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 Hardcore Skater, honorary Jater, and lover of all things Sawyer - Give it up for Holly!
Hardcore Skater, honorary Jater, and lover of all things Sawyer - Give it up for Holly!
Congratulations Holly! 당신 are the new 로스트 FOTM! How does it feel?
It feels awesome Lucy!

1. How long have 당신 been watching 로스트 and what made 당신 want to watch it and then continue to watch it?
I started watching 로스트 during the summer before Season 5. The thing that finally got me to watch it was the, in my opinion, epic 'You Found Me' promo! I saw the promo when I went to the 영화 one day, and I was just dying to watch 로스트 after that. The thing that kept me watching? The great characters, the intriguing storylines, the mystery!

2. Where does 로스트 rank on your list of 가장 좋아하는 TV shows?
This is one thing I'm never good at - ranking my 가장 좋아하는 shows! I can never quite decide what my #1 가장 좋아하는 show is, but I can tell 당신 that 로스트 is most definitely in the 상단, 맨 위로 5, if not the 상단, 맨 위로 3!

3. What's you're favourite... and why?
-season 3. I just think it was the best overall. I loved so many of the episodes, I loved the arcs in S3, I of course loved Sawyer & Kate ♥ and the ending was just amazing. Not only do they kill Charlie, which had me screaming like a fool, but there is this game-changing flash-forward! It was just :O no words.
 I have a thing for snarky bad boys so it was just an instant attraction.
I have a thing for snarky bad boys so it was just an instant attraction.
-episode: 3x06 'I Do'. LOL did anyone really expect me to pick another episode? I 사랑 this episode! Yes, mainly for the SKate aspect, which was fucking amazing imo! But I've also really come to 사랑 the Jate scenes as well. The glass scene is just pure emotion, and then the ending... with Jack telling Kate to run, to get the hell away from their, and Kate insisting she can't leave him, it's just pure win!
-character: Sawyer! I have loved Sawyer since the very beginning. I have a thing for snarky bad boys so it was just an instant attraction. And over the seasons I just grew to 사랑 him even more.
-couple: Oh idk... hmmm let me think about that ;) Obviously Sawyer & Kate are my 가장 좋아하는 로스트 couple, hell they are my #2 couple overall! I have so many reasons why I 사랑 them but I'll try to keep this short - I 사랑 SKate because they have this passion about them, this magnetic-like chemistry. They represent, to each other, a 사랑 that they feel they shouldn't be able to have. For Sawyer, he's never been the good guy, 의해 his own admission he's never done anything straight out good. For Kate, Sawyer reminds her of her past, her criminal past and the father she killed. It scares her to want him, and yet she can't help but have feelings for him. To me, Sawyer & Kate were perfect for each other because they really got each other.
 To me, Sawyer & Kate were perfect for each other because they really got each other.
To me, Sawyer & Kate were perfect for each other because they really got each other.
-friendship: I've been going back and forth on this one lately. It's either Jack/Sawyer 또는 Kate/Claire. For JS, I 사랑 how most of the show they weren't really friends, but they had these great moments where 당신 got to see it wasn't all hatred 또는 animosity. And with Kate/Claire, it was just such a sweet little friendship for the first 4 seasons. I loved seeing Kate helping Claire give birth, both times actually, and helping her with Aaron. It was just too cute!
-storyline: I'd have to say the real introducing of the Others in S3 & all that went with them - the cages, keeping Jack separate from everyone else, Kate going back for Jack etc.
-quote: I can't choose just one!! 상단, 맨 위로 3 [currently] good?
1.)Kate: <b>Don't 당신 let go! Don't 당신 think about it, Sawyer, 당신 fight! No! Sawyer, NO!!
Kate: No, NO!! Sawyer, PLEASE! 당신 get your hands off of him!
Pickett: Get on your knees!
Kate: Please!! I'll do anything 당신 want!
Pickett: I want 당신 to watch!
Sawyer: Close your eyes, Freckles.
Kate: Stand up!
Sawyer: Close your eyes! [Sawyer closes his eyes, as Pickett prepares to shoot him execution style.]
Kate: NO! NO! NO!
 “No, that’s not how 당신 know me.”
“No, that’s not how 당신 know me.”

