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I walked towards the rabbit, trying to ignore the stares of the Cullen’s on my back. It wasn’t easy. I could hear Ben start a conversation with them trying to attract their attention, but they answered his 질문 without so much as glancing at him.
“Where do I sit?” Ben asked opening the door for Alice. Jasper through him a dangerous glare and hopped in after her.
“In the front.” Emmet replied, his voice assertive, as he slipped in after Jasper. Ben opened the front door with a sigh.
This should be a fun ride…he thought wryly. I laughed, and then sighed. His was going to be as bad as mine. I frowned and chewed on my lip as I walked to the car.
Sam, Jared, Quil and Embry were already in the car as I approached. Jacob and Paul were leaning on the side of the car, their faces expressionless.
I sucked in a deep breath and smiled.
“Hi, guys.” I managed to keep my voice light, which I was very happy about.
Paul’s eyes narrowed infinitesimally. I tried to ignore that.
Jacob shoved off the car in a quick, subtle movement.
“Hey Bells!” his eyes were black, yet they seemed cautious. “Um, we have a problem.” He started; his voice was huskier than usual. “See, we all don’t fit into the car, so I took the bike today…” he nodded towards the motorcycle just beside his car. “And with one more…well it means, you’re gonna have to ride with me on the bike…if 당신 want.” He added awkwardly, avoiding my eyes.
I smiled. I hadn’t been on a bike in months, and I wanted to try it again.
“I don’t mind riding with you, Jake.” I said still smiling, when he looked up. He appraised me with pursed lips, before he smiled as well.
Sam leaned out of the window.
“Bella and Jacob, 당신 two are gonna have to be in front, so 당신 can show us where to go…” his voice was hard, yet still unsure.
I followed Jacob to the bike, and watched him kick it to life. He picked up the only 헬멧 and held it put for me. I raised my eyebrows, and then laughed. It was good he still thought of me as an actual human; soft and fragile. Then I shuddered at what he’d think when he found out what I actually was.
I hopped on behind him and wrapped my arms around his warm waist. It felt awkward, being this close to him after all the time he’s been gone, yet it still felt nice. Like I was whole again.
“Go straight on the highway, until we hit the I-10.” I instructed, raising my voice so he could hear it. Then I remembered.
Werewolf hearing. Right.
He started down the road and I was conscious of the rabbit idling not too far behind us. I was tossing things around in my head, trying to unscramble my 라푼젤 thoughts when I realized there was 더 많이 than one car behind me. I turned the 상단, 맨 위로 of my body and saw the Volvo driving right 다음 to the Rabbit and not too far behind them was Thackery’s Caliber. On this three lane highway, was probably not the best place for a group of werewolves, 뱀파이어 and witches to be racing. Thackery pushed his way in between the Rabbit and the Volvo, so he was in the middle, yet still in the lead.
Ben, Bella…get in. Nate’s voice was unexpected, yet firm.
당신 got it Nate. Ben thought. I saw him climb agilely from the sunroof of the Volvo and leap gracefully onto the Caliber’s roof.
I could hear the gasps of shock from both of the cars. Three new people breathing informed me that Rosalie, Carlisle and Esme had joined the group.
Bella...here now! It was Thackery’s voice that ordered me now.
I leaned 앞으로 until my face was resting on Jacob’s cheek.
“As soon as I’m off the bike, 옮기기 to the left, and be fast!” I whispered excitedly. He threw a panicked glance in my direction.
“What are 당신 doing?” he demanded anxiously, looking at me as if I’d gone insane.
“Just do it…” I muttered as it turned my whole body around so that I was going backwards on the road. I rose to my feet, gripping Jacob’s shoulders for support.
“Bella what are 당신 doing?!” 더 많이 than one person shouted at me. It was a mix of Edward, Jacob, Alice, Esme and Sam. I chuckled.
“Relax, guys…I wont hurt myself.” I let go of Jacob’s arms and jumped. The feeling of the wind against my skin, made me feel as if I were flying, and the car came to me, rather than me go to it. I landed through the sun roof with sudden grace, and buckled my 좌석 belt. As soon as I was safely strapped in, Thackery stomped the gas down and gained the lead. We made it to the clearing before the others could even blink.
We all hopped out of the car, and turned towards the car’s we could see approaching.
“Bella, show them the way in. we have to wait for Gracie-Elle.” Thackery ordered as they disappeared into the darkness. I smiled. Gracie-Elle was Thackery’s little sister and was once a very powerful witch, until her powers were stolen 의해 an evil witch in the early 60’s, well, that’s all I could gather. She was put under a curse to make her look like an elderly lady during the day, but at night she turns into a young girl again. The only problem was the curse doesn’t allow her to talk about the curse.
Very confusing stuff.
I leaned against Thackery’s car, my arms folded across my chest and waited patiently for the others to arrive. It didn’t take long. The Volvo was in my sight not 30 초 after my brothers left, and the Rabbit not that far behind. I watched as they climbed out of their vehicles one 의해 one, and Jacob skid to sudden, screeching halt, 다음 to Edward, and put down the kick-stand. They all walked towards me hesitantly, Carlisle and Esme throwing curious glances at me and my new appearance. They were in front of me in no time. I pushed myself off the car, and beckoned them to follow me into the forest.
“Wait,” Carlisle begged. I turned and saw that no-one had moved. “Where are the others?” he asked curiously, yet with an edge to the question.
I sighed. And beckoned them with my fingers.
When nobody moved again, I turned my whole body to them and out my hands on my hips.
“I’m giving 당신 the answer,” I snapped at them. “If 당신 didn’t want to know, then why did 당신 ask?”
They all stared at me, their eyes wide.
“Now, if 당신 don’t mind…I’d rather like to get this over with.” I turned back around and stomped into the forest, trying to control my anger. This time I heard them follow me, so I didn’t need to turn around again. Someone was approaching me, at a faster pace than the others. I scanned the person thoughts and the loving and motherly affection to the tenors, I knew it was Esme.
She grabbed my hand, and walked 다음 me, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Bella, honey, what’s happening?” she whispered, her voice thick with layers of concern. I looked at her, and saw her face was full of pain. I smiled at her and squeezed her hand back.
