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Lately, there has been some discussion on here about princesses and their personalities- specifically whether certain princesses have personalities 또는 whether they have sufficiently rounded personalities. I thought it would be a good idea to actually look at the personalities and the different dimensions to them to get a clearer picture of just how well-developed the princesses are as characters. This is not an 기사 about whether the princess is introverted 또는 extroverted 또는 personality type (I’ll leave that to LightningRed,) but the personality traits of the princesses. I will be looking at positive traits, negative traits, neutral traits, and traits that can go either way depending on the situation (for the sake of convenience, I will be referring to these as “border traits”) for each of the princesses.
I know, you’re all going to be mad because I’m treating them as one character, but ultimately I just decided to divide up the 기사 의해 time period (mostly) because… well, you’ll see how long these get.
The classic princesses are much 더 많이 idealized characters than are common in much of any movie/ book/ general story today, where having an abundance of flaws is actually considered a good thing (and not just for the sake of character development.) Interestingly, these older characters are belittled for not having flaws and being “unrealistic,” but a lot of the “kick-butt” characters of today are just as idealized (or, at least, 당신 can tell the author wasn’t thinking of flaws while 글쓰기 the characters *cough, cough* Katniss Everdeen *cough, cough*) but since they are “tough,” no one cares. Anyway, the princesses of the classic era were clearly written with a perfect woman in mind. And while they do still have flaws (as any good character should,) they were definitely made to be 더 많이 perfection-oriented than realism-oriented.

Snow White
Snow White is a very good example of the idealized princess, despite the fact the she is actually a very well-rounded character. The only thing she might be lacking in is flaws, but I personally think she makes up for it with a wide variety of border traits which are positives that can act as a negative because of the extremity of the presence of that trait in her personality.

Positives: Snow White is kind to everyone she meets, of course. She never has any hard feelings against anybody, not even 퀸 Grimhilde. She helps the dwarfs, and she is determined it will only take some kindness to break Grumpy’s hardness- and what do 당신 know, she was right! Snow White is optimistic and always sees the good side of everything. She believes that everything is going to be alright and she won’t do anything to contradict it. She is hard-working. Snow makes herself useful even after being sent away. She uses her talents of cooking and cleaning (things she had mastered and the dwarfs hadn’t) to repay them for their kindness (honestly, that makes much 더 많이 sense than her working in the mines, her only real other option- the dwarfs were already skilled in that and had 더 많이 than enough workers, so why shouldn’t she offer her unique skills? Done ranting.)

Negatives: Snow White is bossy. She comes to the dwarfs’ house and tells them what they have to do and the orders they have to follow to eat. She intrudes on their territory and then tells them what they have to do. Snow White can also be very passive. She needs the huntsman to tell her to run away when the 퀸 is going to kill her. She has to be told to run away! Snow is also very naïve. This goes with her optimism, but Snow White really doesn’t understand anything about the world. She doesn’t take any precautions and believes everything will be alright even if she is in a dangerous situation with no protection.

Neutral: Snow White is hopelessly romantic. She knows in her 심장 that the Prince is going to be coming back for her. She has a mind for business. This goes with her bossiness, but she also runs a tight shift and never lets anything go without passing her standards.

Border: Snow White has a lot of border traits. She always believes there is good in people. This is good when she is dealing with Grumpy and is kind to him, but she also lets herself be, um, killed. She is also very innocent. This is part of the reason all the dwarfs, the prince, and even the huntsman fall under her spell. However, it can also be a disadvantage to her because others use it against her. The 퀸 uses her innocence against her in her attempts to kill her. It’s not the same as naivety, naivety is 더 많이 being gullible while innocence is 더 많이 purity and positivity. Also, part of the reason the 퀸 wants to kill her is because of how much everyone (the prince specifically) loves her, in addition to her beauty, and people 사랑 her so much because of her purity and innocence. Snow White is cheerful- very cheerful. This is a huge positive for her in many ways. It is a good thing because she doesn’t do anything with the assumption that anything will turn out badly, and she goes into every situation treating it as if it will have a positive outcome. This serves her well because she never does anything halfway, she goes all out for the best possible outcome. However, a certain degree of pessimism is a good thing. If a person has absolutely no pessimism, they won’t be able to look at things in a realistic manner. Ultimately, the world is not a perfect place, and so if 당신 can’t see anything bad in the possible outcome, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
 A super sweet, positive, ideal
A super sweet, positive, ideal

신데렐라 is the most realistic of the classic princesses. She is optimistic and doesn’t give up, but at the same time 당신 can tell she really has strong dislike for Lady Tremaine. 당신 can tell she resents the obstacles. Walt said 신데렐라 was his 가장 좋아하는 fairytale because he could relate to Cinderella’s struggles before he got his big break, so I’m sure that’s where she got some of her resentment and why she is so realistic. 신데렐라 has a lot 더 많이 gray area to her personality and decisions than, certainly Snow White, and either of the other classics.