2.) "Because I wanted 당신 to believe that we had a damn chance."

3.)“That’s how I know you?”
“No, that’s not how 당신 know me.”

4. What's you're least favourite... and why?
season: Season 5. I just did not really like it that much. I hated Suliet, I didn't like this new Sawyer, he seemed so un-Sawyer imo. It just didn't feel like the same 로스트 most of the time.
-episode: Probably 'Stranger In A Strange Land'. It was just mehhh.
-character: Michael. He just got to be so damn annoying. We get it, 당신 want your damn kid back! STFU already.
-couple: Sawyer & Juliet. I HATE them. They always felt forced to me and it just seemed like they were thrown together just for the hell of it. Both their 이전 연인들 were gone, so it's like the writers though "What the hell! Why not throw together 2 characters that have never liked each other!" Blehhh. So did not want them together =[
-friendship: I don't know. I have my 로스트 friendships that I love, and then I tend to just not really worry about the rest. Maybe Ben/Juliet? Since really, Ben just wanted in Juliet's pants & Juliet wanted nothing to do with him.
 Both their 이전 연인들 were gone, so it's like the writers thought "What the hell!"
Both their 이전 연인들 were gone, so it's like the writers thought "What the hell!"

-storyline: 당신 mean aside from Sawyer/Juliet? LOL sorry, I'm a 암캐, 암 캐 sometimes. Ummmm... I guess the whole Michael killing Ana Lucia & Libby stuff. It pissed me off.
-quote: "Sawyers true 사랑 will ALWAYS be Juliet. Kate, meh."
- Damon Lindelof Just bullshit okay!

5. We all know that 당신 are quite the Skater so I assume 당신 didn't 사랑 the finale. Besides the quadrangle is there anything else 당신 would change? If the endgames where different would 당신 have loved the rest?
You're right, when I originally watched the finale I was upset. I cried at a lot of stuff, and not all of it was good crying! I'm not going to lie, although I've come to really like Jate, there is no doubt I would have rather had SK be endgame! But no, just changing the endgames is not the only thing I would have done. I was disappointed in some of the 답변 we never got, I was sad to not see certain people getting goodbyes etc.
 I honestly feel like Sawyer and Kate, after the time they spent together on the island, they would NOT have just exchanged a small hug and moved on to other people.
I honestly feel like Sawyer and Kate, after the time they spent together on the island, they would NOT have just exchanged a small hug and moved on to other people.

So what would I change? Aside from making SK end up together obviously, I would have given Sawyer & Kate a proper goodbye/last scene after they had both remembered. It's not about being 쓴, 쓰라린 over them ending up with different people, I honestly feel like Sawyer and Kate, after the time they spent together on the island, they would NOT have just exchanged a small hug and moved on to other people. I believe they would laugh and joke, exchanging their usual banter, so it bummed me out to not get anything! Also, I would have added in scenes for Claire/Jack, Charlie/Hurley, Sawyer & Jin, Sun & Sayid.

6. Describe.... in three words 또는 less.
 There is a 심장 to Lost, a special connection that I think we all feel in different ways.
There is a 심장 to Lost, a special connection that I think we all feel in different ways.

-Season six: The end.
-James Ford: Sexy southern pervert.
-The numbers: Confusing.
-Dr. Arzt: Annoying.
-Jacket: Sweet doctor love!

7. The show would be practically unwatchable for 당신 if which character/actor was not a part of it?
Sawyer/Josh. His character made 로스트 so enjoyable for me, I honestly couldn't picture it without him!

8. What made 로스트 so great to you?
The thing that makes 로스트 so great for me... there are many things. I 사랑 the way the characters keep 당신 invested in a storyline, the couples provide such drama, but at the same time it's not like with other shows where it's cheesy 또는 campy. There is a 심장 to Lost, a special connection that I think we all feel in different ways. For me, I was drawn to the unique characters & storylines.

