:
- the movie theatre scene: "Do 당신 want me to put 당신 in the hospital?!"...
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Time was always slow with Jake not around. I regretted telling him I would drive myself, I wanted to see him and an 시간 felt too long. I sprawled myself across the couch, my wet hair dangling over the end. I spent extra long in the shower. I flicked through the channels, my eyes constantly switching back and forth from the 텔레비전 to the clock. I decided to watch some romantic-comedy, I didn't even take notice of the name. As the clock approached five, I went to dry my hair, it was still damp. The 나비 in my stomach returned without an invite. "Go away," I murmured, glancing at my...
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posted by MissCupcake
에스미 컬렌
Esme Cullen
Name: Esme Cullen

Type: Vampire

Special Ability: None

About Them: Esme Cullen, originally born Esme Anne Platt -and later Esme Anne Evenson- is the wife of Carlisle Cullen and the adoptive mother of Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper. Esme enjoys restoring old houses-which is proved when she restored an old house for both Rosalie and Emmett upon their marriage and Edward and Bella as well. Esme is 겨울왕국 at age twenty-six and has no special ability. But yet, she has a strong ability to 사랑 passionately-she loves the people in her life with such a passion that cannot be denied. Esme stands...
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posted by MissCupcake
벨라 스완
Bella Swan
Name: Bella Swan

Type: Human-later Vampire

Special Ability: Shields herself and others from mental attacks

About Them: Isabella "Bella" Marie Swan, later Isabella Marie Cullen, is an average, clumsy, accident-prone girl who moves from Phoenix, Arizona, to Forks, Washington, to live with her father, Charlie. Though many boys are attracted to her when she arrives, she falls in 사랑 with Edward Cullen, a mysterious boy she discovers to be a vampire. Desperate not to lose him, Bella vows to stay with Edward, even if it means turning into a vampire herself, despite Edward's wishes. In an effort to...
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Kristen Stewart opens up in a new interview about how her life is really no different than the 뱀파이어 she runs alongside in The Twilight Saga. Using words like "sad and desolate," the actress opens up in a raw interview, comparing her isolated life to her onscreen 사랑 with Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson). Also find out why Kristen wants to avoid movie 별, 스타 status like Angelina Jolie.

Comparing her fame to the life of a vampire, the actress says her life is "sad and desolate" similar to Edward Cullen in The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009). Stewart also went on to tell Contact Music, "Edward...
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
“Jacob!” I was yelling from the bath room. I was in 더 많이 pain than I ever thought was possible. It felt like something was clawing its way out of my stomach. This couldn’t be possible I’d been pregnant for only a couple of months. “JACOB BLACK GET 당신 나귀, 엉덩이 UP HERE!” I was screaming so loud I thought Jacob would go def. He ran into the bath room and kneeled down beside me. “What’s wrong?” “I need to get to grandpa.” He picked me up and drove me to the house and carried me in.

“What’s wrong with her?” My mother came rushing to my side. “Mom stop just get grandpa.”...
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Just thought I'd write this, please ignore the typos!!

(Edwards POV)

"No," Alice gasped, and I saw it all, only a fraction before it happened. Tylers van, skidding across the ice, taking a too sharp turn. And then I saw it, coming into realtiy, the 봉고차, 반 turning, Bella gasping and pinning herself on the truck, paralysed 의해 fear. It would of been easy to know the trajectory of the van, even without Alices visions. I ran to save her, but Alice held me back.
"Don't 당신 dare expose us," she hissed, just as Japser was coming out of the buliding.
The 봉고차, 반 hit her then, and I 빙어, 빙 어 her blood leaving her...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 2: the Cullen’s
When I entered, the club my fave song was on so I went and joined the crowed and started dancing with a really cute guy he had blond hair and dark blue eyes that u could swim in them like, forever! We started talking about our past and figured out his name is tom and has two sisters. then I made one up as I did for my school and then he bought me a few dinks after an 시간 I found myself making out with him I really didn’t like him I just like to spend my time with someone until I break the damn curse and find the one for me, the one that will be my moon and light...
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posted by lollipopszx3
Torturing Felix

Emmett :: Here 당신 go. One Gianna. Now let my games go!

Bella :: *fake cough*

Emmett :: 당신 better not hurt my babies.

Me :: Excellent *trying to imitate Mr. Burns* Now throw her in the cage!

Emmett :: *walks over and unlocks cage* Where do 당신 buy these cages anyways? It might come in handy for handling the mutt.

Me :: Oh no 당신 didn't. 당신 do not make fun of the dog! *takes out lighter*

Emmett :: That isn't a threat to me anymore.

Me :: Are 당신 sure? *takes out bag of games*

Emmett :: No! Please not that!! Anything but that!!

Me :: Okay... I will spare your games today. Now keep patrolling....
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posted by twilight_fan_8
I'm sorry it's been so long! I think I forgot about my 팬 fiction..sorry! It will not happen again! Promise!!!

"Alice?" I said in a whisper, I know she heard me.

"Bella! I need to talk to you!" Alice said.

"Let's go to my room," I said.

"Perfect," Alice said, while rushing past Charlie.

"Do I have a say in this? Remember 당신 are grounded Bella," Charlie said as Alice was trying to push me to my room.

"I'm sorry Charlie but this can not wait," Alice snapped at Charlie, then she pushed me into my room so Charlie could not further 토론 the subject....
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when the thorn 부시, 부시 대통령은 turns white that's when I'll come home
I am going out to see what I can sow
And I don't know where I'll go
And I don't know what I'll see
But I'll try not to bring it back 집 with me

Like the morning sun your eyes will follow me
As 당신 watch me wander, curse the powers that be
Cause all I want is here and now but its already been and gone
Our intentions always last that bit too long

Far far away, no voices sounding, no one around me and
you're still there
Far far away, no choices passing, no time confounds me and you're still there

In the full moons light I listen to the stream
And in between the silence hear 당신 calling me
But I don't know where I am and I don't trust who I've been
And If I come 집 how will I ever leave

Oh baby dont 당신 know I suffer?
Oh baby can 당신 hear me moan?
You caught me under false pretenses
How long before 당신 let me go?

You set my soul alight
You set my soul alight

(You set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive

(You set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the 'supermassive'

I thought I was a fool for no-one
Oh baby I'm a fool for 당신
You're the 퀸 of the superficial
And how long before 당신 tell the truth

You set...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
저기요 guys. Hope 당신 like it.Im going to go work on chapter 6

End of chapter 4
We got 집 and we told them everything and we were 겨울왕국 for a while. Not saying anything until I knew what to do. It’s that time to bring the Voutie down like everyone has been waiting for so long. It’s time to call everyone back from 5 years 이전 and kill the voutire for GOOD.

Chapter 5:

A couple hrs later:

After a little bit we finally defrosted. I’m going to tell Edward first started to pull down my Force Field and tell him and Alice had a vision and said.
“Bella, Just say it out loud.”Alice said. Everyone...
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posted by Rob_patt_fan
“I think these are enough for today Bella… 당신 did a good job!”

I smiled as I cleaned the blood from my face. But the thirst was now appearing! And I knew I needed 더 많이 but I tried not to hunt some other poor animals! We were in the house and it was around midnight when everyone came around me and Edward, and stood with smiles on their faces. I looked at each one of them; Alice, Esme, Rosalie, Jasper, Emmet and Carlisle.
Now… they were my family!

“We have a surprise for 당신 two!”

Edward looked at me with an unreadable expression… I knew that the surprise was Alice’s idea but I didn’t...
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