Positives: 신데렐라 is optimistic. She never gives up hope and is always determined that the dream that she wishes will come true. She is emotionally strong beyond comparison, able to hold up under abuse for years. 신데렐라 is basically kind. She has to help those in trouble, even though she is in such a low situation herself. 신데렐라 is selfless. It would be easy for her to wallow in her own self-pity and ignore the plight of others, but 신데렐라 always helps those less fortunate than even herself. 신데렐라 is also assertive, able to stand up against Tremaine, showing that she isn’t going to let herself be walked all over and still has self-respect. She is dignified in the way she treats those abusing her, she never sinks to their level. There’s a difference between having dignity and class and being a doormat 또는 pushover, something Cinderella’s often accused of. 신데렐라 also has a lot of foresight and understands that it will be better in the long run for her to stay with the Tremaines for the time being, and she has the patience to wait out the time.

Negatives: 신데렐라 is 쓴, 쓰라린 and truly resentful. 당신 can clearly see her anger she holds against Lady Tremaine. She almost takes it out on Lucifer when he ruins her cleaning, she would have if the 벨 hadn’t rung right then. She has a chip on her shoulder and knows how to hold a grudge. 당신 can also see the pleasure 신데렐라 has when she pulls out the shoe in front of Lady Tremaine. 신데렐라 wants revenge and is vindictive. She is truly happy that she ruined Lady Tremaine’s plan to keep her out of the castle. She is aggressive and passive-aggressive. Again, 신데렐라 almost takes out her anger on Lucifer. 신데렐라 makes fun of 아나스타샤 and Drizella’s musical ability when they can’t hear her. Unlike Snow, the abuse 신데렐라 has been subjected to has actually effected and taken a toll on her. 신데렐라 can also make a martyr of herself. Contradicting her compassion for others and optimism (and hey, don’t all of us have traits that would seem self-contradictory?) when 신데렐라 is in a low moment, she lets herself be sorry for herself and just gets angry and generally disappointed instead of really trying to do something about it. 신데렐라 could have just screamed her head of when the duke was there, but instead she cried and almost let him go without her opportunity. While I’m not saying she really wanted to stay, she was sorry for herself and didn’t really do everything in her power. Wow, I wrote a lot for Cinderella’s negatives. I promise, I’m not hating on her, just trying to show how realistic she is, since most people tend to overlook that and make it seem like she’s just this inhuman example of perfection.

Neutral: 신데렐라 is dreamy. She makes dreams and hopes for herself and takes happiness in her dreams. 신데렐라 is also realistic. Seemingly against her optimism and dreamy nature, 신데렐라 can see the grit of the situation and the grim possibility. An example of this is when 신데렐라 doesn’t have time to make her dress (though why she didn’t just go in the dress as it was, ignoring fashion of the day, I don’t know.) 신데렐라 tries to tell herself that she isn’t really missing out (optimism,) but, opposed to Snow White, she also realizes that there is no apparent way she can go (realism.) 신데렐라 is also opportunistic. She took the chances she had to try and free herself. This is another trait that would seem to contradict a previously mentioned aspect of her personality (self-pity.) When the order came, 신데렐라 reminded Tremaine that she was an unmarried woman of the country and therefore ordered to come. 신데렐라 kept the slipper on her at all times and pulled it out when the duke was not there (though she could have gone back to the 성 with the other shoe, though that could raise suspicions I suppose.) Ultimately, all the times I am pointing out flaws in Cinderella’s logic is just another example of how 신데렐라 is a realistic character.

