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What do 당신 think will the series after the 히어로즈 of olympus will be about?

I know it's kind of too early and i dont even know if there will ba a 3rd series but just wanna hear 당신 guys out...

maybe it will be about Norse myth...
 WiseGirl_Shayne posted over a year ago
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올림푸스의 영웅들 답변

Odssey said:
it could be when a hero has to battle chaos, the void. His name kinda implies what he does, but it wouldnt really make sense how coul demigod literaly fight the god of gods. if he created Gaea, Tarturus, Nyx, and Erebus the most powerful beings ever it would really be hard
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posted over a year ago 
Calypso_ said:
Roman and Greek mythology and stopping Gaea
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posted over a year ago 
partypony posted over a year ago
HecateA said:
I have trouble believing and accepting it, but this might be the end guys. This could be the last we see of camp Half-Blood for a while. I'm not believing it, I'm not accepting it, but it might.

The Omega in the symbol could just mean that. Omega is the last letter of the Ancient Greek alphabet.

But its such a thrilling world that can be expanded in 20 000 ways. I could make a list and bore 당신 all to head-explosion, but if RR does any of those things, 또는 if he does anything more... It's too early to tell.
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 I have trouble believing and accepting it, but this might be the end guys. This could be the last we see of camp Half-Blood for a while. I'm not believing it, I'm not accepting it, but it might. The Omega in the symbol could just mean that. Omega is the last letter of the Ancient Greek alphabet. But its such a thrilling world that can be expanded in 20 000 ways. I could make a list and bore 당신 all to head-explosion, but if RR does any of those things, 또는 if he does anything more... It's too early to tell.
posted over a year ago 
It can also be about just Norse myths.
Idunn posted over a year ago
no it won't be Norse myths if he does do things on Norse myths then it wouldn't have camp half-blood 또는 the Roman Camp in it for the Romans and Greeks had many things alike
RickJackson98 posted over a year ago
i hope so..maybe the omega sign just means Olympus
WiseGirl_Shayne posted over a year ago
HarshN said:
There may be a series connecting the Kane chronicles and 히어로즈 of olympus
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posted over a year ago 
Flymanwind said:
OMG OMG OMG i read the blood of olympus and at the end it said coming in fall 2015
magnus chase and the gods of asgard book one
The sword of summer.
First of all his last name is chase so yea. 초 its gonna be the gods of asgard. Im am kinda mad because two reasons 1 its coming in 2015 so a 년 and 2 there not gonna meet carter kane and sadie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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 OMG OMG OMG i read the blood of olympus and at the end it said coming in fall 2015 magnus chase and the gods of asgard book one The sword of summer. First of all his last name is chase so yea. 초 its gonna be the gods of asgard. Im am kinda mad because two reasons 1 its coming in 2015 so a 년 and 2 there not gonna meet carter kane and sadie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted over a year ago 
Maybe this is Percy and annabeth's kid... WAIT. NO. It would be Magnus Jackson, not Magnus Chase. UNLESS...... They decided to use annabeth's last name instead.... :3
pinkiepie213 posted over a year ago
pinkiepie213 its annabeths cousin
halfbloodHymus posted over a year ago
theonlyexeption said:
i think it is wayy too early to say. Since, it depends on how the series evolves...
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah..I'm just too excited!..
WiseGirl_Shayne posted over a year ago
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
Idunn said:
It would be cool, I 사랑 the Norse myths, but it might be Celtic myths.

