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posted by fanpire1296
WOW i find my self sayin WOW alot lately in my world where if 당신 don't 옮기기 fast the world moves with out u and ur just stuck as a memory in the back of someones mind so i 옮기기 fast so i will never feel the pain that comes in life when u don't want it to so i started to 옮기기 fast i stopped cryin and just wrote wat i felt i stopped havein feelings and just had one sad and that never changed i was bored and a lil scared but of wat i would ask my self y i was scared guess it was of slowin down takein time to notice wats in front of me so i started slowin down but at the wrong time so i started to say WOW 더 많이 so now i only feel nothin i don't know y i want to be sad when i want toi want to cry but i can't bring myself to cry i want to be happy i want to be able to deal with this pain that i feel but im to scared to be hurt 의해 it to never 옮기기 on that it will scare me for life but ill never know cause im not goin to let it hurt me never hear me im to strong to let this brake me down to scare me this is life this is wat i have to deal with but it will never ever scare me its just a chapter of life ill 옮기기 on but faster cause i am a strong woman and i will alway be strong for ever i dealt with bigger problems then this and servived but i feel like my emotions where ripped out but ill deal with it ill earn them back soon i feel happy comin back so now im happy !!!!