Border: 신데렐라 has less border traits than Snow White. However, she also has 더 많이 definitive flaws than Snow White does. One border trait of 신데렐라 is her patience. While this can work to her advantage because she ends up having a much better end situation than she would have had she given up and left, this also does cause her to be 더 많이 passive than she needs to be and not stand up for herself in many situations. Another border trait is her tendency to stuff her feelings and not express them. Unlike most border traits, this is 더 많이 commonly a negative trait than a positive trait. While this is bad because it causes her to be 쓴, 쓰라린 and resentful in her situation and she has a lot of pent-up anger, this also serves her well because it stops her from making any rash moves that would cause her to be in even 더 많이 trouble and make her life even 더 많이 difficult.
 The most realistic of the early bunch
The most realistic of the early bunch

I might venture to say Aurora is the most idealized of the princesses. And while she is very idealized, Aurora still has plenty to round out her character and most certainly does have a developed personality. I, like so many others, really wish we got to see 더 많이 of it in the movie, because Aurora really does have the makings of a truly compelling character had she had 더 많이 fleshing-out. However, I still 사랑 her the way she is, and she’s still a great character.

Positives: Aurora is kind to others, no matter who they are. She was always kind and respectful to the 요정 and she was nice to the 동물 in the forest. Of course, Aurora, while at first unnerved (and come on, who wouldn’t be?) was welcoming to Phillip. Another strong sign of her kindness is the way she acts when she first meets her parents and Phillip’s father. Even after they have created this plot for her that has ended up hurting her so much, she still rushes to her mother’s arms and embraces her. She kisses Phillip’s father. Aurora is just kind. Aurora is also cautious. Really, she is. Now, before 당신 go all “don’t talk to strangers” on me, she didn’t just immediately run off with him. She made sure it was the man from her dreams before finishing her song with him. And before 당신 get all up in arms about that, it was a fairytale, things work differently. And even after Aurora knows it is the man from her dreams, she arranges for him to meet her at her house. If Phillip were to end up being anything other than a gentleman, what safer place for Aurora to be when that was revealed than at her than on her territory with three other women there to protect and defend her. Aurora is poised and can handle anything that is thrown at her. Aurora is emotionally tough and selfless, and respectful and obedient to the fairies. Even after it is revealed to her that her entire life has been one big illusion planned 의해 those supposed to be the closest people in the world to her, she picks up the pieces enough to go back and take responsibility for her people. She gives up a life with her dream prince to lead her people. 당신 can’t ask for 더 많이 in a ruler. Aurora has the makings to be a great queen.

Negatives: Aurora can be spineless. Going along with her obedience and respect, Aurora can sometimes not speak for herself even when it would benefit her. She really is 더 많이 complex than she appears. There is 더 많이 than one side to her 연기 on her decisions. On the one hand, she is being selfless and dutiful, on the other, she is being spineless. Aurora can also be awkward when she first meets someone. Despite the grace and elegance that is so often said the only thing anyone can say about her, and in direct contrast to her poised demeanor, Aurora is not really sure how to handle certain situations. When she first meets Phillip, she doesn’t know whether she wants to stay 또는 whether she wants to go, and she’s not really sure how to handle either decision. Going along with this, Aurora is indecisive. She doesn’t know what to do about Phillip, and changes her mind when he asks when he can see her again. Aurora doesn’t know how to make decisions she can stick with. Aurora can have a tendency, like Cinderella, to be self-pitying. When she went back to the castle, while she was dignified, she still was simply devastated to be there.

Neutral: Aurora is very philosophical. She creates a metaphor between her life and the birds while she is in the forest. She observes patterns of behavior in the way those around her live and she wonders if there can somehow be a connection between that and the way she lives her life. I said in my house sorting 기사 that I thought Aurora was a Ravenclaw, no in the traditional scholarly academic sense, but as an abstract, creative thinker. Aurora is imaginative and creative. She plays along with the 동물 and has created a world of fantasy. Aurora is a hopeless romantic. She dreams of her prince, and sure as the sky is blue, the dream will come true. She knows immediately that the man she meets in the forest is the man for her for life. Aurora is also regal and elegant. She has a royal air about her and a royal attitude to life. That is also part of why she goes back, royalty is such a part of who she is that she can’t turn her back on those who need her.