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posted over a year ago 
maybe there are 더 많이 than 2 camps.. I see u like the Norse goddess of youth and beauty?..i guess
WiseGirl_Shayne posted over a year ago
또는 was it youth and springtime?
WiseGirl_Shayne posted over a year ago
Hey! maybe..Rick would make a series about Norse myth after all (well, there is a possibility).. check out his 가장 좋아하는 questions: link
WiseGirl_Shayne posted over a year ago
Lightning98 said:
well it says in the book that this is the last big threat... what could happen after camp
I mean it would be boring if it is just acouple of people at camp
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posted over a year ago 
well I don't think that there will be a third series but everyone had thought would have been the last threat bu they were wrong
RickJackson98 posted over a year ago
RickJackson98 said:
no there won't be a new series everyone includong me would just get bored (and I'm a huge 팬 of his PJ and HoO series) after Percy Jackson there was still myths left to tell and everyone new the story of the gods and camp couldn't possibly be over also everyone who were 팬 from Percy Jackson would be a good bit older and not to many people would get Percy Jackson I doubt it would still be in shops 또는 it wouldn't be in the section all the good books
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posted over a year ago 
UnoriginalName said:
No, not Norse, that is too different. Maybe we could see the Roman version of the Titan War, but that would probably get boring, espicially since we will know the roman characters well. Maybe he could try in the future, but to guess the technology would be stupid. I guess he could pull the "technology and demigods don't mix card", but he would still have to include the outside world. I think this may be it, may the concept Rest in Peace.
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posted over a year ago 
또는 maybe the exact opposite and the 다음 series would be thrown back in time to when the Greeks ruled and maybe tells the origin of camp half-blood
darkling_menace posted over a year ago
that's really a nice idea..(man, It was a long time since I checked my fanpop)
WiseGirl_Shayne posted over a year ago
partypony said:
I don't think there will be another series. Seriously.
RR seems to be working backwards here. Chiron once said there were 4 ages before the gods. Here's what I think that was:
4th- titans
3th- giants
2nd- cyclopes (cyclopes, hundred handed ones, etc)
1st- Gaea and Ouranos

These are not in order, I think. The titan threat is done now, so they're not gonna need another series. Then, before the giants are the cyclopes and those other guys, i think. but they're gone now, so no 더 많이 threat from them. Gaea and Ouranos... well, gaea is already a threat in HoO, so no 더 많이 series about her after HoO.

Get what I'm saying?
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posted over a year ago 
또는 maybe.. he will have a series of what darkling_menace said in his 코멘트 above.. that would be great
WiseGirl_Shayne posted over a year ago
Aphroditeskid21 said:
I think if there is another series that it will be a cival war between the Greeks and Romans
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posted over a year ago 
Mythmaniac said:
I don't think the characters will like having another Great Prophecy to complete.Sure enough, readers like 읽기 these things, but (even though it's not real) try to think in their shoes.

IF there will be another series about any other myth 당신 can think of, it will most likely NOT be an extension of the 히어로즈 of Olympus series. Kind of like the Kane Chronicles a whole different series.
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posted over a year ago 
kayleeluvsbooks said:
No. Rick riordan said that this was his last camp halfblood series...
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posted over a year ago 
WiseGirl_Shayne posted over a year ago
I KNOW!!! :'(
kayleeluvsbooks posted over a year ago
maybe read my post
Flymanwind posted over a year ago
Klug said:
I don't think there will be another series after the 히어로즈 of Olympus, to be honest. It'll be sad to see the end for Percy and the rest of them, but every great series has to have an end. I doubt there will be another series after this one.
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posted over a year ago 
i agree. Sadly.
kayleeluvsbooks posted over a year ago
Flymanwind posted over a year ago
percabeth5 said:
I read a fanfic somewhere where the writer combined PJO and Kane chronicles.....
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posted over a year ago 
Thats a 팬 fic ive read it
Flymanwind posted over a year ago
kaylap1410 said:
Honestly don't think that there will be a third series. But if there is my idea is on the Firery 꽃 forum. Check it out.

