Eclipse Club
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Chapter 14: Wager

I entered the house to find Emmett and Jasper absorbed in a video game, with Alice perched on the 침상, 소파 flipping through a magazine.

“You’re 집 early,” Jasper observed, never taking his eyes off the 텔레비전 screen.

“I couldn’t possibly hunt anymore,” I explained. “Plus, I was hoping to be there when Bella arrived home, since she forgot her phone.”

“She isn’t 집 yet,” Alice said. “Or at least, I can’t see her yet. She could be 집 and the dog is still there, I guess.”

“ Either way, I think I’m going to wait for her over there.”

Good luck. Alice thought before letting her mind become engrossed in her reading.

I went to the 차고 and got into the Volvo. I drove straight to Bella’s house, trying to decide what I would do if she wasn’t 집 yet. It was well past 공식 만찬, 저녁 식사 time, so Charlie would be 집 from the station. Seeing that he wasn’t my biggest fan, I didn’t think bonding with him until Bella came 집 would be such a great idea.

I drove past the house quickly, after confirming she wasn’t there yet. Disappointment washed over me, but I quickly composed myself and continued. Not having anywhere to go, I circled the limited streets of Forks repeatedly, weaving a pattern with my vehicle. I suppose it was an alternative to the pacing I would be doing if I wasn’t driving, and it comforted me fractionally. I briefly considered that I should probably be embarrassed at my over eagerness, but couldn’t quite bring myself to feel that way.

Unfortunately, the driving gave me much 더 많이 time to think. The 더 많이 분 that passed, the 더 많이 nervous I became. The pessimistic side of me was wondering if it was taking her so long to return 집 because she was declaring her mutual 사랑 for the pup. The practical side of me knew that would never happen, but sadly, practicality is seldom my dominant emotion.

I tried picturing what life would be like if I 로스트 Bella again. It was hard to imagine. She was my life in every way. Every action I made, every thought I had, somehow related to her. There wasn’t a moment in the 일 when I wasn’t thinking about her, 또는 worrying about her, 또는 just loving her. Without her, I was nothing; I had enough experience being apart from her to know that was the truth. But as hard as it was to imagine, I tried. I knew that even if she didn’t want me in her life, I would be there. I would keep my distance, always staying in the shadows, but I would be there nonetheless. I had promised her that I would never leave her, and I fully intended to keep that promise. She could be happy, and have a full, enriching life filled with things I could never give her. And I could be content in the fact that she was happy, because that was the goal all along. And when it came time for her life to end, mine would as well. I would find a way. Because what good is existence when the only thing you’re living for is gone?

I shook my head, trying to clear the images. I felt absurd for even thinking about such impossibilities. Alice was right, Bella loved me. She only wanted me. I still had no idea what she saw in me, but all I could do was be grateful and thank whatever God that would listen that she was in my life.

When my phone finally vibrated, it was difficult to not let out an audible cheer. If I tortured myself anymore, I was going to go mad. I answered immediately. “Bella?” She didn’t return my greeting immediately, so I continued. “You left the phone…I’m sorry. Did Jacob drive 당신 home?”

“Yes. Will 당신 come and get me, please?” She sounded upset, and I was immediately tense.

“I’m on my way. What’s wrong?”

“I want Carlisle to look at my hand. I think it’s broken,” she replied.

이미지 of all the horrible ways Bella could manage to break her hand flooded my brain as I asked, “What happened?”

“I punched Jacob,” she stated. That was not what I was expecting to hear, but I couldn’t deny that the idea of Bella punching Jacob Black brought a slight smile to my face.

“Good,” I said, thoroughly pleased at the prospect. “Though I’m sorry 당신 hurt your hand.”

She laughed. “I wish I’d hurt him. I didn’t do any damage at all.”

“I can fix that,” I offered, only half-joking.

“I was hoping you’d say that.”

If Bella was angry enough to allow me to inflict pain on the dog, then he had to have done something particularly awful.