This 또는 That
-Charlie 또는 Desmond:Charlie! I 사랑 both actually, but I just adored Chaaaaalie!
-Flashforwards 또는 flashbacks: Hmmm. Honestly, it depends on the individual scenes.
-Stranger in a Strange Land 또는 Expose: How about neither? Ughhh I guess if I have to choose... Expose.
 Everyone knows I've gotten very defensive over SK in the past.
Everyone knows I've gotten very defensive over SK in the past.

-Sayid/Shannon 또는 Sayid/Nadia: Shayid I guess. I was okay with both.
-season two 또는 season four: Season 2 I guess. I liked seeing how things changed with the arrival of the Tailies, plus we got to meet the Others for the first time.
-Keamy 또는 Ethan: Keamy. Ethan was just a creeper!
-Camping on the 바닷가, 비치 또는 living in Dharmaville: Living in Dharmaville definitely. As much as I like going to the beach, if I had to live on a 바닷가, 비치 for any amount of time at all... no, just would not work!

10. It gets to 당신 the most when people hate on your 가장 좋아하는 로스트 character, couple, 또는 the show itself?
Definitely when people hate on SKate =/ LOL everyone knows I've gotten very defensive over SK in the past. -You, Holly? Never! ;) -

11. You're trying to convince someone to watch the show. What do 당신 say to them?
You know, I'm not quite sure what to say! I've been trying to get my mom to watch for months now and she still hasn't =/ I've tried telling her how great the stories are, that the mysteries will keep 당신 guessing and wanting more. I've tried telling her how awesome the characters are etc. 암캐, 암 캐 just won't give in!

12. 당신 have two choices. 당신 can be stuck on the island with no one but Sawyer yet he makes it clear he has no romantic interest in 당신 whatsoever, 또는 당신 can be stuck on the island with everyone BUT Sawyer. Which do 당신 chose?
You're an evil person, 당신 know that right? LOL ummm fuck what Sawyer says, we WILL be making 아기 whether he wants to 또는 not.
 Fuck what Sawyer says, we WILL be making 아기 whether he wants to 또는 not.
Fuck what Sawyer says, we WILL be making 아기 whether he wants to 또는 not.

13. Fill in the blank:
You can't stand...
Sawyer with Juliet.
You couldn't believe... Sun & Jin got killed basically as soon as they were reunited.
You still don't understand... What the island was. Seriously, I wanted to know god damn it!
You will never... Stop loving Sawyer+Kate! ♥
You hope.... That Josh & Evangeline & Foxy do other projects together in the future! [Doesn't have to be all 3 together - I'll settle for Josh & Evi, Foxy & Evi, Josh & Foxy. Just please, put at least 2 of them together in another show 또는 movie!

14. What are some 팬 favorites that 당신 don't particularly like? Is there anything that gets unfairly hated on in your eyes?
Well an obvious one is Suliet. So many people 사랑 them, but I just wish they never happened! And obviously I think the SKate hate is unfair. They are my favorites so boo haters!

15. What do 당신 think the major themes of the show were? To you, which was the most important?
I think the major themes were: Faith, love, destiny & sacrifice.

Faith: Having faith in the unknown, and faith in themselves was a huge part of the Losties journey. When the show started, a huge part of their lives surrounded the unknown! They had no idea where they were, why they were there, who brought them there etc. So they had to have faith and believe that there was a reason for all of it, and believe that they could get through anything.
 I'll settle for Josh & Evi, Foxy & Evi, Josh & Foxy. Just please, put at least 2 of them together in another show 또는 movie!
I'll settle for Josh & Evi, Foxy & Evi, Josh & Foxy. Just please, put at least 2 of them together in another show 또는 movie!

Love: To me, 사랑 in the 로스트 world goes along with faith to a certain extent. It takes a lot of faith in others to believe so strongly in someone, and to 사랑 someone you've only known for such a short amount of time. For the Losties, 사랑 was a very important part of the journey. Jack started the show needing to fix everything, he wasn't really ready to 사랑 anyone properly in my opinion. But 의해 the end, his faith in himself and others, and the realization of his destiny, it finally allowed him to know love, to feel 사랑 and 사랑 others in return.
Kate, in the beginning was in no way ready to 사랑 anyone 또는 be loved 의해 anyone. The live she lived had made her feel as if she wasn't deserving of being loved 의해 another, but after the time she spent with Sawyer, and the time she spent with Jack, both men with their own issues, but who were able to 사랑 her even when she pushed them away... Kate finally let herself 사랑 without fear that it would all just end horribly.
 I don't think 당신 can talk about sacrifice and not talk about Jack.
I don't think 당신 can talk about sacrifice and not talk about Jack.

