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Castle's Nathan Fillion on Not Saying a 'Proper' Goodbye, the Season 9 Plan

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Nathan Fillion Talks ‘Castle’ Cancellation, What Season 9 Would Have Been | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
plans, for what typically would have been his first day back at the ABC series’ set. And those plans are pretty…. hairy.
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Speaking with Michael Ausiello at TVLine’s Comic-Con studio presented by ZTE — where he and Alan Tudyk were promoting
, their digital series about a sci-fi actor’s adventures on the convention circuit — Fillion questioned if there was any way to have a “proper send-off” (versus down-to-the-wire cancellation) for a series, after eight years.
“[I’ve worked] with amazing people that I love so very, very much… [and] I’ll miss them dearly,” the actor said. “But its been eight years since I haven’t had a plan” for that first Monday after Comic-Con, when production on
Castle Series Finale Recap: Always… and Forever
Fillion also confirmed that the Beckett- and Stana Katic-less Season 9 — had there been one — would have picked up after a meaningful time jump. And as for his all-time favorite memory from his eight years on the show… well, Tudyk gives him a little help with that one.
Forever grateful that Castle got cancelled. Beckett-less Castle was a terrible idea.
But still have a somewhat hollow feeling whenever I think about the ending.
Missing Castle dearly however, once they cut Beckett, the show died, so it’s good it was canceled.
Nice interview, though it was weird that Michael asked the questions and Nathan kept answering them to Alan Tudyk! lol
Hmm…he had no favorite memory…? And why did he primarily talk to Alan? As a big fan of Nathan’s, I must say I’m a little disappointed. I miss Castle and I’m not much looking forward to Monday at 9pm (CST) come this fall 😢.
Something about this guy is bothering me, I don’t really know why but he makes me really uncomfortable.
About Castle, it was time to cancel it, the last seasons were boring, season 8 was just awful, and another season without Beckett would have ruined the entire show, I don’t even get how they could considered it.
I see Nathan is clearly so cut up about the show being cancelled.
You expected him to be weeping? He’s in a business where shows get canceled. You move on.
I know we probably will never know what really happened behind the curtain. Anyway, I, a diehard Firefly fan, started watching Castle for the sole purpose of watching more of Fillion. 8 years later, not so impressed. The guy can’t even pick a favorite moment from a show that ran for 8 years!!
Stana clearly outshone him and I hope she has a brilliant career ahead of her.
Fillion did a terrific job on Castle. Stana was a great partner on the show. They’ll both do well in future projects.
That’s because “his BS” was never more than speculation that conveniently always had unverifiable sources.
Yep one unverified (and actually denied by SK’s people) rumour repeated and repeated and repeated.
Stana definitely took over the show mostly, I had never heard of firefly or conman, since the cancellation of Castle, then I started hearing about them,not really interested, sorry, but Nathan wanted to move on without Stana, anyone can see they had a serious problem, after 8 years of a wonderful show with a beautiful actress as Stana, come on, the show died at season 8, face it Nathan, it would have busted……
Props to Alan for answering the Castle questions even though he didn’t get the questions beforehand.
Fillion may never realize, to his arrogance, how much he let down a large amount of his fans dating back to his Firefly days. Just because Castle was his character doesn’t mean the show was his. It was an ensemble. What would have been nice was to see a 10 episode season 10 to give it a proper good-bye. Not sure I would follow him to any future projects due to his lack of putting fans first in stead of his ego.
how do you know about this ego? it wasn’t his decision to cancel the show. and he is well aware of that it was an ensemble show. did you not hear him talk about how much he loves everyone who worked on castle and their characters? ugh. your comment makes zero sense.
I think he really dodged a bullet when the show was cancelled. By the last season, his decision to play Castle as a buffoon and his lack of respect for the Castle/Becket relationship was turning a lot of people off. I bet season 9 would have had much lower ratings and fewer viewers.
