Aizen The Proposal Remix One

violagal posted on Nov 05, 2009 at 01:32AM
there i was me in front of grimmjow staring into his liquid brown eyes staring in mine. "carolinia resden will you marry me " grimmjow asked as he knelt down . "i-i-i-i will have too think about it"i said later that day i was in my dorm there was a loud knock on the door. "hello?" i answered it was keska all of a sudden there was a sharp pain in my lower back then everything went black....

comment me peace

Aizen 10 replies

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over a year ago violagal said…
big smile
over a year ago isabellschiffer said…
your writing is very good but you will have to work on your characters personalities, sorry!
over a year ago violagal said…
well sorry 4 not being like your not so well written but good story's geez link
over a year ago isabellschiffer said…
well all i am saying is that Grimmjow would never get down on his knees and propose he would probably have a hard time expressing his deep feeling of love towards Carolinia.. im not saying you shouldnt continue please go on!
over a year ago violagal said…
mmm okay your right excuse my bad behavior hey i got an idea lets be friends
over a year ago isabellschiffer said…
over a year ago violagal said…
sike !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you dont treat my friends like that
over a year ago violagal said…
or maybe not cat we will see
over a year ago isabellschiffer said…
u know its against the Order to call me that.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
big smile
I liked it. I thought it was good. It changed up how everyone else writes, like they stick with the characters personality. I really liked it. ^^