“It’ll all make sense soon,” I promised, knowing that everything will be okay…as long as I am willing to work to make it okay. I could tell she was about to 질문 me, when I could hear my brothers talking. I shushed her quietly and let go of her hand. I walked a few steps ahead.
Here we are…I thought timidly, trying to hide my panic as to what was going to be said.
“Come, friends…do not stand under the wet trees…” Thackery called his voice light, and friendly. Carlisle and Sam took a calculated step 앞으로 each and both looked at me anxiously. I nodded in encouragement. They each took a deep breath and walked through the thicket of trees. I watched as all of the 뱀파이어 and 늑대인간 walked into view of my brothers. As soon as they were out of sight, I climbed the nearest tree, to observe from afar. I would intercede if need be.
I climbed to the highest branch, just above Thackery and got a bird’s eye view of the events about to take place. Carlisle and Sam were at the front of the party, with Emmet, Jasper, Paul and Jared covering their flanks.
“You’ve been causing a lot of trouble for young Bella, 당신 know that?” Thackery started, his voice amused. “If 당신 want to blame someone for what’s happened to her, well blame yourself…”
Emmet and Edward growled, as Jacob and Embry’s eyes narrowed into slits.
“And what might that be?” Carlisle asked, his voice contained, trying to avoid showing any emotion.
Nate and Thai smiled an impish grin, as Ben glared at them. I scanned their thoughts and saw them divvying up their opponents.
“A witch of course…” Thackery stated matter-of-factly, as he took in the looks on the faces before him. Esme and Alice’s jaw dropped, while Rosalie gasped and skipped back a step. All the werewolves, apart from Jacob and Sam, were shaking their heads, choosing not to believe it. Jasper and Emmet exchanged a loaded look, before their eyes wandered around the forest. Edward and Jacob were looking at each other with a look of both horror and pain on their faces.
Not even Carlisle could compose himself.
“I…I…don’t-don’t believe it…” he said to himself, looking at Thackery, his eyes begging for Thackery to say Gotcha!
Thackery smiled kindly.
“It was not all your fault…she never got a choice in this. This…” he struggled to find a polite way of what we are. “Curse…it was born in us…but in Bella and Nate more. They have witch blood on both sides of their family…only true pain can make it arise.” He finished his words with an ancient grief replacing the know-it-all attitude.
“Enough!” Emmet shouted in his booming voice, thrusting past Carlisle about to rip out Thackery’s throat.
I moved at lightning speed, pulling my blade from my jeans, and placing it under Emmet’s throat.
There were gasps of shock from behind him, and an outraged hiss from Rosalie.
“This blade can kill any immortal. If 당신 value your life, back off.” I said to him moving the blade from his jugular, and pushing him back lightly. He was staring at me in shock and disbelief.
Rosalie was between us in no time at all, her hands already claws. She growled at me, fury plain in all her features. I sunk down into my crouch and snarled a warning at her.
“Bring it, Blondie!” I snarled at her, red clouding my vision.
“Look who’s talking!” she spat at me, baring her teeth.
Someone grabbed the tops of my arms and lifted me swiftly away from Rosalie, just as Jasper did the same to her. All my feelings on anger abruptly disappeared, and I felt tranquil and calm. I looked at Jasper and saw that he was looking at me, with a cautious expression.
“Both of you…enough.”
I shrugged out of Gracie-Elle’s firm grip and folded my arms, glaring at the creatures across from me. She still looked old, which probably explained the confused looks in front of me. How could an old lady lift me away with such grace?
“Cullen’s, Quileute’s…this is my sister, Gracie-Elle.” Thackery stated, gesturing to her. They all exchanged looks of disbelief between them.
“Hello, it’s so lovely to meet 당신 all.” I struggled to keep my brooding expression. She sounded so much like my gran.
She threw a withering look at me, and I couldn’t keep it in. I cracked up laughing.
“Bella?” Jacob asked, his voice scared…no not scared. Was it pained? I couldn’t place it. I stopped laughing and looked at him curiously.
“Did it hurt?” he asked, looking at the floor under my feet, not meeting my gaze.
I hesitated. I didn’t want them to know how badly it did hurt. How my long, mahogany hair, receded into my scalp, in a slow and painful way. I didn’t want them to know how it hurt, when all the 본즈 in my body molded to give me my new figure. And worse, I didn’t want to tell them the pain of having my skin being branded with the tattoo which marks me for what I am. When Thackery and the others explained to me, that I have to have a tattoo, at first it didn’t bother me. It wasn’t until after I got it, and it started burning like sticking my hand into live flame, did I get scared. They said it only happens when I am in danger 또는 scared. Little did I know that, that would happen 더 많이 often than I expected.
“A little,” I admitted, bending the truth until it was almost the shape of a lie. “But it doesn’t hurt any more.”
Edward moved 앞으로 hesitantly. He took a deep breath and moved until he was directly in front of me. He hesitantly reached his hand out, and rested it gently on my cheek. My tattoo burned, but I barely noticed it, my 심장 was pounding too hard to notice anything.
“I’m so sorry Bella.” He murmured his angelic voice thick with grief. “If I’d have known…I wouldn’t have gone.” He dropped his eyes to the floor, and he looked as if he wanted to cry. I leaned 앞으로 to catch his eye. He looked up, over my head, trying to hide some emotion he didn’t want to show me.
I reached up and grabbed his face, almost fiercely.
“Don’t!” I growled at him. I moved onto my tip toes and kissed him on the cheek.
There was a loud chorus of “Ooooh,” from both Nate and Thai at that. I planted my feet and took several steps back. I felt an invisible shimmer in the air, which means someone changing forms. I looked over my shoulder and saw Nate standing 다음 to Thai disguised as me.
My jaw dropped as he skipped 앞으로 towards the creatures before us.
“Oh, Edward, I 사랑 당신 so much! I promise you, 당신 won’t break my pelvis any more!” he said, doing a ridiculous impersonation of my voice, high pitched, and still skipping. “And Jakey too!” he added, skipping past Carlisle and Sam to stand in front of Jacob. “I 사랑 당신 too, 늑대 boy! Oh, who will I choose?” he turned back to me, his eyes alight with humor. I snarled at him, preparing to rip his -my- throat out. There was a tremor through the cliff, as something shook it. Everyone froze.
Thackery stepped closer to cliff’s edge, a=then turned to us, a look of horror in his eyes.
“They’re here.”
posted by rubytuesday101
this is the same story but just a different title.

