Blair & Chuck Club
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A.N. Ok so I have realised that the 초 half of this chapter, where Blair and Chuck make an arrangement etc. was confusing and maybe a bit vague so I have edited the chapter, mainly the 초 half and I would strongly advise readers to re-read this chapter so that Chuck and Blair's true intentions are clearer in order to fully understand their characters actions, choices and feelings in future chapters.

"So i'm guessing 당신 and Chuck are 프렌즈 again, 당신 sound happy B!" said Serena into the phone. She had decided to give Blair a call to see how she was and Blair had started their conversion with how good her 일 had been and how her and Jenny were having the best time making their latest outfit prototypes.
"Urm..yeah...we are...and I am happy, really happy, Chuck was...really nice to me last night so I guess 당신 can say we're 프렌즈 again!" exclaimed Blair glad that Serena couldn't see the huge smile on her face. Blair was finally certain that things were finally going somewhere with Chuck, she didn't know where exactly but something was happening and she was sure she felt something last night, in her stomach. Fluttering.
She continued to talk on the phone when she spotted Jenny rubbing her tummy. Shit! She had promised a lunch break almost an 시간 ago! She quickly finished her conversation with Serena and made her way to Jenny.
"Lunch is on me J! I'm sorry for making 당신 wait so long!" she smiled quickly linking her arm with Jenny.
"It's fine, let's get out of here i'm starving!" replied Jenny as they both walked off towards the exit.
They got into a cab and went to pick up some lunch, they were at a cafe Jenny had suggested and Blair had played along as if she knew the cafe Jenny was talking about. When they waited for their 음식 they had sat down and began talking about how excited they were about their new fashion line.
"Oh 의해 the way seeing as we're here do 당신 wanna pick up some lunch for Chuck?" she asked Blair casually as if it was something Blair did regularly.
"For Chuck?" asked Blair wondering how she was going to get Chuck his lunch, she had no idea where his office even was.
"Yeah, I dont mind waiting around while 당신 go around the corner to drop it off to him.
Ok, so Chuck's workplace is around here somewhere.
"Urm ok, what shall I get him? " she asked Jenny not really sure what he would want to eat from this place.

She had convinced Jenny to go with her seeing as she had no idea where Chuck worked, at least if Jenny came she could just follow her without Jenny realising. She really needed to find out 더 많이 about her husband too. The thought made her smile, she was taking lunch to Chuck. Taking lunch to her husband. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he'd see her, bringing him lunch.
Maybe she wouldn't have needed Jenny to find the building. 당신 could see it a mile off, the moment she turned into the 거리 she could see the 마천루, 스카이 스크 래퍼 with a giant sign at the front. "Bass Investments". Oh my God that's Chuck's name. She had never been so excited before, not even when she had seen her own 디자인 studio, ok maybe that was 더 많이 exciting but this definitely made her prouder. As she came face to face with the sign she took a moment to read it "Bass Investments, part of 베이스 Industries" and underneath was her husbands name Charles Bartholomew Bass. She smiled and Jenny called out to her wondering why she had stopped.
It wasn't difficult to find his room, their was a site map the moment she walked in and she quickly made a mental note of the floor Chuck's office was on.
"Ok, 당신 go up i'll wait here, just give him his lunch and come straight hanky panky!" she giggled.
Blair skipped off towards the elevator excited about getting to see Chuck at work and she knew he'd be shocked to see her at his office...she was sure he'd have filthy fantasies involving his office, his wife and sex.
She had finally arrived, waiting outside his door, moments away from impressing him 의해 bringing his lunch. She pushed the door open and looked inside. She almost died of shock when she saw him. He looked just as shocked. He sprung out of his 좌석 immediately shoving the woman he had on his lap off of him. The woman quickly continued putting her clothes back on, whatever it was that they were doing they had already finished before she walked in. Chuck buttoned up his 셔츠 almost frantically as the woman quickly made her escape not even looking towards Blair. She knew she had just had sex with a married man and had his wife walk in on the act.
It was just Blair and Chuck now. Chuck didn't know what to do, he had to explain himself, what was Blair even doing here?
Blair walked towards his 책상, 데스크 slowly, placing a paper bag down 의해 his computer.
"I...bought 당신 lunch" she whispered before turning around and walking out hurriedly.
She couldn't breathe. She felt so humiliated, so hurt, betrayed...he had slept with another woman...he had probably been doing this everyday, and last night he had shared a 침대 with her!
Tears began streaming down her cheeks, she ran towards the elevator, she had to escape. She almost felt sick, no she did feel sick. How could he have done such a thing, didn't he even care about her enough not to do such a thing. She wiped away her tears as the lift descended onto the ground floor, Jenny couldn't see her like this , no one could. She wiped her face down the best she could taking out her pocket mirror and checking that her make-up hadn't run. She looked fine. Time to get out of here she thought as she went to find Jenny, she had a feeling things were going to be 더 많이 awkward than ever when she got 집 tonight.