“That doesn’t sound like you. What did he do?” I asked, not sure if I really wanted to know the answer.

“He kissed me,” she snarled, sounding completely disgusted.

My vision turned red and I couldn’t reply right away. He kissed her…apparently against her will. And now she had a broken bone. I automatically sped up, wanting to be there before he left. I would tear him limb from limb.

I heard Charlie speak from somewhere in the background. “Maybe 당신 ought to take off, Jake.”

“I think I’ll hang around here, if 당신 don’t mind,” the mutt replied in a smug tone that made me even 더 많이 angry.

“Your funeral.”

I finally pulled myself together enough to speak to Bella calmly. “Is the dog still there?” I asked, already knowing the answer.


“I’m around the corner,” I said, snapping the phone shut.

I was in front of the house in seconds, screeching the brakes as I pulled to a stop at the curb. I quickly ran to the front door, not caring enough to use a normal human speed. I tried to compose myself, knowing I couldn’t murder the mutt while Charlie was present.

Bella paused 의해 the door as Charlie asked her, “How’s your hand?”

“It’s swelling,” she replied.

“Maybe 당신 should pick on people your own size,” he suggested.

“Maybe,” she said, and opened the door.

She was holding a makeshift ice pack to her hand. To make matters worse, the sickening smell of wet dog permeated the air.

“Let me see,” I muttered, carefully grabbing her hand in mine. I prodded gently along the swelling, using my medical experience to determine that it was, indeed, broken. “I think you’re right about the break. I’m proud of you. 당신 must have put some force behind this.”

“As much as I have,” she said. “Not enough, apparently.”

I kissed the break softly and whispered, “I’ll take care of it.” I kept my voice even, a calm mask as I called to the dog. “Jacob.”

Jacob’s thoughts were superior, begging for a fight. Charlie’s, however, were concerned. “Now, now,” he cautioned. They better not fight on my property. That’s just the kind of gossip people in this town would love.

They both got up from the sofa, but Jacob beat Charlie to the door.

You want to take this outside, bloodsucker? Because I’m ready.

“I don’t want any fighting, do 당신 understand?” I duly noted that Charlie’s glare was only on me as he spoke. “I can go put my badge on if that makes it 더 많이 official.” Hauling him downtown would be pretty satisfying, though. Maybe I should let him throw one punch.

“That won’t be necessary,” I assured him, my voice slightly strained.

Bella, always feeling the need to protect me from her father, chimed in. “Why don’t 당신 arrest me, Dad? I’m the one throwing punches.”

Charlie was amused. “Do 당신 want to press charges, Jake?”

“No. I’ll take the trade any day,” he replied arrogantly. I had to suppress a growl as the image of him 키싱 Bella flooded his brain. The reassurance that Bella had rejected him allowed me to keep the mask in place. And if punching him in the jaw didn’t send the message that she wasn’t interested in the slightest, I didn’t know what would.

“Dad, don’t 당신 have a baseball bat somewhere in your room? I want to borrow it for a minute.”

“Enough, Bella,” Charlie commanded. This is getting outa hand

“Let’s go have Carlisle look at your hand before 당신 wind up in a jail cell,” I suggested, wrapping my arms around her.

“Fine,” she agreed, letting me lead her out the door.

Jacob’s thoughts followed us, as loud and obnoxious as ever. Wait, he’s just going to leave? Just like that?

He was desperately trying to provoke me, and I was glad my calm façade seemed to infuriate him more.

“What are 당신 doing? Are 당신 crazy?” came Charlie’s anxious whisper as Jacob followed us to the car.

“Give me a minute, Charlie. Don’t worry, I’ll be right back,” he assured, shutting the door in Charlie’s face.

Come on, leech, I know 당신 have a temper. Let’s show Bella what 당신 really are, shall we?

I continued walking, ignoring him like a petulant child until I had Bella safely in the car and out of harm’s way. I then turned to face him.

What’s the matter, bloodsucker? Afraid you’ll lose?

