Ive met Peterpan:) Club
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posted by peterpan11
Ok heres my story:) I was 3 turning 4 years old, my nana (Grandma) would always baby sit me (My dads mom). She would always tell me Peter Pan stories and we always watched the animated Peter pan with me. She was to me "Wendy Darling" all grown up<3 Then the 2003 version came out and we both watched it. I remember sitting in her living room watching it like it was yesterday. That night when I went home. I remember waking up to a very small boy at my window. I walked over in my blue Tinker 벨 night 겉옷, 가운 rubbing my eyes. I pushed opened the window and studied the boy. I knew it was Peter. I remember he heard me 노래 all these Peter Pan songs I would make up. I guess he finally found my house. He said he would visit me the 다음 night but keep this a secret. He looked 13 like always. He was a older boy to me. lol. He looked at me right before he helped me close the window and put his finger up to his mouth making a shhh noise like it was a big secret. Me like every other 3/4 년 did it back. So I put my tiny finger up to my mouth and went shh. He shut the window and flew off. He did come back the 다음 night. I woke up because I heard the knocking on my window. I jumped out of my big 침대 and ran to the window. I unlocked it and he opened it. I remembered what Wendy did in the movie she curtseyed. So I curtseyed to him. *haha* He giggled and flew in. when he got in he bowed to me. I remember running to him and grabbing his legs and hugging them because I was so tiny. he bent down and picking me up and hugging me. He said he would promise to come ever night. And he NEVER broke that promise. As time passed he got to watch me grow taller and taller like a parent would watch their child grow. It was 2 years later and I was 6. My Nana passed away that year:( she was my besets friend that actually believed me that he was real. For me it was hard to see my Nana die, to see her in her casket. But I knew Peter came and took her to her Heaven. I reached the age of 9 years old and my 프렌즈 had lots of problems with me believing in him. I had tough times in school. I remember my best friend called me two days before my birthday and said "Anna Im sorry but I dont believe anymore. I really never did. 당신 never have proof that he is real." I hung up the phone And CRIED my eyes out. I remember he sat there and watched. But he couldn't come in. Because it was 일 light. Sadly I stopped believing. I think Peter even cried. I do remember him coming to my window and just watching me sleep. But when he would knock, I wouldn't wake up. Now I am 13 years old, and it was like the first night of summer I kept waking up to tapping on my window. I didn't think it was anything. I just stayed asleep and then my window opened. It was him. I was shocked he still checked on me. I dont think he knew I would wake up. But I did just in time. The 다음 일 guess what I joined:) 팬팝 to tell people my stories and adventures. to this 일 당신 dont know how much I see him AND talk to him:) he watched me grow to his age. Now im almost as tall as him. haha but I have lots of adventures that I will never forget:) Here are some adventures I was sleeping In my room with my 4 friends. They were all sleeping and then the window opened, and he came in the window grabbed my hand and said come with me. So I got up and the window opened 의해 itself. Then we flew off. We were tossed into Neverland and all the 로스트 boys came running over to me. We talked for a while and then a girl came over to me. She said Who are you? I said Anna. She was mean to me, jealous of me. I guess Peter said it was time for her to go back 집 because she was getting to old to keep coming. So Peter flew her back (It wasn't any girl I knew) I don't really remember what happened after but I do remember that we did visit the 요정 and the indians. Then I went back home. And I don't remember anything else. but thats the most I have Remembered. Even my 프렌즈 saw him. We talked to him threw the though the oujia board. Ok so my friend and I were doing a Ouija board (Ghost communicator) and it spelled out "Anna someones watching." And then we asked "Where?" and it spelled out "Window." Then we asked "When?" It said "Last night." Then we said "Who is this?" and it said "Peter." (Mean while Peter Isn't dead thats what the Oujia board said. He can talk threw it because he has the power to.) Then We asked "Are 당신 lying?" It said "No" then it said "I need to tell Anna something" We said ok, then it said "Anna I am real, I have something 4 u." Then I asked "what" and it said "Open window." and I said "Now?" and it said "Night." Isn't that weird!!! He is a little taller than me so like 5'1. He has dirty blond hair, Brown eyes, No last name. He said "I cant be seen in 일 light." He cant be videotaped." I think Peter's coming tonight:) GUYS OUT THERE THAT DONT BELIEVE GROW UP BECAUSE PETER DOSN'T BOTHER! LOL Always believe:) Message me anytime guys:) 사랑 당신 Nana:) ~Wendy<3 *Anna*