Destiny: Everyone had a purpose, a destiny, on Lost. At least in my opinion they did. It's like Christian tells Jack in the end, none of them could have done it without each other.

Sacrifice: What would 로스트 have been without sacrifice? There's Charlie, who sacrificed himself for the good of everyone. Juliet, who although she didn't intentionally get dragged down, she still did whatever she had to in order to try and fix things for the rest of the group.

And then there is Jack. I don't think 당신 can talk about sacrifice and not talk about Jack. Jack truly sacrificed everything in order to save the rest of his friends. And where would they be if he hadn't sacrificed?

 Come on! Girl gets to hook up with two hot men, and she's pretty bad ass.
Come on! Girl gets to hook up with two hot men, and she's pretty bad ass.

16. Quick! Pick one Lostie to...
-cheat off of in school: Daniel
-make out with: Sawyer!
-be your best friend: Kate
-be your future sperm donor: Sawyer. Though we're doing it the old fashioned way thanks!
-send to prison: Uhhhh Flocke?
-actually exist in real life: Sawyer of course!

17. The biggest surprise for 당신 on 로스트 was...?
The flash-sideways WAS basically purgatory. Fucking writers swore it wasn't!

18. Which Lostie would 당신 trade lives with? Which had the hardest life?
I'd probably trade lives with Kate. Sure she had a rough time before she came on the island, but come on! Girl gets to hook up with two hot men, and she's pretty bad ass.
I think the Lostie that had the hardest life would have to be Locke. He just couldn't seem to get through his life the way he wanted to before the island.

19. Now that it's over, can 당신 sum up your 로스트 experience?
If I had to sum it up in just a few words, I guess I would say - Crazy, intense & 사무용 겉옷, 전반적인 satisfying
 Giving it up? Never crossed my mind!
Giving it up? Never crossed my mind!

20. With 로스트 finished, do 당신 have anything lined up to replace it?
I have my other shows I already watch, and I do plan to catch up on a few shows I've wanted to watch, but NOTHING, and I mean nothing, will ever replace Lost.

21. What has been your 가장 좋아하는 thing about being a 로스트 fan? Was there any point in time where 당신 wanted to quit watching the show?
My 가장 좋아하는 thing about being a 로스트 fan? Just being able to say that I watched this amazing show! Ehhh, I may not have liked certain things, but giving it up? Never crossed my mind!

22. What's your favourite 로스트 related spot and why?
 I have made so many 프렌즈 on the Jate spot and I just 사랑 how great everyone is.
I have made so many 프렌즈 on the Jate spot and I just 사랑 how great everyone is.

Honestly? I'm sure I'll get stoned for this, but it's the Jate spot right now. I still 사랑 the 홍어, 스케이트 spot & wish it was 더 많이 active, but I have made so many 프렌즈 on the Jate spot and I just 사랑 how great everyone is ♥ Jisters <3

23. 당신 have the opportunity to spend an entire 일 with a character, 당신 take them to..... DISNEYLAND! Who is the character, what ride do 당신 go to first, and who is their 가장 좋아하는 디즈니 princess?
Ahhh there is this part of me that wants to say Kate, because 당신 just know she never got to go as a kid =/ but I have to take Sawyer! That way he can hold me real close on the roller-coasters, which I hate, but will ride a million times just to cuddle up to him!
I think the first ride we would get on would be some kind of flying thing, like the Dumbo ride! And the whole time I'd be holding him tightly and telling him, "If 당신 jump 당신 son of a bitch... I'll kill you!" LOL I just had an idea for a crack!fic!!
Who would his 가장 좋아하는 princess be though? I'm gonna go with Belle, because 당신 know, he's a southern pervert & she can be a southern belle? I don't fucking know!