It was almost midnight when Chuck finally got home. He didn't think he could face Blair today after what she had walked in on. What was she doing bringing me lunch anyway, he wondered. That made him feel worse, knowing that she had come to him, all the way to his office from her studio with his lunch and especially after the night they had shared. Out of all days for her to come to his office she chose today, the 일 he had finally decided to have sex for the first time since they had been in 4th world and he had never had the opportunity to properly satisfy his sexual needs since they began travelling worlds 5 years ago, besides, technically Blair had made him do it...if she hadn't turned him on so much lately he wouldn't be constantly thinking about having sex. Anyway, it was only once, it was just supposed to be a little flirting but then it went too far and it didn't even mean anything to him, besides he and Blair weren't in an actual relationship, it was just for show right?
His mind had been debating all the excuses and explanations all 일 long, he had to just go to her and get the argument out of the way so that they could 옮기기 on.
He made his way slowly up the stairs, getting 더 많이 nervous each step he took, until he reached her bedroom door. Then he turned the handle and pushed the door open, cursing himself for forgetting to knock. She was sitting in her 침대 읽기 a book, he hadn't seen her read in a long time. She didn't even look up at him, so he continued to walk towards her until he was sitting near her on the bed, still, she didn't look up from her book.
"Blair?" he whispered, hoping the tears which were slowly forming in her eyes were due to a tragedy in the book she was reading. He decided to get the apology out before he changed his mind 또는 she stopped him, "I'm sorry...about earlier...what 당신 had to...walk in on." He waited for her to say something, to maybe show that she was listening but instead she continued to read, even turning the page to show she wasn't even interested in what he had to say. So he took the book from her.
"What the hell are 당신 doing!" she yelled trying to get her book back.
"We need to talk Blair." he reasoned. He had to get her to understand that what she had walked in on had meant nothing to him and it was a simple lapse of judgement and he hadn't realised how wrong and stupid the idea was until he had seen Blair walk in on him, he had to convince her that he would never do such a terrible thing to her again if she just accepted his apology and let him in, maybe they could make their relationship work once and for all.
"What? About how 당신 humiliated me today! Is that your idea of work! Is that what 당신 do everyday! And to think that I actually shared a 침대 with 당신 last night! Your disgusting and I hate you!" she screamed to him, feeling disgusted 의해 even looking at him, 또는 maybe she was just hurt and betrayed, he was supposed to be her husband and he had slept with another woman.
"No Blair. It was just once...I swear...this was my first time since 4th, and what? 당신 expect me to stay abstinent for the rest of my life! I've been wanting to do it for a long time and I stayed away from women ok, I waited for 당신 but 당신 cant expect me to wait forever...I didn't want to do it with her but I had no choice. I barely even looked at her face." he said as he stood up from the bed, as if that would make a difference, the fact was that he had cheated and nothing would change that now, yes he was desperate for some attention for a long, long time but he could have just been patient and waited for Blair to be ready instead of playing away from 집 and making matters worse.
"Oh spare me the details! And don't 당신 dare blame this on me! Me and you...this isn't real! We might be husband and wife to the outside world but that's just for show...that's not what we are!" she shouted back, low blow, after all it was her that had been insistent on the two of them conforming to their roles as husband and wife and she was coming around to the idea of being his wife in mind and body, if he had just kept it in his pants long enough to wait for her she would have given him the 'attention' he needed because truth be told, she was in need of said 'attention' herself, but obviously there was no way she'd go near him now that he had just been inside another woman.
"Oh really, so why are 당신 angry about me sleeping with another woman then?" he asked her, and she didn't reply straight away because maybe she didn't have an answer but before he could continue she cut in.
"It would ruin me! Imagine if people found out? It would ruin my business, imagine the scandal...I do not want to be associated with such filthy negative press such as being cheated on 의해 my husband who prefers it with a cheap secretary on his office table!" she exclaimed also jumping off the 침대 and facing him. Sure that was one of the reasons because it would definitely ruin her reputation, and his, but that wasn't the main reason she was hurt and angry, she was feeling betrayed but like she would ever admit that to him.
"Actually I'd prefer it right there on your 침대 with 당신 but obviously that would never happen seeing as 당신 despise me so much." whether that was a statement 또는 a 질문 she did not know, anyhow she was going to ignore that particular comment.
"What if she went to the would ruin me! It would ruin 당신 even more! Did 당신 not even take a 초 to consider that?!" she yelled waving her hands at him like a mad woman.
