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A request I made for Dark Bloom
winx club
dark bloom
posted by lovebaltor
*What if Roxy didnt have a family,she was adopted.But,these foster parents werent the parents 당신 would usually suspect...*

BOOM!BOOM!BOOM!Goes the door as it shakes to life.Roxy tosses in her sleep,covering her shivering body with the flimsy piece of cloth her 'mother' called a blanket."Wake up girl!"hisses her 'mother'.Roxy sits up in her small bed,and looks around her so called room.

It was a filthy little room.The flooring was old,filthy wood.She had a small cracked mirror,a small desk,nightstand,and a old filthy closet.

She gets up from her bed,and quickly get dressed. BANG!BANG!BANG!Her...
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Author's note: this story is going to be different from the others I have written. It will involve all the same characters; but instead of there being Red 분수 and Alfea it will just be Magix High School. Also the Winx don't know each other except the only thing they have in common is their dorm and when the new girl (not really new she is one of the Winx) comes in they might just become 프렌즈 and mega popular. So I hope 당신 will like this new story since it is different from my 이전 stories and don't worry I will still continue Thinking Back
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posted by Alifya
Spring is here, which means it’s time to bury the sequined tops, skirts and dresses, and update your closets with what’s in this season.

There's no easier way to get the wow factor than with a 맥시 dress. Wear at the 바닷가, 비치 또는 the park with and gladiator flats.

The Seventies are back: high-waisted denim and flouncy silk dresses and blouses are super!

Ankle boots! They're not easy to wear. The proportion of an ankle boot with a mid-calf, full 치마 is all wrong: ankle boots look best as part of a leggy look, either with short skirt, skinny jeans 또는 leggings. One of the easiest ways to wear...
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added by WinxClubBloom99
added by nugget14
Source: Princess Winx
added by nugget14
added by nugget14
Source: Princess Winx
posted by Ember89
Ok before i start this is the 제목 of my fic sorry i didn't have one for part one! Enjoy!

"Wow this place is incredible" I say as i walk up to a long line of students. Time passed as i looked at Alfea and thought i'd make tons of great friends. "So what is your name girl" snapped a woman who needed a serious attitude adjustment.
"I'm Ember of Eraklyon" I say. This must be Grizelda. "Ah, here we are, Ember of Eraklyon...carry on then" she snapped again. So i take my heavy bag to a dorm. "Oh hello 당신 must be Ember!I'm Chloe i'm from Kelp island! The...
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added by 101musastella
winx club
팬 video
season 6
winx club
season 5
full episode
added by nmdis
added by 04alexa40
winx club
season 4
무지개, 레인 보우 english
added by lovebaltor
winx club
season 4
added by nugget14
posted by LilyBeanie04
bloom:ware is flora?
she went into stella's room.
bloom: stella, have 당신 seen flora?
stella: i haven't seen her since last night
they looked all around alfea.
tecna: guys, have 당신 seen flora?
bloom: nope.
stella: 당신 don't think the trix captured her, do you?
tecna: well if she's not at alfea then they must have.

later at the trix's hide out.
Krystal: well, we got flora now what?
icy: we need her alive because she is part of the trap.
Krystal: its for the winx right?
icy: yep

suddenly, the winx barged through the door.
musa: ok, ware are 당신 keeping flora?
icy: that's for us to know, and 당신 to find out.
musa saw flora near a tree.
flora: girls!!!!
bloom: we have your back flora.

bloom flew over to untie flora
the rest of the winx weer fighting the trix.
bloom and flora went outside.
bloom: flora go back to alfea.me and the rest of the winx will keep the trix focusing on us.
flora ok.

to be continued...
posted by Harmonyismagic
Me-I am SO sorry!
Aisha-I'm okay, and 당신 don't have to freak out I've felt worse.

Me-Well, are 당신 okay?
Me-What's your name?
Aisha-I'm Aisha. What's your name?
Me-Skyla. Nice to meet you.
Me-I didn't think that a 인기 girl like 당신 would talk to a loser like me.

Aisha-Loser!? Who said 당신 were a loser? You're not.
Me-Well Amryl told me something way different.
Aisha-Never listen to 또는 trust Amryl. She is a jerk.
Me-Don't I know it.
Aisha-You know, I could take 당신 to meet the rest of the Winx Club.

Me-Really!? Wow!
Aisha-Yep! So is that a yes 또는 a no?
Me-A total yes!
Aisha-Well then, let's go!
Me-Hahaha! 저기요 wait for me!!
added by khfan12
some pics
added by nugget14
Source: Princess Winx
added by nugget14