I’m not going to kill 당신 now, because it would upset Bella,” I said evenly. Besides, this was not the time 또는 place, with Charlie watching out the window anxiously.

“Hmph,” came a noise behind me.

I turned halfway to face her, giving her a soothing smile as I ran my fingers across her cheek. “It would bother 당신 in the morning.”

Turning back to the dog, I continued. “But if 당신 ever bring her back damaged again – and I don’t care whose fault it is; I don’t care if she merely trips, 또는 if a meteor falls out of the sky and hits her on the head – if 당신 return her to me in less than the perfect condition that I left her in, 당신 will be running on three legs. Do 당신 understand that, mongrel?”

Jacob rolled his eyes. Yeah, right. I’d 사랑 to see 당신 try.

“Who’s going back?” Bella muttered. I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but the thought of her not going back was extremely comforting.

“And if 당신 ever 키스 her again, I will break your jaw for her,” I promised.

I don’t know, she seemed pretty into it for a 분 to me… “What if she wants me to?” he asked, overconfidence rich in his voice.

“If that’s what she wants, then I won’t object,” I shrugged. “You might want to wait for her to say it, rather than trust your interpretation of body language – but it’s your face.”

He grinned arrogantly. Like I said, I’ll take the trade any day.

“You wish,” Bella grumbled.

“Yes, he does,” I agreed.

“Well, if you’re done rummaging through my head, why don’t 당신 go take care of her hand?” he asked, annoyed. Stupid bloodsucker. I’m not done fighting for her, this isn’t over.

“One 더 많이 thing,” I said, letting some of the venom I felt slip into my voice. “I’ll be fighting for her, too. 당신 should know that. I’m not taking anything for granted, and I’ll be fighting twice as hard as 당신 will.”

“Good. It’s no fun beating someone who forfeits.”

“She is mine,” I hissed, desperately trying to cling to some sense of composure, and failing miserably. “I didn’t say I would fight fair.”

“Neither did I.”

“Best of luck,” I said sarcastically.

“Yes,” he agreed, nodding. “May the best man win.”

“That sounds about right...pup,” I countered.

He frowned at the nickname, then leaned around me to smile at Bella.

“I hope your hand feels better soon. I’m really sorry you’re hurt,” he said. All I have to do is give her the eyes…she’ll forgive me, like always.

I almost responded to the 코멘트 he didn’t say, but Bella had turned away from him anyway, and I chose to let it go. I walked around to the driver’s side door wordlessly, and didn’t speak until we had started down the street.

“How do 당신 feel?” I asked her.

“Irritated,” she replied, sounding just that.

I laughed. “I meant your hand.”

“I’ve had worse,” she said with a shrug.

“True,” I said. I suppose after being attacked 의해 a sadistic vampire, a broken hand isn’t so bad.

The drive was silent, as Bella stewed in her anger and I in mine. I really couldn’t believe the presumptuousness of the mutt. He had always been annoying to me, mostly because I was subjected to his ridiculous hormone-fueled thoughts every time I was near him. But even I didn’t see him capable of doing something as disgusting as forcing a 키스 on Bella. I was, however, extremely proud of her for standing up for herself. I was sure Emmett would be particularly amused 의해 her reaction.

We arrived at my house in a matter of minutes, and I pulled into the garage. Rosalie and Emmett were there. Rosalie was doing maintenance under the Jeep, and Emmett was 연기 as her jack. He waved a greeting as we got out of the car, and his thoughts were amused as he spied Bella’s rapidly swelling hand.

“Fall down again, Bella?” he asked, a childish grin on his face. Emmett was always the most entertained 의해 Bella’s lack of coordination.

“No, Emmett,” she replied coldly, glaring at him. “I punched a werewolf in the face.”

She…punched…werewolf…his thoughts were incoherent for a moment as he processed her words. When it finally sunk in he roared with laughter.