"If 당신 must know, I had the 암캐, 암 캐 transferred, she'll keep her silence if she wants to live an uncomplicated life. Besides I have to have a sex life Blair...unlike 당신 im not asexual" he smirked angrily. She was getting on his last nerve, why couldn't she just understand that normal married couples didn't go without sex for this long, especially when he was so used to having it on a regular basis, but of course Blair hardly ever had sex, it was one of the countless things he, Serena and Nate would mock her for.
"Your sick! And I am not asexual! I'm just not a desperate whore like you!" she threw back sending him a smirk of her own, yes it was true that she wasn't as promiscuous as her friends, not even in their own world where she had 로스트 her virginity and swore never to have sex again unless it was with someone that she cared about and felt connected to because her first time hadn't lived up to her expectations, unlike everyone else in her world sex was something she felt should be meaningful, but that was her choice and her business, something important to her that the others just didn't seem to understand.
"What the fuck are 당신 on about Blair! It's been how many months since we got here and i've had sex once! 당신 seriously cannot expect me to stay abstinent because i'm telling 당신 now that's not possible. Maybe if 당신 were a proper wife we wouldn't have this problem, I could share my sex life with you!" Why did everything he say seem to sound so insulting, what he wanted to say was that he wanted her, desperately, not just for sex but because she was something else, something he had never had before and these past few weeks had been awkward for him, he had began feeling things, for her. Every time she spoke, moved 또는 looked at him she had turned him on and he had been aching for release and he had wanted it only to be from her but he knew that it was impossible because she would never want him in that way, he just knew her, she was too prim and proper, she would never want him and that was what drove him to sleep with someone else, it had meant nothing, that woman wasn't even his secretary she was just some employee that worked somewhere in his building, he had never even seen her before and anyway he had made an agreement with her, he had her transferred far away from his office and Manhattan and told her if she ever opened her mouth he would ruin her and no one would counter a threat from a Bass.
"Your disgusting! I would never even think of sharing a 침대 with you!" she spat out, even though she already had.
"You did last night." he reminded her, smirking once more.
"That...that friends." she defended herself, shit, she new he would bring that up, he would never forget details like that, neither did she because in all honesty she had loved every 초 of having his arms wrapped around hers and being embraced 의해 his whole body in their marital bed.
"Then we can have a sex life..." he whispered, moving closer to her and taking a lock of her hair between his fingers, " friends," he finished, allowing his breath to radiate her blushing cheeks.
"That wouldn't solve any of our problems," she whispered back, wondering what had made her suddenly lose her voice, but she knew that the lack of sex wasn't even their biggest problem, it was the lack of trust, intimacy and the lack of love.
"It would solve a lot of things, believe me" he assured, looking down towards his pants and then smiling, "and besides, it would mean I don't have to go else where...and thus it wouldn't risk ruining our reputations and our businesses." he added, using her own 이전 argument in his favour, if it was her reputation that she was worried about then he would act like he cared, besides he wanted to make sure he could convince her to look at the bigger picture.
"So 당신 think using me for sex is going to solve everything!" her voice was back, it didn't matter how much she wanted to sleep with him, she wasn't going to just let him assume that it would solve all their problems.
"I wouldn't be using you..." he assured her, allowing his hands to take hold of her arms. He would never use her, he wanted to tell her that he did like her and that he did have certain feelings towards her but wasn't sure exactly what they were and of course he was afraid of commitment so he thought best to keep those feelings hidden and find another way of getting close to her. He wanted her, badly. but how could he ever tell her that, it would change everything between them and he didn't want to risk losing her altogether, she was too important to him, but why did he always seem to push her away from him.
"This isn't never will...I cant live like this any it's 또는 whatever...what will it be 다음 time Chuck? We aren't the same Chuck and Blair that fell in 사랑 in this world...we're just fooling ourselves trying to act like it'll work when it just never will." she finished, Chuck let go of her and realised that maybe she was right, maybe they never could make it work, no matter how they wanted to, she just didn't feel the same, she didn't want him, how could he tell her how he felt if she hated him so much.
"Then let's...get a divorce." he blurted out, whoa, where did that come from? Take it back 당신 idiot, he thought desperately hoping she hadn't heard him.
"Divorce?" she asked making sure she had heard correctly, is that what he really wanted. She was shocked to even think that he would make such a suggestion, surely he couldn't mean it.
