Cinema Bizarre Wich is your 가장 좋아하는 song? (song not video!)

Pick one:
Escape to the Stars
Escape to the Stars
After the Rain
After the Rain
앤젤 in Disguise
앤젤 in Disguise
Lovesongs (they kill me)
Lovesongs (they kill me)
Get Off
Get Off
Forever 또는 Never
Forever 또는 Never
Dysfunctional Family
Dysfunctional Family
Silent Scream
Silent Scream
The Way we are
The Way we are
She Waits for me
She Waits for me
How Does it Feel
How Does it Feel
Don&# 39; t Believe
Don't Believe
The Silent Place
The Silent Place
The Other People
The Other People
Liebeslieder (Bringen Mich Um)
Liebeslieder (Bringen Mich Um)
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 jonasB_tokioH posted over a year ago
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