Amazing how a guy who never was on Castle answers the questions better than the lead actor of the show. Anyway, thank god season 9 never saw the light of the day and we don’t have to watch an entire season dedicated to his ego. Btw, the part of the interview when they talk about the email with the questions was just pathetic. Sorry for that Michael.
Was he supposed to let Alan sit there in silence? Nathan tried to include him as he does anyone who sits on panels with him & never gets asked questions. What an ego right?
Agreed him and Alan were there for Con man and it obvious that Nathan didnt want to leave Alan out of the convo.
It’s not about Nathan including him in the interview. It’s the fact that Alan almost answers the questions instead of him. If I didn’t knew any of the I would have thought that Alan is the one who was in Castle.
Guess some people see what they “want” to see and despite the truth will continue to rag on their “hated” enemy… I love how some people will throw their attitude on someone they dislike no matter what others say. Maybe some day when they become adults, they will see how childish they are–but, I doubt it. Can’t fix stupid
I’m one of the few people that would have liked another season of castle without Beckett as long as she wasn’t dead, but it is what it is. Was a great show.
You’re not the only one. While I wasn’t a fan of losing Stana, I would have watched anyway.
Me as well. I think it could easily have worked. It would have been a bit different, but ok. Different does not mean bad. Will miss Castle on my Monday nights this Fall.
Just watching the video( interview ) just confirms my suspicions how Nathan’s huge EGO
I saw nothing that indicated his huge ego? He said he worked with amazing people he loves, & he’ll miss them & their characters dearly.
Are you gonna comment on everything that’s negative about precious nathan?? He is a ass deal with it!! The show is over because of him, he didn’t get his way and that backfired terribly on him. He thought it would work without Stana but in the end you can see who the fans were really behind.
Me neither. I noticed that he did not mention one single cast member by name, even though he had spent 8 seasons working with them. It’s all about me, me, me.
If he doesn’t mention a certain cast member (no, not a reference to Stana), everyone goes ballistic and starts reading into the “perceived slight”. It turns into a big damn deal when it was really just an oversight, so instead he mentions no names and you still try to turn it into a big damn deal.
Short interview. Cannot mention everyone signally, so mentions them as a group graciously at an interview set up for another project. He’s out, being interviewed for another project & in the public eye. Others who aren’t out in the public eye aren’t getting the same scrutiny as he is over their perceived affection for the show. He did his job for 8 years, he appreciated it & now it’s time to go on to his next project. He’s a busy working actor. He appreciates all the work & projects he’s been given.
I’m trying to figure out my favorite moment from the last 8 years of my working life while simultaneously trying to figure out what I’m gonna do next, and it’s just not coming on demand.
Any favorite moment he picks would piss someone off for leaving something out. It’s a no-win question. Will you be happy if he says “kissing Stana?” no. Will you be happy if he says “working with Seamus & Jon?” no. Will you be happy if he says “that thing with the tarantulas?” no.
Fillion worked a hell of a lot harder to promote it than anyone else did, the whole thing rested on his shoulders, and he didn’t write the scripts. So please have the grace to cut him some slack and allow him to move on.
1. How about “Rear Window”? And what how about the 3 days in advance Ausiello sent the question to him?
2. Only if you mean Firefly & Con Man as the shows he worked harder to promote than anyone else. Otherwise, SK promoted Castle more than anyone else, esp. S1-7.
And these guys are known for their irreverent, flippant, off-the-cuff silliness/nonsense. Lighten up, people.
People move forward, and there’s nothing wrong with that. I guess people want him to wallow.
Fair enough. But still can’t deny that same question may have come up quite a bit the last couple years.
Go back and watch all previous Cons on utube. The guy has never been able to answer a question about Castle, especially related to Caskett or Stana – unless he turns it around to be about himself.
Maybe he cared about the show the first few seasons, until Stana became too popular for his liking.
Just because someone doesn’t answer questions doesn’t mean that they “can’t”. A person can choose not to answer questions about it.