"Yes," he continued reluctantly, he couldn't read her face but it looked as though she was mulling over the idea, why did he have to bring up divorce in the first place, that was the last thing he wanted but he had to go and open his big mouth and now he had just given her a way out and if she accepted he would lose her, but before he realised he was digging himself further into a hole he continued, "that would solve everything for you. Divorce means you're free of me and I can sleep around how I like without having to worry about hurting your feelings. We can say 당신 found out I cheated and 당신 filed for divorce, simple." he said, walking away from her, hoping that maybe he could use reverse psychology in an attempt to tame her anger towards him and realise that she could lose him if she pushed him away far enough. She was silent for a while, shocked that he had suggested divorce, if she agreed it would be over for them and that was the last thing she wanted. What she wanted was him, she wanted him so badly that she was willing to just rip his clothes off right now and show him, but of course then she would just look desperate and she had to maintain some sort of control, she did the only thing that came to mind, try to make the divorce idea look like a stupid one but without making it obvious that she didn't want to divorce him.
"Are 당신 crazy! People would think I wasn't good enough for 당신 또는 something!" she yelled at him, "it would reflect badly on me and it could ruin me not to mention the negative publicity and the effect on my business! I'm not going to be another divorced wife who got cheated on with some cheap whore!" she continued stabbing her finger into his chest.
"Fine we'll think of another reason for that 슈츠 the both of us and keeps our pride and reputations in tact." he offered, not straying away from the idea of divorce, it seemed to have her doing a 180 and she was actually touching him again, that was a good sign right? Maybe he could toy with the idea of divorce for a while.
"Well...' she paused, was he really going to insist on getting a divorce, she noticed a slight smirk on his face, he was probably trying to hide the glint in his eyes too, was he playing a game? How dare he use divorce against her like this, did he really think that he could use reverse psychology on her and get her to forget what he did 의해 pretending that he would leave her. I fhe wanted to play with her mind then she would play back, "it would have to be mutual...people would have to believe it was for real...that we didn't 사랑 each other any more." That sounded believable right, like she wanted a divorce too, he looked a bit gutted and she smiled on the inside, of course he didn't really want a divorce, she realised, he just thinks he's clever and she had to admit it was a stupid game, flawed in a number of aspects and would totally trap them in game of hate because now they would have to pretend that they actually hated each other and wanted a divorce until one of them bit the bullet and admitted that it wasn't really what they wanted and that they should just embrace their true feelings. But did he have and feelings for her 또는 was he just after the sex, she wondered.
" any bright ideas?" he asked, secretly hoping that she didn't, he couldn't believe that she was actually agreeing to this, couldn't she tell that he was just playing a game to get her to admit how she really felt.
"Well...I guess, people would have to think we were having problems...problems getting along...arguing in public and stuff...that way when we get a divorce we can say we just fell out of 사랑 and decided to go our separate ways." she suggested, she had to make sure he didn't think she wanted him to fle for divorce right away, maybe if she procrastinated on it, they would eventually forget about the whole thing and it would give her enough time to get him back in her good books, although it should be the other way around, she was the one angry with him and he should be trying to win her over without having to play silly games with her.
"Wouldn't that attract bad publicity? Arguing in public?" he claimed rubbing his temple and smiling at her, it sounded to him a bit like she was prolonging the whole divorce process, maybe she didn't wanta divorce after all.
"It's better than people knowing I got cheated on! Think about how it would affect your reputation, being known as a cheat!" she scowled.
" this is going to take some time could take months..." he clarified, it probably would and he knew that it was her intention to drag out a divorce. He couldn't be 100% sure because then he would just call her out on it and he would pin her up against the 벽 bruising her lips with kisses and force her to admit how she feels about him, but he could sense a little hesitation on her part and he knew they were both too stubborn to admit 1) the fact that neither of them would ever want a divorce and 2) the fact that maybe there were some hidden feelings between them.
"I guess it could take time." she agreed, gladly. Great, so she had him right where she wanted. Well, not right where she wanted, where she really wanted him was fully undressed on 상단, 맨 위로 of her and making her cry out in ecstacy, but obviously that would be difficult under the circumstances, she blushed at the thought, especially with his intense gaze making her slightly aroused.
"Right so we work our way to a mutual breakup and then get divorced...we remain good 프렌즈 of course. What do we tell Serena and Nate?" he asked.
"The truth, that it wasn't working." she answered.