24. Would 당신 liked to have been a candidate 또는 not?
I don't know if I could handle being a candidate! Flocke would want me dead, Jacob would try to touch me inappropriately... too much stress!
 I'm gonna go with Belle, because 당신 know, he's a southern pervert & she can be a southern belle.
I'm gonna go with Belle, because 당신 know, he's a southern pervert & she can be a southern belle.

25. What would have been your job on the island? How would 당신 have contributed?
I would be the mother figure. I'd comfort and take care of everyone because that's just how I am. If Charlie was having withdrawals, I'd soothe him until he got through it. Aaron is crying but Claire is desperate for some sleep? Come with Auntie 호랑 가시 나무, 홀리 little 순무, 순 무 head!

26. You're stuck in a sub that's about to blow up 또는 a plane that's about to go down. Which is worse?
I think the sub would be worse. It's going to BLOW UP! At least with the plane I could just pull a Sawyer.

27. 당신 think 당신 would have died how? During the plane crash, killed 의해 others, drowning, ate bad food, got an infection, blew up on the freighter, got shot 의해 a flaming arrow... 당신 get the idea.
I probably would have died trying to save someone else. Damn my overly concerned self!

28. Which one would 당신 give up for a 홍어, 스케이트 endgame? All of their kisses but one, the entire episode of I Do, 또는 every fanvid ever made 또는 that will be made?
Fuck you! lmao ILY Lucy, but 당신 are an evil 암캐, 암 캐 sometimes! I guess I'd give up fanvids. They are just one creative way of remembering SKate, but I'd still be able to watch the dvds, have 아이콘 of their scenes etc.
 I still say my 사랑 interest would be Sawyer. I have a thing for snarky bad boys! If Jack can be your 사랑 interest, Sawyer can be mine!
I still say my 사랑 interest would be Sawyer. I have a thing for snarky bad boys! If Jack can be your 사랑 interest, Sawyer can be mine!

29. Who would be your best friend on the island, your 'enemy' and your 사랑 interest. Realistically, Holly. ;)
But, but... I don't wanna be realistic, I want Sawyer! Ughhh okay, my best friend would probably be Claire. Like I said, I'm very much the mothering type so I'd be drawn to sweet little Claire. My enemy would probably be Kate 또는 Juliet. I'd hate watching them cozy up with Sawyer. I still say my 사랑 interest would be Sawyer. I have a thing for snarky bad boys! If Jack can be your 사랑 interest, Sawyer can be mine!
 I was glad it finally happened! It just sucked that they were killed so quickly after.
I was glad it finally happened! It just sucked that they were killed so quickly after.

30. 당신 have to fight one of these to the death. Who do 당신 think 당신 could take on?
Kate, Juliet 또는 Charlie? Probably Charlie. Kate & Juliet... they are both pretty bad 나귀, 엉덩이 bitches so I don't want to mess with them unless I have to. Charlie, I think he might be a little hesitant to fight a girl so I'd use that to my advantage. 또는 hell, I'll just grab my bestie Claire and tell him that if he doesn't give up, Claire gets it!

31. You're stuck on the island but can have an unlimited amount of one item. What would it be?
PEPSI!!! I can have 물고기 and 과일 for food, but living without Pepsi... not possible!

32. When 당신 watched the show, what was it that 당신 wondered how they were living without? Like what made 당신 go "I wonder what they did about this..."?
LOL! To be honest? I'm sorry to any guys reading, but how the hell did the girls go without any feminine hygiene products??
 This woman is awesome. She's beautiful, she never gave up on the 사랑 of her life.
This woman is awesome. She's beautiful, she never gave up on the 사랑 of her life.

33. Who's 사랑 story would 당신 most like to have?
Desmond & Penny. Despite everything, they would never give up on each other.