Maybe I wasn’t looking hard enough, but I am not sure that I ever saw Stana
promoting the show, except when the cast was gathered together at some
Then you’re not looking hard enough… search her instagram, search youtube, twitter, google for her interviews & posts about the show – she’s supported the show. period.
If by all the promotion you mean all the talk shows & book signings SK did over the years to promote the show….wait that was Nathan. Or all the live tweeting she did for episodes, even the less popular ones…oh, that was Nathan too. Or the fact that 8 times out of 10 fans were greeted by her on location…no, Nathan too. So how exactly did she do more to promote the show again???
I’m pretty sure she was also on talk shows!! And it’s even been said out of all of them she took the most time out to talk to fans while filming! You can see that by all the photo people have taken with her on location or studio! Try again
I think that Nathan’s confidence that a S9 would work shows a great deal of cockiness and naïveté. I don’t think I’d watch a Beckett-less show because it was always meant to be about them as a team/couple. Not the “Nathan Fillion” show
Actors don’t think like fans do. It’s a job, a business…the show goes on. And there have been plenty which have successfully carried on without a co-lead. So it’s neither naive or cocky-it’s practical. Would Stana have carried on without him? Quite possibly.
Would Stana carry on without him? I think that she was way more sold on Milmar’s vision of the show and Caskett. Milmar was always VERY VERY clear about the fact that “Castle” was more about the relationships than the cases. Once they handed over the show it was clear that the new show runners were not interested in continuing Milmar’s vision. Oh well… I’ll take the rushed “happily ever after” scene at the end of “Crossfire” than another season
Yes Stana would have. This was a good paying job for her and if she was that sold on the vision she would have walked once they change it. If Nathan would have left and they pitched her a Beckett show yeah she would take it.
As much as I like Beckett, I would probably not watch a “Castle-less” show. For me personally it was all about them. From 1×01 to 8×22… It’s always been about Castle and Beckett and their story.
All that said… I’d totally watch a “Ryspito” spin off 👍🏻😊
The thing is, nobody knows what Stana would do, so nobody should try to speak for her. Just because you “think” something, it doesn’t mean it would actually be that way.
MilMar…Andrew Marlow and Terri Miller. AKA- the creators of Castle. AKA- the people who created Castle and Beckett. Both individuals were huge “Caskett” fans. Andrew said the plan was always to have them ride off into the sunset.
Considering is there with Alan to talk about Con Man, i would do the same thing… Where’s the questions about Con Man???
About Castle, everyone know that both lead actors didn’t like each other so i’m actually kinda surprised that it lasted that much.
My case i was looking forward for a Castle with no Becket, but everyone has their own tastes. :)
Qs were asked beforehand, for a separate video TK; you can tell by the way this video starts. –Mgmt
Nathan Fillion has never liked Castle. It is so clear. He has only cared about Firefly, disrespecting Castle crew and fans. He doesn’t have a favorite memory of the show even after 8 seasons. Now, if you ask him for a favorite Firesh*t moment, he probably has tons. No surprise he still cries about not having that stupid and unnecessary season 9 without Beckett/Stana. So good that Castle was cancelled and his wish didn’t happen.
First off, why does he keep talking to Alan while answering the questions? Weird. He doesn’t seem to care too much that the show was cancelled. He couldn’t even come up with a favorite moment on a show he was on for 8 seasons. He seems pretty flip about it all.
Glad its cancelled. The thought of a time jump makes me ill.
Starting watching Castle S1 because of Nathan. After watching his interviews and reading tweets, will never follow his career again. Stana however, i will.
Castle was my favorite show. Sorry that it has been cancelled
I’m re-watching from the beginning courtesy of Space channel in Canada ( I know, it’s an odd match ) and I have to say that watching them daily allows you to see the slow downhill slide of the show.
Castle got less smart & savvy and more clown like. The other plot lines – Beckett’s mother’s murder, her time in the FBI etc. just clogged the show down too. I know show’s have to evolve but making Castle dumb & goofy was wrong.