"Fine, and in the mean time...since this divorce thing could take a long time, it still doesn't problem...?" he tried to look and sound serious and it looked like it had worked because it seemed as though she was actually considering it.
"We can have rules." she suggested before even thinking twice, had she just agreed to have sex with him? Maybe she really was aroused.
"Rules?" he wondered out loud.
"I want something in return." she demanded, she had to think fast, she couldn't allow him to think that she actually wanted to have sex with him, she wouldn't look needy and desperate, especially not for him, it would give him victory and she wanted to have control when it came to sex. She knew she wasn't very secure when it came to sex anyway, it was something special to her, something she hadn't really enjoyed before and she wanted to enjoy it with Chuck but now that they had made this divorce arrangement there was only one way to make it 'ok' for them to have sex without it looking like she was desperate for him, she had to make sex part of their 'arrangement', even if deep down they would both know it would be much 더 많이 than that. She knew that once she had him in 침대 with her, she wouldn't be able to hide her lust and desire for him.
He smirked, glad that he was finally getting somewhere and the fact that she was asking for something in return just turned him on, he was desperate to just rip that night 겉옷, 가운 off her hot body and take her right on their bed.
"Why? Isn't giving 당신 a heated orgasm enough?" he teased her and the shock on her face confirmed that he may have gone too far with his humour.
"Your sick!" she growled, not admitting to the truth that just one heated orgasm would be far from enough.
"What do 당신 want? Anything 당신 ask for is yours," he considered this for a moment and thought of the first thing Blair Waldorf would want, "after the divorce 당신 can take whatever 당신 want...the house...the holiday homes, money...all yours." he offered her, knowing how much she loved material things, the holiday homes would have definitely won her over.
She contemplating this, was it worth making herself look materialistic and superficial just to get a bit of initmacy with him? Damn it was, the offer was just too irresistable, she wanted him desperately, not that she'd ever admit that to him, the basshole was already too pompous and that just made her insides churn, the fact that he thought he was too good for her 또는 something. He would take from her and never give her anything in return except material things, even though she'd accept the offer she didn't want to make it look like he was winning and there was no way she wanted to make it look as though she would ask him for sex in return for money and material things. So she did what she did best and reverted to offence, hurting him was her weapon,"great, I accept...oh and another thing...after the divorce I dont...want to see 당신 stay out of my life for good" she murmured, turning away from him slightly.
He was surprised, surely she couldn't really want that, "I thought we were going to remain friends?"
"I dont think i'd be able to after everything we have been through...and what we're going to have to go through up until the divorce...I want to 옮기기 myself." she added, knowing that she didn't really mean that, she just wanted to make it look like he meant nothing to her and that the sex was just part of their arrangement. Was it selfish for her to expect him to tell her that she meant something to him before she could open up to him.
"You cant mean that Blair. Your saying that now...but you'll change your mind...I know couldn't cope with losing either me 또는 the other matter how much 당신 try to convince yourself." he reasoned, taking her arm in his hand and pulling her towards him, "Blair...just leave that particular demand out...for now...I told you, 당신 can have all the things I mentioned in return know what...then after the divorce 당신 can decide if 당신 still want me in your a friend." he pleaded, knowing that he could never live without her.
She allowed him to hold her close to him and then smiled slightly, ok so maybe he did care and she was glad that didn't agree to that particular demand, "fine, so everything is agreed then." she stated, finally extracting herself from his grasp.
"Great, so I hope 당신 realise that my side of the agreement means I get the say on how things go in the bedroom...just like 당신 get the say on what 당신 want from our divorce settlement?" he smiled, excited 의해 the prospect of finally getting her to sleep him, he didn't want to sound desperate so he tried to keep things light and humorous.
She struggled for words but eventually managed to nod her head, all of a sudden she wasn't entirely sure what she was agreeing to. She wasn't as sexually experienced as he was so she had no idea what she would be in for if she gave him total control.
He grinned, victory he thought, then he swayed towards her and reached his hands to her waist blowing a stray lock of hair from her face, she closed her eyes and shivered from the contact, this is what she wanted, "well just to warn you, it will be regular, every night maybe, and i'll make sure 당신 enjoy it as much as i'm sure I will," and he kissed her neck sucking and biting slightly before letting go. She didn't even try to 옮기기 away from him so he felt encouraged, he kicked his shoes off whilst not losing eye contact, then he pushed her softly down onto the 침대 and she quickly moved to the opposite side of the 침대 hiding slightly under the sheets. Why the hell was she scared now after she just agreed to have sex with him, this is what she wanted, as much as she tried to tell herself that she still felt a little aprehensive, what if he really did want a divorce and it wasn't just a mid game, what if this was just an agreement, what if it meant nothing to him, what if this was all just fake.