Border: Aurora is dreamy. Aurora is very imaginative and has many abstract mentalities. However, this can also cause Aurora not to be grounded in reality. Much like Snow White’s cheerfulness, Aurora can be setting herself up for disappointment, and she does when she is brought back to inevitable reality after she is told she is a princess and must serve her people and marry and man she does not love. Aurora also is very open with her emotions and lets her 심장 rule her head. This is usually a neutral trait, and can serve her well because others are easier to have a relationship with her. However, this can cause her to overreact and be self-pitying. I had another border trait for her, but I can’t remember it right now, if I do remember it I’ll add it. However, I do believe I have shown that Aurora certainly has a personality, and a well-developed one at that. Many times, 더 많이 than one aspect of Aurora’s personality is behind her decision, and as many times, if not more, one trait influences another that are bother behind her decision. Ultimately, I don’t understand where anyone gets that ides that any princess doesn’t have a personality, 또는 even a rounded, developed one.
 Elegant, regal, and far 더 많이 layered than she is given credit for
Elegant, regal, and far 더 많이 layered than she is given credit for

당신 are an incredible person if 당신 have read this whole thing!
added by KataraLover
Source: ME
added by bearnaked15
Source: 곰
added by bearnaked15
Source: 곰
added by tiffany88
Source: 디즈니
added by hoangdinh5x
Since it's Valentine's 일 soon I decided to write a few 기사 relating to that and I decided to do a list of my 가장 좋아하는 DP Couples, fittingly enough the last time I did this list was around this time last year, since then my list has changed a slight bit. Hope you'll like this article

11. 뮬란 & Shang

Imo they're 더 많이 best 프렌즈 than a couple, their first meeting is hilarious though and I 사랑 how 뮬란 isn't afraid to show off her feelings for Shang in a subtle way and how Shang chose to not kill 뮬란 despite the fact that women wheren't allowed in the army, it shows that...
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I know we've probably had an excess of these over the last few months, but I don't care. In my humble opinion, there can never be too many 기사 defending Walt's girls. I believe Snow White, Cinderella, and Aurora just as much praise and recognition as any of the Modern 또는 Renaissance princesses. The three classic Princesses receive a large amount of criticism. They include "weak", "passive", "need a man to save them", "boring", "do nothing", "need a man to save them", among others (that last reason is so incredibly stupid and sexist). These "arguments" are beyond cliché, mind-numbing,...
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저기요 everyone! The classic 디즈니 films had such a knack for capturing the splendor and wonder of magic so I thought I'd rate all the DP films to see which ones are the most magical.
For this, I took the 5 most likely elements of magic in the 디즈니 Princess films and added 1 category for the awareness of each 6 elements. This is because the 더 많이 prominent magic would be in a story (or the world in the story), the 더 많이 people should be aware of the magic as it would be hard to miss. Here are the 12 put together:

1. Magical Powers- Meaning that magic can be done without the use of items (like wands)...
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Hi everyone!

Recently, I 게시됨 a 질문 asking 팬 to list five personality traits most desirable in a 디즈니 princess. My traits poll, which was going to be the foundation of this article, was based on TheMusicalMolls' list of traits; the first response. I didn't bother to check my 질문 again for other responses, but when I returned to my 질문 after I 게시됨 the poll, I was surprised to see that 더 많이 팬 had bothered to answer my question. At that point, it was only a handful of people, and since I found their lists highly similar to TheMusicalMolls', I let it be. I hope I didn't...
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Here's my quick ranking on original DP films in part 1 of this 기사 series. Part 2 will follow with all the sequels, prequels and shorts. Hope you'll enjoy it!

12. Princess and the frog:
I found the script to be very lazily written, with no wow moments to remember and no surprising twists. The movie crawled at deathly slow pace, making me skip scenes in between. The 애니메이션 was pretty average with nothing memorable except a few scenes in bayou and death of Dr. Facilier. I found the sett ups to be unflattering and lacked the 디즈니 magic feel to it. The best set-up from the entire movie was...
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I'm sorry but I disagree with each side. I mean I agree with each side but I don't. I think both sides of the argument are taking things way too far, and it doesn't need to.

Frozen 팬 need to just accept that not everyone likes this movie and 겨울왕국 haters need to learn that they are being just as rude as the 겨울왕국 팬 and they just need to stop.

Both sides really need to stop because they're ruining this movie for me. They already ruined Elsa for me, and soon, I'll hate the whole thing, even Anna, who's my 가장 좋아하는 DP.

 Me when 겨울왕국 팬 and haters start arguing
Me when 겨울왕국 팬 and haters start arguing

I find it awkward that...
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posted by anukriti2409
Here's my ranking of 디즈니 Prince, barring Prince Hans as he's the DP villain. Hope you'll find it entertaining.

11. Florian:
Apart from 노래 and showing courtesy and respect to a young maid of lower status, there's literally no interaction and no scenes to understand his personality. It was kind of creepy for me that he'd 키스 a supposedly dead maiden. So yeah, he's the last in my list.