I said this same thing to a friend after season 2. In the beginning castle had a vast knowledge base of many subjects and would casually interject into the cases with.. I researched it for a novel… They were mostly on the money. He added value to the team, even though they didn’t like him. He was a playboy with manly toys and desires.
The show runners flipped the script and made him to a wimpy dumb guy that was basically a sidekick to beckett, with zany fantastical theories and wacky hi jinx. I quit watching after that .
Typical BS interview and reponses from NF. Used to like him. Now can’t stand him. Acts like a 12 year old in most interviews.
And he really should just stop talking about anything related to Castle. Makes him come off as a jerk. AT saved his butt. .
He continues to show what a narcissist he really is, and just confirms he was the real reason for Castle’s ultimate demise. Budget cuts my a–!
And come on TVLine. Really softball interview. Letting him get away with dodging and not answering. I expect much better of Michael.
Read the comments first, then went to watch the interview, and it was again proven that some Castle fans clearly have no sense of humor whatsoever and will hate Fillion irrationally for even living and breathing. Good, laidback interview with Ausiello, and fun banter between Nathan and Alan always. Will miss Castle but time for it to end, and look forward to watching Nathan in his next project. Talented actor. Hopefully the fans there will be cooler and less impossible and hateful like some Castle ones. LOL at Matt even having to clarify a clear joke. Let it go, man.
To be clear, referring to those fans to let it go, not Matt who has a thankless job dealing with them.
Same. Though after years of reading TV line’s Castle articles you’d think I’d have learned the trick. But I still thought after skimming comments that he said something controversial or unfortunate etc, dumb I know. Then watched the video. Cool, easy interview. TV line’s regular Castle commenters are something else. Honestly, in my years of multifandom experience I never saw a whole group of online people who hated Fillion at all. Until “Castle fan group” at TV line…
Could not agree more. This interview is as innocent as it gets; he gives a nod to the cast and characters, mentions that he’s looking forward to some time off, points out that the storyline for a season isn’t settled until a show is actually renewed, like…? Geez Louise, I’m not even a fan of the guy, but this is ridiculous. I’d stumble if somebody asked me what my favourite portion of a day was in the last eight years, too. He’s clearly in the midst of answering with a nod to some guest stars before he’s interrupted, and, for someone who supposedly blocks all Castle-related things out of his memory, he’s remarkably quick to remember a story about shooting an ep when prompted.
Good interview, though. I’m sad the show is done, but it’s long since been time, and without Beckett I definitely was checking out at the end of the season one way or the other.
I agree. It’s the Stana fans not true Fillion who are complaining. They would have a problem with anything he said.
Add me in on this as well. I’ve also seen this type of behavior when NCIS is mentioned and a certain actress who will not be named is shoved down everybody’s throats, regardless of what the article was about. Three years gone and counting and the wake and nasty comments continue. I loved Castle, I loved both leads–but to come over here saying outrageous, speculative nonsense like the commentators, “KNOWS” all, is not only ridiculous, but childish and delusional. Act your age people…
Are Nathan and Alan a couple? They remind me of many married people I know where one spouse speaks for and answers questions for the other.
Hi there, i want to say that nathan is looking years younger so maybe the pressure of a long running show has been wearing i am looking forward to his next venture…maybe something serious! m
Castle without Beckett would have been terrible, Stana’s character has been there since day one. Just watching Fillion in that interview gave me a since he only cared for himself. It takes everyone to put on a great show, and they all have to work together and it’s obvious he wanted all the glory. Boy you really let me down, I was always waiting for next episode or looking at reruns, but now who cares Fillion didn’t.
I’m so glad that Castle got cancelled and we didn’t have to endure a season without Stana. Season 8 was bad enough.
Nathan said his favorite episode was when he and stana were on the run and thats when Beckett arrested Bracken. Hes a good man leave him alone
You can certainly tell the Stana fans are here in full force…he cared more about the show than she did… look how many commentaries and special things he did on the DVD’s…then look at the things she did…and no offense…she is too old to have a long career…not saying it is right…but Hollywood notoriously spits actresses out when they get past 35.