34. Put these in order from FAIL to WIN! and tell us your reasoning: Sun and Jin's 2nd reunion, Juliet's death, the Pilot, Sawyer as La Fleur, Penny, Ben killing Locke, The Candidate, Walt, and Sawyer's jump
1.) Walt. Not to be mean, it wasn't really the kids fault that his father made everything about him annoying! But after hearing Michael cry like a 암캐, 암 캐 a hundred times over Waaaaalt!!!... it just got to be way too annoying.
2.) Sawyer as La Fleur. I almost put this is the biggest fail, but I decided my 사랑 for Sawyer couldn't let him be the biggest fail. But honestly, I hated Sawyer as La Fleur. It was just... ughhh! He was so NOT the Sawyer I had come to love. Stupid Juliet...
3.) Ben killing Locke. Ughh! Why Ben? Why kill Locke?
4.) Juliet's death. Mehhh. Sure, it was sad to watch Sawyer be so heartbroken, but I had really come to dislike Juliet so I wasn't shedding many tears over it.
 This will always be one of my 상단, 맨 위로 moments.
This will always be one of my 상단, 맨 위로 moments.

5.) Sun & Jin's 2nd reunion. It was pretty good, I was glad it finally happened! It just sucked that they were killed so quickly after.
6.) Penny! I 사랑 Penny! This woman is awesome. She's beautiful, she never gave up on the 사랑 of her life. Hell, she helped the Losties get 집 the first time!
7.) The Candidate. This episode... my god, it was just such a shock! It really hit me that nobody was off-limits.
8.) Sawyer's jump. This will always be one of my 상단, 맨 위로 moments. I loved seeing Sawyer play the hero role so well, and the scene was just perfect!
9.) The Pilot! It was the beginning of everything, how much 더 많이 win can 당신 get?

 Foxy is such a stud, he announces that he needs multiple ladies at once.
Foxy is such a stud, he announces that he needs multiple ladies at once.

35. If 당신 got 1 분 to sit down with Damon and Carlton, what would 당신 say to them?
Overall, I loved the show! I just really wish Sawyer & Kate had either ended up together, 또는 had a better ending. Also - JULIET WAS NOT SAWYER'S TRUE LOVE! Suck on the Darlton. Suck on that!

36. Last 질문 but it is the VERY most important. 당신 win the opportunity to go on a 날짜 with Josh Holloway. (yeah wives don't exist here) He says it would be fun if 당신 brought along someone to go with his friend who goes 의해 the name of Foxy. Who do 당신 bring to double?!!!!
Why do I feel like I'm walking in to a trap here? Okay here's what happens:

Foxy is such a stud, he announces that he needs multiple ladies at once so I bring - Lucy, Eli, Nat & S! Hopefully 당신 four are enough ;)

And there 당신 go! Congrats again, Jolly! Any last words to end your glorious interview?
Thanks Jucy! Ummm last words... thank 당신 to everyone that voted for me, I appreciate it so much! I'm so glad I joined this amazing spot & met so many great people =]

hugs&kisses ♥ Holly
 And we shall end with one of Holly's 가장 좋아하는 moments! Give her some special treatment this 월 for being such an amazing 로스트 fan!
And we shall end with one of Holly's favorite moments! Give her some special treatment this month for being such an amazing LOST fan!
added by AKnetsirk
Source: CarLost
added by AKnetsirk
Source: CarLost
added by rcerione
added by rcerione
Source: http://maggie-grace.org/
added by A-Gie
Source: gallery.lost-media.com
added by A-Gie
Source: beesknees7 @ lj
added by rcerione
Source: CHRIS.
added by sk91
Source: SpoilerTV
added by rcerione
added by DarthVibbert
added by pip_ku
Source: spoilerslost.blogspot.com
added by TheLostBrotha
Source: ABC
added by goalstopper
posted by AnarchyMonk
It dawned on me today while watching the season finally of 로스트 season 4 , that there can't really be that many survivors left ! I mean think about it ...

1# Out of the Survivors who went with John , only Claire , Sawyer , and Lock survived the mercenaries (everyone else was killed 의해 the mercenaries 또는 the smoke monster) .

2# The Survivors who made it to the 보트 ... that got blown up there after .

3# The "main" cast members (from the 바닷가, 비치 , not the tail section) death toll includes : Jin , Michael , Shannon , Charlie , and Boone .

4# Side characters who died (not the tail section because they...
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added by mpminiatures