10. Naveen:
Spoiled rich brat who didn't even learn after plundering all the ancestoral wealth and thought of fixing it the easy way to find a rich girl to marry. Too flirtatious, too lazy, too laid-back...
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I, myself only knew 7 out of 14. Who knows, 당신 might know 더 많이 than me 또는 know less than me. Either way enjoy 읽기 and absorb the knowledge!


1) Production designer Richard Vander Wende devised a simple color scheme for the film, inspired 의해 its desert setting. Blue (water) stands for good, red (heat) for evil, and yellow (sand) is neutral. For example, the villainous Jafar is clad in blacks and reds, while the virtuous 재스민 속, 재 스민 wears blue. Another example is in the Cave of Wonders, where the lamp's chamber is blue, and the ruby that tempts Abu is bright red.

2) 재스민 속, 재 스민 was originally...
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posted by 220340
 Rapunzel, anna, and ariel
Rapunzel, anna, and ariel
Did 당신 ever know that Elsa and Anna had a cousin? Well 당신 do now! Elsa and Anna have a cousin and there cousin is Rapunzel. Never knew that? Now 당신 know. Rapunzel is cousins with the sisters Elsa and Anna. Rapunzel seems like she forgot she had cousins. I am not sure about Elsa and Anna if they forgot they had a cousin. How are they cousins? Elsa and Anna's mom is the sister of Rapunzel's mom. Now they are Cousins. Another weird thing. Both shows are created 의해 the same person. I never knew they were cousins till I saw a YouTube show that said they were cousins. Another weird thing. Ariel...
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 Honorary Mention: Cinderella's Father
Honorary Mention: Cinderella's Father
Okay so I basically grew up without parents in a large sense. That being said, I always yearned for a loving, stable and consistent mother and father to teach morals, values, effective and constructive communication, consequences for actions, real love, respect, trust, honor, etc. Since Walt 디즈니 founded the company under those family and character-based values, I have always been very attached to the 디즈니 brand. That being said, I was thinking about the 디즈니 Princesses' parents and if I could have traded my childhood situation with one of them, which would it be? Since I also 사랑 lists...
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From anukriti2409 and sweetie-94's 기사 about most beautiful things from DP movies, I was inspired to make one. But my version is a little different: this one is most beautiful things from each DP movies, from the first until the latest ones. Well, hope you'll be enjoyed my 기사 and sorry for mistakes I may be made.

1. The Ending (Snow White and Seven Dwarfs)

 The scene of Snow White's movie ending (credit to image from sweetie-94's article).
The scene of Snow White's movie ending (credit to image from sweetie-94's article).

The movie isn't really my favorite, so it's kinda hard for me to decide the beautiful things from that. It was while Snow White and her Prince...
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posted by laylastepford
My entire life, Belle has always been my absolute 가장 좋아하는 princess. When I was just a toddler I dressed up like her for 할로윈 and when I got married, I even tried to find a dress that resembled her yellow 겉옷, 가운 (in white, of course).

In so many ways, Belle reminds me of myself. As someone who relates so closely to and identifies with Belle, I wanted to share my well-detailed analysis of her character. I believe we all know our 가장 좋아하는 characters the best so I would encourage others to write an 기사 about their 가장 좋아하는 princess. I hope that this will help others understand Belle a little...
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The 디즈니 Princesses wear some of the cutest little outfits, both inside and outside of ceremonies and balls, so I wanted to do a fun and light-hearted ranking of all of their outfits! (I will be doing a 초 countdown with the ceremonial outfits and ball gowns ranked.) I ranked them based on which I'd like to wear most:

Peasant/Work Outfits:

7. Snow White's Brown "Servant's" Outfit:
For something that is made to look incredibly unflattering, it's actually not that bad. Aside from being torn and having different-colored patches, it's really just a plain dress.

6. Tiana's Blue Work Uniform:...
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As some of 당신 may know, I recently did my version of a "Prettiest Princess" 기사 which rated the 사무용 겉옷, 전반적인 attraction of each princess. That 기사 was done with a heavy bias towards what males like best about females so I wanted to make one with the bias towards what females like (in friends). What females look for in 프렌즈 will of course vary 의해 personality so I decided to use the 디즈니 Princesses as the model for my female scale. I made a ranking list for each of them (of course, it is subject to my opinion of their rankings) and then combined all 13 lists to see how they'd rate each...
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