I started looking around the room for my clothes but then i saw that my clothes were the pile of scrapes on the floor then i said "you ripped my clothes even my underwear and i liked them too"."I liked them too but at least 당신 have clothes here 당신 ripped mine too now i have no clothes to wear"."No 당신 do have clothes alice bought 당신 some yesterday and i have the bags here"i said as i gave him the bags then i said "i am going to take a 샤워 so 당신 can get changed".but he said"If 당신 are going in the 샤워 so am i with you".So we both got...
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Last night, The Hollywood Reporter released a statement about Breaking Dawn. How certain actors, revealed to be Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene, were demanding 더 많이 money for the movies.

Yes, the Twilight 영화 are not at all Oscar worthy. They are films that are based on the 책 we all seemingly love. They don't showcase the actors' talent, if they have any. 코멘트 from different communities jokingly state that Summit would need to pay them alot of money to 별, 스타 in the movies. Which, I'm sure is true for alot of the hardcore 팬 who believe that the 영화 haven't done the book series...
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posted by lollipopszx3
My name is Isabella Swan. Everybody calls me Bella. I have four best friends. We are closer than anybody. We have known each other since we were in junior and senior kindergarten.You will never see anyone this close. Nobody has ever ruined our friendship. Not when all the girls thought that guys had cooties. Not when all the guys thought that sports came before guys. No one has ever ruined 또는 tried to ruin our friendship. Not until the 년 of junior and senior. The 년 that ruined everything. Almost.