I tried leading her past them quickly, my hand on the small of her back. I knew she was in no mood to deal with Emmett’s taunting, and truthfully, neither was I.

We had almost made it inside when Rosalie’s voice stopped Bella in her tracks. “Jasper’s going to win the bet.”

Emmett stopped laughing. Dang, she’s right. With that temper…there’s no way I’ll win.

What bet?” Bella asked angrily.

“Let’s get 당신 to Carlisle,” I said, trying to push her 앞으로 gently while shaking my head at Emmett, warning him to keep his mouth shut.

But Bella wouldn’t be sidetracked. “What bet?”

“Thanks, Rosalie,” I hissed as I wrapped my arm around Bella’s waist, pulling her along.

Oops…she thought, not sounding sorry in the slightest.

“Edward…” Bella warned, her patience wearing thin.

“It’s infantile. Emmett and Jasper like to gamble,” I explained with a shrug.

“Emmett will tell me,” she said indignantly, attempting to turn but my firm grasp stopped her.

Emmett would tell her. And then she would be angry with him, which would make Rosalie defensive. And with the already tense mood, that couldn’t end well. With a sigh, I gave in. “They’re betting on how many times you…slip up in the first year.”

“Oh,” she said with a frown, and then comprehension danced across her face. “They have a bet about how many people I’ll kill?”

“Yes. Rosalie thinks your temper will turn the odds in Jasper’s favor.”

“Jasper’s betting high,” she stated.

“It will make him feel better if 당신 have a hard time adjusting. He’s tired of being the weakest link,” I tried explaining.

“Sure. Of course it will. I guess I could throw in a few extra homicides, if it makes Jasper happy. Why not?” Her voice was oddly detached.

From the garage, I heard Emmett start laughing again, hearing Bella’s tirade. I glared toward the door as I squeezed Bella gently.

“You don’t need to worry about it now. In fact, 당신 don’t have to worry about it ever, if 당신 don’t want to.”

She groaned, from pain 또는 annoyance I couldn’t be sure, but I led her quickly to Carlisle’s office anyway.

It took Carlisle no time at all to 확인 my suspicions. Luckily, it was only a small fissure in one of her knuckles. She refused to get a cast, and Carlisle assured her she only needed a brace as long as she kept it on. After getting promises from both her and I, he fitted one to her hand.

Bella was worrying about something, I could tell 의해 the frown lines creasing her forehead and the way her 심장 would randomly pick up speed before returning to normal again. I asked her repeatedly if she was okay, 또는 if she was in any pain, but she assured me she was fine. She had had a stressful day, and I wasn’t going to push her into sharing her thoughts with me, no matter how curious I was.

I wondered if she was thinking about Jacob. I knew she would forgive him, as she always did, although he never deserved it. My fists clenched as I thought about the 이미지 running through his mind this evening. I tried telling myself that he was just a child, but even he should know better than to force himself on someone. Especially someone like Bella, who had an entire family of 뱀파이어 who would fight for her if need be. The only thing that had allowed me to keep calm today, other than Charlie being present, was my relief. I suppose it was wrong of me to feel an emotion like relief when Bella had been hurt, but it’s how I felt all the same. Relief that she had so obviously rejected him. Relief that she was still mine. Relief that she loved me 더 많이 than him. And the relief was enough to push the blinding rage aside, just this once. I fully intended to keep my promises to him. If she got hurt again in the slightest while in his care, I wouldn’t be held responsible for my actions. He had fair warning, after all.
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The 다음 morning was much 더 많이 relaxed. It was Monday, and Bella and I were driving to school. We were both in good spirits until a block away from the parking lot. That’s when I picked up on his scent. A werewolf was waiting in the Forks High School parking lot, and I had a pretty good idea about who it would be. I scanned the parking lot for thoughts, and found Jacob’s face in some of the students minds whom had passed him by. This would not be good.

“If I asked 당신 to do something, would 당신 trust me?” I asked Bella.

She looked at me carefully, and I knew she could sense the stress...
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