He smiled, she was so cute when she was nervous, he got under the 침대 sheets and moved closer to her rubbing his legs against hers and tracing lines down her arms with his finger. She was almost shivering at his every touch and before she could speak he took her lips with his, 키싱 her hungrily, making it clear that he had fantasized about doing it for so long. When her mouth remained closed for too long and she hardly seemed to be returning the kiss, he began to massage her back and 옮기기 lower to her ass, lifting up her negligee to feel her skin. She trembled as his fingers pressed onto her butt and then his lips began exploring her jaw and then her neck, licking, sucking and biting at her flesh, whilst his hands continued to explore her body, now reaching under the front of her dress feeling her chest. He had waited too damn long for this, too tounch her, to feel her and to have her all to himself. He felt a sudden possessive urge towards her s if she belonged to him now and as if he had some sort of duty to look after her and make sure she was 안전한, 안전 and satistfied. She was finally letting him in and he wasn;t going to hold back this time, he was certain that they would never really get a divorce, he would never let that happen, it had just been an initial slip of the tongue when he brought it up in the first place and carrying on the idea was unintentional, he just couldn't take it back once he had said it. Then he had turned it into some sort of stupid arrangement which meant he didn't have to admit his true feeling towards her 또는 admit that he had mentioned divorce in haste and hadn't really meant it. They were both too damn stubborn for his liking and it would land them in a lot of trouble one day, but one thing was for sure, he would gradually show her that he did want to make their relationship work and then the whole divorce idea would be forgotten. The good thing was that he could always bring up the divorce in the future if he needed to use a bit of reverse psychology on her if she were ever angry with him again, he had no doubt that she would probably do the same thing to him. his mind was spiralling, he shouldn't be thinking too much now that he finally had her under him, literally.
She was still tense and hardly moved against him, the last thing he wanted to do was maul her. He moved slightly to his side and tried to lift her towards him but she held her arms up covering her chest and tensing up against him. He noticed her reluctance in joining in and realised that maybe she was...afraid. He felt as though he was forcing her, she had agreed to this and now she was changing her mind? Then he realised that maybe he was asking too much of her too soon, but he was sure that she would want this, she was just too stubborn to admit to it. Maybe she just needed time, he thought, so he stopped, he let go of her and she resumed her position on her side of the 침대 afraid to look him the eye. She was still nervous, she was 초 away from having sex with him, for all the wrong reasons, why did everything have to be an 'arrangement' with them, their life was fake, their marriage was fake and now they were going to start having fake sex. Before she could think any further she felt him against her again, lining his body against hers and then wrapping his arms around her. Here he goes again, she thought.
"You dont need to be afraid of me Blair, I would never hurt should probably go to sleep." he whispered, 키싱 her forehead and hugging her tightly. She was in momentary shock, did he just give up on trying? She wasn't sure why but maybe he noticed her reluctance and didn't want to push her, maybe he had a 심장 after all. She couldn't deny that she felt her 심장 leap at his gesture and wanted to secretly maul him right now but she knew it wasn't the right time, even if they both insisted on pretending that the sex was nothing 더 많이 than part of their 'arrangement' she was going to make sure that it felt right, like she had always wanted, so she hugged him back because he hadn't rushed her, because he hadn't forced her and he had noticed she was nervous and noticed she was afraid. She hugged him back because she knew he didn't want to have fake sex, he wanted it to be real and she didnt need him to reassure her that he wanted it to be with her because she knew she was his first choice, maybe even his only choice.
Then he let go of her and sat up, unbuttoning his shirt, "Dont freak out, I'm just taking my clothes off, i've had them on all 일 and I probably stink!" he chortled removing his 셔츠 completely.
"You smell fine Chuck." smiled Blair feeling slightly hot at seeing him strip.
"Well it's pretty hot in here too," he added, removing his pants and throwing them to the floor. He moved back towards her almost naked in only his briefs which looked way too cramped from what she could tell. He slid his arms around and once 더 많이 and intertwined their legs together and she quite liked the feel of his bare skin against her so she thought she'd make the most of it and let her hands get comfortable with the feel of his skin, maybe even tease him a bit...then she realised he was fast asleep. She smiled and placed a gentle 키스 on his chest before drifting off herself.