"Bell! Bellie! Bella!" yelled one of my best friends, Emmett McCarty. "I know exactly what...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*

TWILIGHT - chapter 17 - THE GAME

I looked into his eyes, filled with nothing but concern for me, and there was nothing I could say.
Just then the front door banged loudly, and I jumped at the sound.
"There's no picture anywhere in that car." Jacob's complaining voice reached us before he did. The shoulders of his 셔츠 were stained with the rain, his hair dripping, when he rounded the corner.
"Hmm," Billy grunted, suddenly detached, spinning his chair around to face his son. "I guess I left it at home."
Jacob rolled his eyes dramatically. "Great."
"Well, Bella, tell Charlie"...
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I tried to make it as understandable as possible for those who haven't seen the show. I'm adding the 초 chapter sometime today...

I'm A Chief Engineer... not a babysitter

Briefing Room- U.S.S Voyager 0800 hours

Stardate 54184.4

Captain Janeway's POV

I watched as the rest of the Senior Staff filed in for the 0800 meeting. As soon as they had all taken their seats I stood up. “Good morning everyone,” I said looking over all their faces. Commander Tuvok, Seven of Nine and the Doctor were the only ones who didn't look completely exhausted.

“Good Morning Captain,” Tuvok nodded his head.

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posted by SuperFunFan1001
Yay! So my trip is going good! I 사랑 it here! K so…… I hope 당신 liked my 이전 chapter and I hope 당신 like this one. Surprise Surprise! Cullens in 다음 chapter

DISCLAMER: I….. du du du du…….. Don’t own twilight 또는 any of its characters.

Edward POV

Bella, my poor Bella. Eternally damned. Me leaving didn’t help anything.

“Bella will want to see us not to worry!” Emmett said trying to cheer us up.

“I can’t wait! We have to start looking for her! Of course she’ll want to see us.” Cheered Alice, even though her thoughts were doubtful.