Beg to differ. She was cut out of commetaries and continued to tweet about the show and her support for episodes she wasnt even in, while he refused to mention Beckett (e) or Stana. He only tweeted or commented about himself.
Cut out of commentaries? Good Lord. You either do them, or you don’t. And she hasn’t. Kind of line interviews (which she largely didn’t in the last three years of the run). Hate Fillion if you want, but don’t do it at the expense of pretending there is some great conspiracy theory against Katic.
Have disagree with you about possible length of career. Catherine Bell has moved from successful show to successful show for nearly 20 years and I’m pretty sure she is over 35.
Nathan couldn’t stand that stana outshone him she was the show and he threw a hissy fit
Oh really? Where’s your proof? Were you there and taking notes? Work for ABC? BFF’S with Stana? Since you have all this information and can make such outrageous statements–please give the rest of us your proof–or stop writing such drivel and grow the Hell up. SMDH
Wonder if Season 9 of Castle would be like without Beckett.
Nathan is hilarious; and thinks quick on his feet! This is why ‘Castle’ will be missed <3
I was never so happy when someone spilled the beans on Stana’s and Tamala’s firing. Not only did it crush any plans for a season 9,it also gave Nathan some extra time off this summer. If the Comic Cons and the voice overs don’t work out,he can try the unemployment line.
Lol as the title lead in a popular television show that ran 8 years I expect he could BUY that unemployment line.
Which. Just. Drives. The. Haters. Crazy.
Nathan has a shelf life and an expiration date. Nathan is in his mid 40’s and producers will be looking for the next ‘Ruggedly handsome lead’. George Clooney he ain’t. He’ll get rich from all of those season 8 DVD sales. Just enough to get a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
There are some people here, and you are one of them, sound like the
Trump lovers on politics forums. Is it really necessary for you to be so
rude. You sound like someone who is more than a bit jealous, if you
The magazines and other new articles have been so uninformative (each
repeating the other one’s story) about what was going on behind the
scenes. So no one really knows what happened. What I have
personally noticed that most of the cast spend some time together
after hours, but not Stana that I could tell. And who knows the reason
why, but I think everyone is making far too much of this.
I can figure out no reason why anyone needs to be rude about this.
So many complained that Fillion didn’t quit on the spot, when Stana’s
contract was not renewed. No matter that he had already signed
his contract (which obligates him, don’t you think), but also there were
other staff members that really wanted to work, so isn’t he allowed to
Don’t be naive, actors think for themselves when they sign a contract ;)
I will miss Castle but think it would be great to have a spin off with Ryan and Esposito. They could even have Alexis still working with them. I didn’t like that all the characters stories weren’t finished
I miss “Castle” so much. I’ve never missed an episode in those 8 wonderful years & now life don’t seem the same!
I miss the show so much. But it had to end sometime. Get him into another
tv series that has humor and romance which Fillion is so very good at.
The husband and I enjoyed Castle, and we would have looked forward to the show continuing with just him. The husband used to gripe the last few years that the writing took the emphasis off of Castle, himself. I wanted more of him and could not understand it becoming Beckett centered. I hope Mr. Fillion has confidence in his characterization and takes up another such detective role.
Nathan looks really good at the moment….it’s ironic that he now looks like a leading man when technically he isn’t one anymore….perhaps he gave up the booze???
So happy Castle has ended…it was time and it would not have been the same show regardless of which lead was leaving and which was sticking around. I wouldn’t have watched without Beckett and I wouldn’t have watched if Castle was the one to die on the kitchen floor. A sad and pitiful ending to a great show! RIP.
I loved Castle and, though it “jumped the shark” in places, I still felt ripped off by the ending. I was looking forward to seeing Hayley and Alexis getting together because that seemed to definitely be on the cards. I was up for another Season, Beckett or no Beckett, just out of curiosity.
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