A.N I hope this was better written and better explained! I will try to better my 글쓰기 as much as I can!

A.N. of course much 더 많이 Chair to come...yes it get's better and hotter! Tell me what 당신 hope will happen and ideas/suggestions are welcome in fact I 사랑 hearing your ideas and your 코멘트 on what 당신 like and dislike and what 당신 guess might happen next.... Review pleeeeeeease! and thank 당신 so much to all those who have taken the time to review, it really means a lot and it inspires me to keep 글쓰기 and posting so thank 당신 so much!

p.s upcoming chapter may be rated M....
added by Mouraki
added by Mouraki
added by angiii7
Source: lozxnahx
added by ilibrucasOTH
Source: 1024 x 768
added by ilibrucasOTH
added by pankiss
Source: Ankiss
added by atomicseasoning
added by atomicseasoning
I am proud to present, even if a little late, the January FOTM interview with the awesome Natasha. Congrats, hun! 당신 deserve it!! :)

1.Tell us something interesting about yourself that we don't know.

Hmm, not sure what 당신 don’t know about me yet, some of 당신 know more, but the basic stuff is that I’m from Macedonia, born 년 1989, studying languages and I’m obsessed with everything France related. I kinda have an OCD of keeping things in order and symmetrical. I like to change hairstyles and hair color pretty often. I’m pretty much obsessed with my hair, sometimes when I don’t like...
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 Pour Your 심장 Out!
Pour Your Heart Out!
Chair Tales S02E05 - Would I Lie To You?

Blair is at home, she wakes up to an empty 침대 wondering where her boyfriend is. She had a bad feeling that he had left her and she immediately gets on to the phone to speak to Serena.

Serena's phone is answered 의해 Dan as Serena is busy.

D: Hello, Serena's phone.
B: Dan?
D: have the wrong number...
B: Dont be stupid! It's Blair!
D: I know...
B: Where is Serena i need to speak to her now!
D: She's kind of busy what do 당신 want?
B: Its really important Dan i need to ask her something!
D: Maybe i can help? Unless of course it's girl stuff....thats not...
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 Hot New Couple!
Hot New Couple!
Dont get bored with the building up a storyline....and also trying to get 더 많이 of the characters involved!

Episode 05- East Side Story

Gossip Girl: # Rumour has it that Chuck 베이스 and Blair Waldorf are going steady? Is there such thing as a happy ending? We surely hope not...otherwise there would be nothing to gossip about! 당신 know 당신 사랑 me xoxo #

Nate and Chuck are hanging out.
It's the 일 after Blair and Chuck got together. They had spent the 이전 night together, their first time as a couple, so this is their official second...
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added by ilibrucasOTH
Source: 1024 x 768
I didn't make it but I loved these scenes they were so sad but amazing!
blair & chuck
added by Nibylandija
credit; Rosedu62590.
레이튼 미스터
에드 웨스트윅
blair & chuck
added by laurik2007