“Why don’t we just leave her...
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I am incredibly proud of this peice ( I never though it was possible for me to write this much in a day!) let me know if 당신 agree.

Training was hard but incredibly fun much to mum and dad’s dislike. Kate had helped me like she had my mum and Emmet and Jasper were teaching me tactics.
“Okay Emmet, I’m ready to go again!” I called after he had managed to floor me for the sixteenth time. As I slipped into a low crouch I flashed Esme a huge grin, I had hardly got to spend any alone time with her since we arrived in Denali, what with the sadistic vampire and me being sedated....
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posted by twilightrox43
 Ariella's 목걸이
Ariella's Necklace
Me and Bella are becoming like sisters. But it's hard to do anything when you're worried about your family. It's been three days since the incident with Aro. I wondered how long the peace would last. "Hey, Ariella. Do 당신 wanna go out hunting with me?" Bella asked. "Um... sure, I guess." I replied. She gracefully bounded over the river. My leap was a little shaky. I ran 상단, 맨 위로 speed through the woods, but Bella easily beat me. I closed my eyes and imagined everything could be like this. I ran into something that shouldn't have been there. The path was clear before. Bella screeched to a stop behind...
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Biographical information

Born:.June 20, 1901    
Turned:September of 1918    
Created by:Carlisle Cullen    
Physical description
Hair color:Bronze    
Eye color    
* Green (as human)
* Golden (as vampire)
Skin color:Pale    

Family information
Family members    
* Bella Cullen (Wife)
* Renesmee Cullen (Daughter)
* Edward Masen Senior (Father)
* Elizabeth Masen (Mother)
* Charlie 백조 (Father-In-Law)...
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Alright. Alot of 질문 and 팬 picks are planting many thoughts in my mind. So I'm going to return to 글쓰기 기사 to vent about them, cuz it's not too healthy to keep this kind of stuff in :)

Saying it right now. This 기사 won't be formal. It's opinionated. And, I'm going to try not to be biased. This 기사 is to mainly sort out all my thoughts and, not problems, but minor disagreements with alot of 코멘트 made. There will be no namecalling. Just clear discussion. Feel free to 코멘트 if 당신 disagree with anything I say. Striking up debates... I 사랑 it!

Alright. To start off,...
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posted by twilight-7
Edward’s POV

I had everything organised. Granted it took a lot of bribery but I didn’t care. Everything had to be perfect for Kayla. Everything. I just had one 더 많이 thing to do.
I quickly ran downstairs. I needed to find Esme. I knew she was helping with the preparations for tomorrow’s wedding. Bless her. She had such a big heart. I loved her dearly and I wouldn’t have asked for a better person to be my mother. As I walked into the 부엌, 주방 I could hear her arguing with Alice.
“No pink, Alice,” she said and tugging on a piece of bright 담홍색, 핑크 material.
“Just a little,” Alice pouted,...
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chapter four
sry for the wait! i was just waiting for some feed back. i don't like 글쓰기 더 많이 chapters when i don't know if anyone liked my last one. hope 당신 like this one.
Jake's POV
Everyone had already pulled me and edward apart before anything went any further.the only thing i could think about was heavenly.
"edward why would 당신 waste your time fighting off this mutt anyway?" asked blondie.
i couldn't help but let out a growl, she hissed back. everyone was trying to get passed this issue so we could talk about Nessie. why the hell should...
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posted by twilight_james
"Edward, Im a werewolf" I told him
"Bella," Alices voice was panicked. "Bella, he doesn't want to live anymore. He's going back to the Volturi, and they will kill him this time!"
I walked down the dark corridor, Jacob and Sam and the rest of the pack were with me. We were in Volterra, and just about to enter the turrent room. Memories came flooding back to me-Janes smile, Edward in agony, Alice holding me back. I shook them away and rushed into the doors. Edward was being held between two 뱀파이어 ares.
He twisted his head around to look at me. "Bella, I'm so sorry"
And then Aro twisted...
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posted by IsabellaMCullen
Here it is.Chapter three.Special thanks to RosalieLillian who helped my writers block.Thanks so much to everyone for 읽기 and being supportive of Painful Memories.Hope 당신 like this chapter :D

xoxo bree xoxo


Painful Memories

Chapter Three

Alice POV

"Alice what's wrong?What did 당신 see?" Edward asked me.I knew he would freak if he saw my vision.I quickly started sing Brick 의해 Boring Brick 의해 파라모어 in my head.That was my 가장 좋아하는 song 의해 Paramore.