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posted over a year ago 
I checked it out.. and i think its great..
WiseGirl_Shayne posted over a year ago
Spikegilfer1997 said:
Maybe the norse myth's.
Maybe the Greek embodiment of chaos rising.
Who knows?
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posted over a year ago 
Leos_girl said:
I highly doubt there's gonna be another Camp Half-Blood series, but Rick did say that after he finishes the 히어로즈 of Olympus, he's 글쓰기 a Norse series.
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posted over a year ago 
zcopter said:
If there will be a third series it would most likely be Egyptian mythology,because if 당신 have read the son of sobek Cater Kane meets Percy Jackson and Cater puts a speed on Percy, that Percy can call Cater when ever he wants and Cater would appear there,that's why I think it would be Egyptian mythology
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posted over a year ago 
Flymanwind posted over a year ago
setne made it away
Flymanwind posted over a year ago
catherinebirds said:
I hope to god there is going to be another series.
maybe its going to be about tartarus rising????
hope so
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posted over a year ago 
sugarpalstar said:
I think it'll be about the Egyptians meeting the Greeks and Romans.
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posted over a year ago 
ThatDeaddude said:
I as thinking, Rick made a series about Percy. Percy- The main strong character that Prophecies and climax moments evolve around him. Who else was seen like Percy, Jason Grace. I think Rick may make a book about Jason's tale. His story. The Roman myths instead of Greek! I hope Rick does, don't you.
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posted over a year ago 
pinkiepie213 posted over a year ago
Fangirl521 said:
I googled it... It will have nothing to do with Percy and his friends... (bummer) it is i=on Scandinavian mythology
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posted over a year ago 
halfbloodHymus said:
first of all there was a Percy Jackson series of 책 the beginning of a wide range of possibilites. 초 came hereos of olympus which is set in the world of percy jackson of greeks but is now introduced the romans. after that i the same 년 of publishing and the same fictional of 히어로즈 of olympus, the kane chronicles with the eygyptians. we all thought that was it but then riordian introduced the sword of summer of magnus chase and the gods of asgard which is set in the same time of the other three as magnus is annabeths cousin however it is now the viking norse kings which has much 더 많이 to come s that just came out in 2015 this year
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posted over a year ago 
percico said:
i really hope theres another series and that it takes place right where it left off. if there is (thank the gods) then it should be about gea creating new children and the the anti of only one demigod. that would be awesome
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posted over a year ago 
so these new children would be there new enemy. i think that if they finish that then they should totally face the god who created everything. even gea herself. and in this battle the gods, demigods(both roman and greek) and the creatures of nature have to team up to defeat him/her once and for all. because i think the crew should be reunited. it shouldnt end separated. then they should form one camp and at the end of this, then 당신 may say.... THE END
percico posted over a year ago
PiperMclean7732 said:
There is going to be a third series.
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posted over a year ago 
thatonelorchick said:
So here what I think so in the last book blood of of Olympus annabeth mentions that she has a cousin in Boston( page393) and also that her uncle and her dad doesn't get along why? Probably because of the different gods.. So this 다음 series Rick is 글쓰기 is about the Norse series.. And the main person last name is chase? Could he be related to annabeth chase? I believe it high likely he is. Probly that cousin she was talking about N I don't know if some of 당신 guys read the red pyramid series as well the ending was also a cliff hang it stated something like "there was also strange work at Manhattan that we got to go check out". Sooo my guess is that the author has been giving out hints and clues to his loyal readers that he's gonna make this super awesome wombo combo of all three series of old and new characters we learn to 사랑 n one we have yet to meet into a super series!
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posted over a year ago 
Iapetus said:
I don't think there would be another series cuz it would be tiring just to fight monsters in your entire life. (Even though I wish RR would create a new one) the ending of HoO was really dissatisfying like what would happen after? Plus, RR created a new book for Egyptian and Greek mythology, the son of sobek and the other one for Annabeth.
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posted over a year ago 
booooks said:
Okay well here are some reason to continue and what I think it will be about. Well we know Leo get back but when and how long will it be they know he's alive.and mostly what about will and Nick will the just 프렌즈 또는 will they be more.we don't know it like plant a seed 당신 don't know what it be like will being not happy about the fact that Nick that push in to the sun and not watering with another book 당신 never know wether it a seed of friendship 또는 of romance I know this long and hasn't even answer the 질문 here is the answer I think it could about then fight tuterois I can't spell it but know I am saying he killed Bob and anti Ares so are just let him live in peace 또는 should they kill him okay and Rachel 또는 will could say a quest 또는 profity I can't spell again but 저기요 whatever okay and we don't even no if Will gay and the people could be Will, clarees, Connor, Rachael and sperterly Leo maybe
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posted over a year ago 
Ant2130 said:
I think the 다음 series will be happy titans because they will be about everyone lifestyles.
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posted over a year ago 
RipTheDay said:
I Think there needs to atleast 1 또는 2 더 많이 책 about leo and calypso and his fiends finding out he lived
A whole series i dont no
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posted over a year ago 
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