"Edward, It was about Rosalie" I turned to face the rest of my family and Bella."I'll tell...
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뉴 문
New Moon
This is just a sneak peek the rest will not be writen untill i finish ''My Midnight Sun'' Enjoy and tell me what u think!

Edwards POV
''If that's what 당신 want.'' I could hear the tears amergeing in her voice. I wanted to kill myself right then and there for causeing those tears. I leaned forward,and kissed her forhead for the last time. Then i took off.Not takeing one look back. 'It's for her safety.' I thought to myself. Even though I just tore my whole life apart. It was still about her.And always will be. The wind blew 의해 me with a chance to go back. It blew hard even...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter10: Edwards pov
Days passed one 의해 one and I was getting 더 많이 suspicious about Bella I could see it in her eyes that she truly hated Damien but here actions were telling something different the ways her body curled around him the way she hugged him, kissed him I just wanted to get up and kill him. even Alice saw a few visions of it and sent Emmett and jasper to get a hold on me but even with all this evidence that maybe ,maybe Bella loved him but I knew there was something wrong, her eyes were so sad, emotionless and cold, she's not the happy perky Alice like but not annoying Bella my...
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Warning: This is just my 판타지 coming through. And some information to you; the story plays before Bella became a Vampire and there is no Nessie in sight. So its just for our little Jacob's sake, he needs some luving.

When your world crashes, what can 당신 do?
Twenty days had passed, twenty long days and there wasnt a change. Not for her, not for me and not for the Cullens. I was sitting in front of the 침대 of my love, holding her hand that yet felt so much colder. She was breathing, looking like she did sleep, but we all knew that wasnt the case. My sleeping beauty. I was about slapping myself...
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posted by twilight_james
chapter 4

I woke up, and Carlisle was in the room.
"Bella" he said in relief.
"Where..where am I?" I stuttered. I looked and I couldn't reconginse the room.
"Bella.." Carlisle said questionly. "you're in our house, in the lounge room.
I loked around and saw that I was. "Okay" I caught my reflection in a mirror. I had stitches down my face, and when I turned, I saw that there were long rows of 더 많이 stitches down my back as well.
"Carlisle, what happened to me?" I asked, unable to make sense of the black lines of stiching.
He hesistated. "Well, when 당신 were in the room, Edward-"
I cut hm off "Edward!...
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Chapter 8: not a sweet life
I woke up with Damien's arms tightened around my naked chest.ewww eww eww eww, I swear I’ll kill him! i slid myself out of his grasp and flew to my closet I quietly wore something to escape from him while I was putting on my jeans I was thinking of some place where Damien cant find me, I really couldn’t think of any where so I grabbed my bag and headed to the door hope fully Damien was still sleeping I opened the door and quietly closed it behind me I rushed to my car when jasper interrupted me
-Bella what's wrong? Your so scared and worried.
Not a good timing please...
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 Renesmee ( Taylor )
Renesmee ( Taylor )
After Daniel left I could smell the 늑대 pack getting closer. I hoped that Daniel was far away from here so that none could see him. Suddenly out of no where a huge russet 늑대 came out ready to attack. It took me a 초 to realize it was Jacob. He was ready to attack me. But why would he want to attack me? Then it hit me that Daniel's smell was here. Aka the smell that was in my room. Jacob must think I'm Daniel because Daniel's smell must be around. And Jacob would attack Daniel if he was here. But I was the one here with Daniel's scent around me.

Jacob was running like a bullet try to...
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